fascination of vomit (and scat)?


New Member
Oct 2, 2011
hey, first off, it is not my intention to offend anyone. i am a curious and open minded human beeing and i want to learn as much as possible on this short journey we call "life".

i was just browsing this forum and stumbled upon (again) some scat and vomit stuff. everyone has his/her own fetishes. i do have my fetishes. but scat and vomit is not something that gets me off. i'm a deep throat fan, so i'm not totally disgusted by vomit fetishs but vomiting and then eating it again and stuff like that is too much for me. scat is wayyyy too much for me.

so, i am curious, what it is that gets you of about vomit and/or scat? do you even know why you get an erection watching this? i'm personally not even sure myself why i like this and that, so i don't know if it's even possible to answer this question.

again, plz don't take this as offending. i am just curious and i want to learn and try to understand.



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Well I am absolutely turned off by scat and vomit, but I love watching women pee if that counts. My reason for that being that urination is one of the most private things that we humans do, and to penetrate the barrier of embarrassment and seeing it up close is just exciting to me. I'm guessing that might be the reason for those into scat too? Piss is just water so it's beautiful, but human waste and vomit are too gross imo.

Your question made me think about the root of our interests in porn, which I've never given much thought about. What's your reason for liking deep throat and the slight vomit then? I'm not naturally a fan of deep throat but I loved ATID182, because the guy displays so much dominance over the girl who expresses reluctance throughout. You need to see that if you're into those.


New Member
Oct 2, 2011
why i like deep throat? or why i like my other fetishs, like hardcore anal sex? i don't even know for sure myself. i also like long tounges getting either sucked on or penetrating all sorts of holes. why? i don't exactly know.

i "think", i am into deep throat because a woman gets reduced to just a mouth. she stops beeing a woman and becomes a thing. that's probably a pretty dark motivation to watch this and i should probably seek help but i don't know. :) in real life, i don't reduce women to things and i do not "skull fuck" other women but i like watching it in porn movies.

i like anal because it's different than your usual in out in out vaginal sex. and it looks good in porn but i wouldn't wanna fuck a woman in her anus in real life either. i know what's in there. ;)

it sure is a interesting topic, why we have our fetishs. we probably need a doctor to tell us why we have these fetishs. :)


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Are there people who actually get turned on by vomit and scat? Of course there must be, although I can't see how it works. I remember a claim that Adolf Hitler got turned on, I believe via the "relationship" with his niece (if memory serves), by kaka (there's a special word for kakaophiles that I'm too lazy to look up now), and not that I'm defending Der Fuehrer, but he's the one guy anyone can make a bad claim about without too many complaints. (In this case, though... it's easier to keep one's skepticism at bay.)

My first exposure to these elements had to do with, what the hell is this? Like the compulsion to view the aftermath of a bad car accident. Of course, the fascination wears off after that one time; one grins and bears later encounters. But I can intellectualize the allure, and it boils down to women being traditionally proper. That may be why, or part of the reason why, there's an attraction to seeing women in situations that are not proper, such as catfights. The graphical viewing of a woman releasing excrement? That's for the guys in "Jackass," not for a lady.

That has nothing to do with misogynism; I think it's common for men, in the privacy of their own perverted fantasies, to reduce a woman to an object, or as Hmaulwurf88 nicely put it, "she stops being a woman and becomes a thing." Yet as Hmaulwurf88 smartly continued, the fantasy is one thing, real life is another. Real men love and respect women.

Getting back to the appeal of the gross, there's a world of difference between "oh, look!" and actually getting turned on. These are intangible concepts and are difficult to convey clinically, and semi-scientifically.

I liked the way you sensitively broached this uncomfortable topic, Hmaulwurf88, and the way in which you conveyed your ideas. I see in the first of your very few messages on Akiba-Online, you wrote, "i don't have a lot of posts here and i am usually the quiet reader." Too bad; you ought to prattle more.

And Zen10101, that was a good connection you made between the pee and the crap, in an attempt to understand why the feces fascinates. A woman urinating doesn't really turn me on, but it's usually a pleasure to watch, because of the embarrassment factor. Bathroom "Number Two" goes to the next level, but most of us are too busy going "Blee-ecchh!" to even allow for the pleasure value to set in.

I also commend you for coming up with a JAV example to illustrate one of your views; that's a talent I wish I had, to pinpoint a film in particular at what might be the drop of a hat. I did happen to possess ATID-182, and I fast-forwarded to get a better idea of what you meant.

For those interested, the film is "Female Investigator - Take Down An Organization That's Smuggling Weapons," and the star is Rina Fujimoto, who sports an appropriate sophistication to her beauty. (Which is welcome in a role as this, instead of the actresses who look like kids.) As an extra bonus, the main villain is played by Tenant, aka Jitta Hanaoka, or "The Beast." You can count on him to deliver the goods.


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New Member
Mar 2, 2007
Well I am absolutely turned off by scat and vomit, but I love watching women pee if that counts. My reason for that being that urination is one of the most private things that we humans do, and to penetrate the barrier of embarrassment and seeing it up close is just exciting to me. I'm guessing that might be the reason for those into scat too? Piss is just water so it's beautiful, but human waste and vomit are too gross imo.
I wouldn't mind at all seeing, let's say, Sora Aoi pee. Her having a dump wouldn't bother me. But the playing with it, etc...it is just gross. Like vomit.