Current Events JAV


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Extreme water/wind disasters are unfortunately not uncommon to nations of the Far East. Whenever we run into words such as "monsoon" or "tsunami," we can almost bet that the affected country will be someplace like the Philippines... or Japan.

Why, just the other day, I saw heartbreaking footage on a news program recounting the effects of some typhoon near Tokyo. I figured it must have been pretty bad, because ordinarily the U.S. News does not care about what happens in the rest of the world. (It's got to be almost sensational, before the American media picks up on it... for more than just a couple of sentences, anyway.)

(Come to think of it, I may have seen this footage on the Al-Jazeera cable-TV network... so who knows how much the regular U.S. mainstream media has paid attention.)

I just ran a search to see what this typhoon was, and I guess it was called Typhoon Etau. Yet on the first page alone of Google hits, I am also seeing there was another recent one, Typhoon Phanfone... and only last month, there was one called Goni. (I hope not so named because when Goni hits you, you could be a Goner.) Boy! Not that typhoons are unusual in this part of the world, but three, almost in a row? (Maybe there is something to this climate change business.)

Anyway, the sad tragedy aspect aside, I saw the cover of recent release UGSS-064. The cover lady intrigued me, as it seemed like she was in some sort of trouble... but since no English-language JAV-related site has listed this one yet, I had to go to old DMM to try and figure out what was going on.

Turned out the story concerned (here's the translated title):

Trains also stop in a large typhoon direct hit! Unfortunately I emergency refuge in the house of friends! Then a friend of Bisho wet appearance Mom is, to invite me to the "Do not refrain from" ...

They mixed up typhoons and smut!

I couldn't help being impressed. I thought that was kind of clever.

It's not unusual for the media to do takes on what's happening around us. American entertainment media is famous for taking the latest event that has gripped the nation's interest, immediately turning it into (usually) a television movie.

I wonder who the actress in the first scene may be, the one with the prominent nose. (This is just a "by the way" question, because if I really wanted to know, I would open up a thread at the Identification section.)


At any rate, while I'm sure there have been others, I'm not able to think of other JAVs based on current events (and in this case, since typhoons are "always" events, let's perhaps more precisely say stories or ideas out of the news)... can you?



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Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Still I would go for candidate no. 3. ;) Also I don't know her name...

But back to the topic: No, beside these "I'm soaked from the rain and I'm arriving at home" and "I'm soaked from the rain and on the way home" I don't know any movies of that kind. I'm also not really sure what you expect. What could there be except this? Earthquakes? Landslides? Tsunamis? An eruption of a volcano? I guess these are all disasters which would be available. And I hardly can think about a JAV movie featuring them. At least it would be interesting how the plot would be. ;)


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Oh, no, Codegeek, I wasn't focusing on natural disasters (and I know about those charming "rain" movies you referred to, but those are of a completely different stripe); the thread's title is "Current Events." (Meaning anything in the news that grabs the public's fancy, leading to media-makers' exploitation of the story or idea. For example, years ago Americans could not get enough of the O.J. Simpson drama, and at least one TV-movie resulted. As another example, I know of one small-time independent effort that took the Columbine school shootings as its setting, winding up with a trashy shoot-em-up. Far as porn, when Sarah Palin was the rage, you can bet U.S. porn-makers hired Lisa Ann and others for exploitation purposes. With the latter, I'm aware of JAV that has featured lookalikes of Japanese teen singers and other celebrities, but... that kind of thing wasn't really what I was getting at.) I can't imagine there would be too many JAVs following the same path, and that's why the one I wrote about made an impression.

Hitomi Ohhashi! I've got movies with her, and I like her very much... now I feel like looking more into her. (Thanks, Casshern2.)

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Active Member
Feb 27, 2013
Not to make light of serious tragedies, but if they were making JAV using plotlines from the 1950s, exposure to radiation would cause Japanese women to grow enormous breasts and man-eating vaginas.

Sequel: Godzilla meets Attack of the 50 ft Woman


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Oh, no, Codegeek, I wasn't focusing on natural disasters (and I know about those charming "rain" movies you referred to, but those are of a completely different stripe); the thread's title is "Current Events." (Meaning anything in the news that grabs the public's fancy, leading to media-makers' exploitation of the story or idea. For example, years ago Americans could not get enough of the O.J. Simpson drama, and at least one TV-movie resulted. As another example, I know of one small-time independent effort that took the Columbine school shootings as its setting, winding up with a trashy shoot-em-up. Far as porn, when Sarah Palin was the rage, you can bet U.S. porn-makers hired Lisa Ann and others for exploitation purposes. With the latter, I'm aware of JAV that has featured lookalikes of Japanese teen singers and other celebrities, but... that kind of thing wasn't really what I was getting at.) I can't imagine there would be too many JAVs following the same path, and that's why the one I wrote about made an impression.

I'm sorry. I guess I got it wrong. :( In this case I have to say that I don't know much about current events in Japan. Okay, the heavy rain which was fallen lately. But that's all. Most of the time is only about weather phenomenon. Maybe I see and hear something about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and that some Japanese people protest against the reactivation of their power plants. Maybe also about the disputes with China and South Korea as well as the fact that they haven't official asking for forgiveness about what they have done during WWII. And then there are smaller thing (look for the VICE channel on YouTube and then search for some of their reports about Japan). But I don't know if you can make any JAV movie related to that. Making a porn movie related to Sarah Palin is surely much easier and more obvious. ;)