HELP identifying videos


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
Recently, I've been seeing Japanese Anal Dildo video clips online. Usually the actress has her vagina covered by some type of band-aid, and they ride large dildos in their ass.

Can someone give me a idea of the title or studio that produces these? I'd like to find/purchase some of them, but I'm not having any luck finding information.



Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Hello, Killerut. I don't want what happened to you the last time. Yes, you've been a member since 2011, and this is only your second post. You received no answers the first time you wrote, about a year ago, and it covered the same question. I don't want you to be greeted by silence again, as though everyone is ignoring you. You see, it would be nice for you to be encouraged to speak up more often.

So what I was going to suggest was, since nobody knows what you were referring to with "Japanese Anal Dildo video clips online" (I should say, at least I had no idea), you ought to have presented some examples. When I checked your first post, you had included one link on xHamster. I didn't watch it carefully, but I noticed there was some writing on it that may or may not offer clues. Do consider posting more of such links, if you have them. (Your potential helpers will need a lot more to go by, I would think.)

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