General wants to whip Japan's wimpy civilians


Mar 2, 2010
Former chief of staff of Japan’s Air Self Defense Force, General Toshio Tamogami, was dismissed in 2008 after he published a politically incorrect magazine article... he now spends part of his retirement writing a weekly column for Asahi Geino.

... in his latest installment (June 14), he turns his attention to the status of Japan’s civilians, particularly young males, who he complains have “no gumption.”


Tamogami admits... while it’s important to take proactive measures to avoid injuries, won’t children become tougher after they’ve experienced a few bruises and scrapes? It used to be a natural part of growing up; but due to over protectiveness children are insulated from learning from their stumbles and falls.

In primary and middle school, children are constantly admonished, being told “You can’t do this” or “You can’t do that,” and they grow up not knowing how to wield their own power. In other words, the have few experiences to stir up their motivation.

His point, it appears, is that sometimes kids benefit from having some sense knocked into their heads.

“It has already been some time since corporal punishment was banned outright,” he writes. “But for children who don’t listen to adults, how can you make them learn anything without the application of one or two fists?”


Active Member
Sep 4, 2009
Not sure one or two fists are the answer. If the problems are constant admonishments, and naysaying, how can a beating or spanking boost confidence?


Tentacle Cultist ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
May 8, 2010
Not sure one or two fists are the answer. If the problems are constant admonishments, and naysaying, how can a beating or spanking boost confidence?

Is not an infallible method. But he's actually quite right. I understand he is not talking about being really tough with the young population. But, the man has a worthy point in his statement.

Despite being a little bit rude i can't see how saying something alike could lead to a sanction. It's just his personal point of view.

Japan is in some kind of social crisis right now. Low Birth rates, Low marriage rates, lack of interest in make a familly.

Family is the basic unit of human society.

Well perhaps i've strayed from the main topic... i mean, Valor, willpower, desire to succeed, and maturity... those things can only be achieved trough the hard things in life. There are no shortcuts. The easy life makes society more propense to be weak, and eventually wither.


Jan 1, 2010
A balanced "reward & punishment" should works best Instead of higlighting onlye the :sadomaso: punishment :sadomaso: part