do we care on our G-spot as much as we do to our women's?


New Member
May 29, 2008
Have we ever thought about it when women do it for us on our G-spot? When we know too much about satifisying ourselves and making women feel good??


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
Have we ever thought about it when women do it for us on our G-spot?

Sorry dude I don't understand what you mean by that...

Personally I don't want any woman (or man) going near my bumhole....:shiver:


New Member
May 29, 2008
I think u dont know that we men have our own G spot similar to women's... go and do some research on it yourself


New Member
May 29, 2008
LOL.. if I am not wrong.. u will see some straight men will ask their women to insert their finger inside their anus or lick it up... like we do lick to our women on their pussies or lick their anus and insert our dick and do anal sex... isnt it common?


New Member
Feb 8, 2009
i've heard of it but i've never asked any girl to do that for me, nor have i ever tried it myself.


New Member
May 29, 2008
glomp u cant try it yourself.. likewise we perform oral sex on girls.. she should do likewise for us.. some girls like to perform to the extent of licking on our anus.. it is like a ticklish feeling but somehow good depending on her skill.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I would hardly call pressing on the prostate "a man's G-spot." Seems like a forced comparison to me. The impression I get from men who have been anally penetrated is that it "feels good" but doesn't create the trembling, flailing orgasm we see with women and their G-spots. A woman whose G-spot is mercilessly triggered over and over can temporarily become completely idiotic and limp; I've never heard of any such thing for men who receive anal sex.

Whether prostatic stimulation is worth the risks associated with anal sex is up to each man to decide for himself.

As for licking the perianal region, I really have to advise against that as a medical student. So, so many bacterial and viral diseases are transmitted fecal-orally. Normally you get them by not washing your hands after wiping your butt, touching door knobs and stuff, and then other people touch those too and then put their fingers to their lips or in their mouths (like when eating a sandwich and licking off some sauce). But if your sex partner has gotten sick with something and doesn't yet know it, you've got a damn good chance of getting sick yourself if you lick his or her asshole. You'd be better off kissing them in the mouth, on unbroken skin, or in the vagina. If you are going to lick your sex partner's perianal region or stick your fingers up his or her butt and then place them to your eyes or mouth, I would at the very least strongly urge that you only do so with a dedicated sex partner; that they clean their rectum well (by sticking their fingers up there during a pre-sex shower and cleaning out any microdebris); and that you be in good health (and not be somebody with a weak immune system, like an AIDS patient or an organ transplant recipient).


New Member
May 29, 2008
Sakunyuusha, then u had better be off as asexual, no man or woman to get hIV or sti.. right? Isnt a vagina known as a large reservoir for having many kinds of bactieria? what do we men do about it?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
The vaginal flora are different from the anal flora. It's that simple: a bunch of Lactobacilli in your mouth is a-okay, but a bunch of E.coli isn't.

Look at it this way: the human mouth is filled with bacteria. The human skin is covered with bacteria. Kissing and licking are okay. The only reason licking the anus isn't okay (once we get over the "EWW! FECES!" gross-out factor) is that the anus is colonized by bacteria which can pose a health risk when spread fecal-orally.