Green New Posts Glitch


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It looks like all of the posts that were made starting 2 days ago are not clearing in the cookies as being already read or seen. So basically, as people reply to threads, I'm seeing more and more green on the main forum index and more and more bold thread titles on each forum.

Is this just me? I'll try clearing my cache to see if it fixes it, but just thought I'd mention it.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
rollyco has changed the system for better performance.

means that all post are to be seen as new, only those you made yourself are not to be seen anymore in your user CP as system now thinks you know about it.

My list is 500 entries long, the only way to get back to normal is to view the posts again, I view a few each time I open the user CP so the list will be done some day to look like it did before the change.

The edit post function has been changed too, you have a quick window first and you can switch to go advanced then if you want.

We all have to get used to it first, so you´re neither alone nor the only one...

edit: was written when chompy made his post at the same time...


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
You can still see new posts since last visit:

1) Click New Posts
2) All posts above the line reading The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts were made after your last visit.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
Actually it's not for performance. It's for convenience. Though how convenient it is depends on your perspective.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
I´m done with it already...

I viewed all posts in my user CP still marked as new and now it looks like it was before, it just was some effort...


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
The one thing that will take getting used to (for me) is this, so I'll offer it as advice to others in case they're confused by the same problem:

I logged in this morning and saw that there were new posts in about half of the forums. I read very few forums, so naturally I only clicked on the ones I like and read those threads (if any). Then I left.

When I came back later in the morning, I was surprised to see so many green posts still. That was when I realized that these were the ones I'd chosen not to read earlier that morning. In other words, from now on, I have to get into the habit of clicking "Mark Forums Read" once I am done reading the threads that I care about. Because I am not used to doing this, I was caught offguard. Maybe some of you will be too. I had been thinking that I only needed to click "Mark Forums Read" once and then I'd be done, but that isn't the case. You'll need to click "Mark Forums Read" every single time you're ready to leave AO for the moment if you want to ensure that the only green posts you see when you come back are ones which were made during your absence.

So here's my tip to myself and to you guys if you're having similar confusion: get into the habit of clicking "Mark Forums Read" every time you're prepared to navigate away from AO. That way you can be sure that when you return it will only report the newest posts and not the newest posts plus the old ones you elected not to read earlier.

This advice obviously doesn't apply to those of you who like to have any post you have not yet read be indicated as unread. :) This advice is only intended for those who do not like to see bold titles in forums they consider to have "fully read" and don't wish to click on each thread link one at a time.


No more JI - Retired from AO
Apr 2, 2008
I like the new 'edit post' window. I was wondering if similar could be done with 'reply to thread'.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
You'll need to click "Mark Forums Read" every single time you're ready to leave AO
That's not strictly necessary. The forum still keeps track of your last visit, and displays a separator that reads "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ehh, afaik from this morning those threads were still lumped in as green on the Main Index page, which for my purposes is one and the same as being "new posts" because I glance at the Main Index to see what's new and what isn't.

But I'll look into it, Rolly. Maybe this is less OCD-clicky requiring than I thought it would be.

EDIT: Here's a picture to show what I mean, with explanatory text.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
I see what you mean. I never look on the Main Index page, instead I rely on

New Posts
User CP (to manage my subscriptions)
Quick Links > Today's Posts

Additionally, I've customized the list of excluded forums in my profile options, so I don't see threads in forums I have no interest in. I really have no need to ever visit the Main Index page.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I'd created a second diagram in the time you replied ^_^; , so while it seems you get what I mean ... I'd like to submit this anyway since I took so much time to make it. ^^;

Hopefully this diagram will explain to other readers what we're talking about. And like we've identified, it is relevant specifically to discussion of seeing what's new and old from the main forum index and not by means of the Search feature, the User CP, etc.

As for reasons ... well, I'm old school, I guess. I like to visit the main forum index as a splashboard for my activities. It helps keep me grounded. I'd rather have only one bookmark for the site -- the main index -- than have one for my CPanel, one for each of the forums or subforums I like, etc. So I click on my one bookmark for Akiba, up loads the main index, and from there I can proceed to navigate through the boards without any hassle (from my perspective). But for someone who prefers to load things on a forum-by-forum or even thread-by-thread basis (as suggesting by your New Posts link. I could never stand to do that personally! Too much all on one page! ^_^; But if it works for you, great. :) ), I can see how this never came up.

Anyway, on to the picture, and then I'm afk for a while. Thanks for your polite and fast response time, btw!


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
That's the way the new system works, sorry.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
That's fine: it just means (going back to what we said last page) that I was right in the end that we will have to get accustomed to clicking "Mark Forums Read" upon exit every single time if it matters to us.

I wasn't asking for a change, so much as I was trying to clear up if my proposal was strictly necessary for like-minded people or not. And now it seems that we've identified that it will be necessary, and that the only way around it is to no longer use the main index, something I'd rather not do even if it does mean having to click that one link once per session. Clicking an extra link vs. changing how I browse forums, not a tough decision to make, really. ;) I'm disappointed, but meh: not my site, and whatever it takes to make it run better.


Jan 13, 2007
Ah, sorry about the thread I started on this issue. I looked for other threads, but the title of this one didn't jump out as being related.

Anyway, not the end of the world, I'll just have to get used to using the 'mark forums read' link to keep track of new posts between visits.

Kenpachi God

Cpt. Of the 11th Squad
Apr 23, 2009
oh that makes sense i thought i had set my options up wrong