Can someone Explain What's This Movie (STAR-3063) is About?


Smut Hunter
Apr 17, 2012
I found a JAV post STAR-3063

I watch the preview and i notice something red. I assumed it was just part of the act, cause it really looked fake. But for my minds peace, I translated the japanese title and the result wasn't clear. So can someone please explain what this movie is about??? If everything is just an act or is it really for real?

:evil::evil: Thank you :evil::evil:


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Hello, Prophetomega; I have not seen the movie, but looking at the translations and the imagery tells us that STAR-3063's selling point is that the experience was the leading lady's first time... thus, the bloody mess. I'm not ruling out the possibility that there may be genuineness in the proceedings, but the general rule of porn is, one can rarely believe the claims. One DMM reviewer ("Bird"), who has presumably seen the movie, appears convinced that the scenes witnessed signified "Virgin also, not the real thing." (Not that such an opinion would be conclusive, simply one of the factors we may wish to take into consideration.) In addition, it would be easy to simulate the red liquid, and one other matter that concerns me is a woman's loss of virginity generally does not result in the gobs of blood seen on the bottom-left of the back cover. (In societies that place value on a woman's purity, after the wedding night, bedsheets are hung out the windows to show to the world the new bride has indeed been deflowered; the amount of released blood is usually not that plentiful.) My conclusion would veer toward the shock value the Japanese and other nations' porn makers enjoy highlighting; the fact they chose to overdo their selling point already provides for skepticism. (We should not minimize your first instinct either... you did not sound convinced with what you viewed.)