Delicate young brunette AMWF


New Member
Nov 7, 2012

Could somebody tell me who's that brunette from the third scene , the one just before Rikki Six?



Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Don't you think you could have done a little more work with your question there, Gaijin69? First, you're making your potential helper hunt for what movie this is from; it's your job to allow for your potential helper to spend as little time as possible, because you know research can be very time-consuming. It would have been courteous to provide the DVD code.

Next, when I first looked at the thumbs, at first it appeared there was only one brunette. Only when I scrutinized could I see there were three brunettes, and two blondes. (I guess the first blonde is "Rikki Six." Is she so recognizable and well known? I have never heard of Rikki Six, and I didn't know whom you were referring to.)

If that's the brunette you're looking for, there's only one fuzzy close-up at the 1:00:55 mark; unless someone is very familiar with this actress, that's not much to work on. Couldn't you have come up better pictures, especially if you own the movie?

I was about to suggest that you may have better luck posting this question at the Collection of JAV with white actresses (and a few black ones too) thread, where I noticed on (what is now) the next-to-last page, this movie has just been made available for download. (Members who frequent that thread have a much better bead on Western actresses.)

Now that I looked at (what is at this point the last) Page 761, I see you have already done so, and Member Choiestin has come up with the answer of 'Timea' for you.

Whether or not that's correct, I'm sure you'll thank him for his effort, and hopefully you were planning on coming back to this thread of yours, to inform of the solution... in order to save potential helpers any more wasted time.

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