Can anyone identify this girl from CRPD-288 japanese fantasy, r*** of the whole class


New Member
Jun 14, 2012
Can anyone identify this girl from CRPD-288 japanese fantasy, r*** of the whole class...





New Member
Nov 19, 2008
i love porn...but this is SICK....i don't think those girls are even


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Tracking the little missy down


Dear Kimbaa,

I don't know the answer. By this stage, the odds are no one else will, either. But I do have a suggestion as to how you may track your actress down, although it will entail work. But you're a white lion, so you can do it. (Hold on, just noticed the "baa" part of your moniker. Okay, maybe you're a white sheep. But sheep can be just as hard-working as lions, or at least so says the United Lambs Association.)

I hope you're able to access the coy DMM site, and if not, there is a thread around here (I believe it was put up by the very helpful Codegeek) instructing how. DMM's page for CRPD-288:

Here is their cast list for the film:

Nana Oshikiri

Rui Hazuki

Wakatsuki Yuna

Anri love the river

Rika Wakatsuki

Hinata Mahiru

Sayaka Honami

Azusa Nagai

Karen Ichinose

Nakasako Yuka

Of course, a few of the translated names from the list above are wrong, such as (obviously) "Anri love the river," and I wouldn't be surprised if a good several did not reverse the first and last names.

But the probability of your actress being among the ten listed is very strong, so you would need to research what each of the others look like from their other works. You'd probably be able to make the match.

To help facilitate this time-consuming job, you may want to also use a friendlier site I prefer using for research purposes, For example, their page for Karen Ichinose is here:

See, they have a handy portrait of the performer; that could help. The actresses' bodies of work are also available in an easier-to-dissect manner (although this site is not as comprehensive as the DMM one; for example, we can see CRPD-288 is missing from Karen's page.)

(And the reason why CRPD-288 was missing could have a lot to do with the fact that - as I just discovered - this site apparently does not even list CRPD-288!)

Unfortunately, not all actresses' page are going to come up as easily; I just threw in "Nakasako Yuka" - and also "Nakasako Yuka," in case the first and last names were reversed - and she's either not listed, or one would need to wade through the many page results that came up. It helps sometimes to check out the product I.D. number of a film an actress has appeared in (from the DMM site; you can also try, and if the asianscreens site comes up with a result, you will have found the actress' page.


As for the rest of you who patiently followed these instructions all the way to this point, let me offer you a link for the film that Kimbaa was inquiring about... in case you would be curious to check it out: here it is.



Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Sougouwiki features even a longer list of performers:
You have to search for "睡眠ガス女子校ジャック クラス丸ごと輪姦レイプ (CROSS)" via your browser search function.
I guess the only way is to click on every performer link and to compare their faces.

@jugulear: Thanks. But I only started the how-to-access-the-DMM-website thread. I didn't support any solution. These were suggest by others. :joker:


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I know, pal: but the point is, had you not started the DMM thread, there would have been no solution. You're one of the major forces around here who gets to the bottom of things, so that all may benefit.

You've got brain cells to spare, as well; for example, I had once quickly visited the Sougouwiki site, and couldn't make heads or tails of it. Thought I'd try again once you made mention, and gave their search function a try. Put in "CRPD-288" as an example, and got diverted to DMM. I followed your instruction by inserting the Japanese line ending in CROSS in my regular browser's Google bar, and the top result was the DMM page again... no sign of Sougouwiki. I guess I would need two or three weeks to figure my way around there, but I have the feeling you got it in a snap.


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Thanks, thanks. :tea:

To your problem about again on the DMM page: You shouldn't just simply click on the title link or the cover shot (which really contain links to DMM). You have to use the list of names which will redirect you to the Sougowiki article of the respective performers. Maybe I should have also mentioned. :tehheh: Sorry. :bow-pray: