Buying old JAV in Tokyo.


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
First off, I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Japan or JAV discussion thread, but since my question is about shopping and not really about the movies themselves I put it here. Feel free to move it if the other forum is better after all.

When I'm visiting Tokyo next week, I may have some time left to go JAV shopping. (Not sure yet, my schedule can still change.) Can anybody give me some advice on where I'm most likely to find older JAV, in particular IEnergie movies from 2007? With all the movies coming out each week I'm assuming most stores won't have stuff that old. Are there any places that do have lots of old stuff? Preferably places where they don't mind I don't speak Japanese.


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
Nobody has any ideas? Are these just impossible to find?


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
I have been to Japan / Tokyo only one time. And only for a few days. So I can't help you. Sorry.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Akihabara DVD stores might be a place to start? They will certainly have new stuff but there might be one or two with older JAV, or they may be able to point you in the direction of a store that does.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
Ohmigawd! Did nobody else here have the courtesy of directing electromog towards my posts in the Your Stash rubric?!
Electromog, I apologize, although I do not really have to. There are lots of shops where to obtain real JAVs in Tokyo / Yokohama without having to blow your budget.
I have a soft rule of not paying more than ¥500 for any one JAV.
I've done well at buying JAVs, usually from Next 11 Co, @ Don Quijote shops. This most recent trip of mine, all the Donkis (not just the one in Akiba) I visited had a spindle of thirty (30) JAVs- just the bare DVDs, for ¥3,000! Just which ones you'll get are a mystery, but come on, ¥100 a DVD - how can you go wrong?!
Next 11 Co also compiled 6-disc compilations of themed JAVs @ Donki for ¥3,120. They're under the "KANZ" label on JAVLibrary. com. Next 11 Co tends to stay away from age themes, but you can find incest dramas, "apartment wife" stories, and even a compilation which included a "vacationing females on a deserted island attacked by an ape"(!) JAV.
These last two trips, I've done better than expected finding 2nd-hand JAVs @ Book-Off shops. Again, I do not spend more than ¥500 per JAV. The lowest-priced JAVs are ¥200 or ¥250. The racks are sorted by price, which saves time.
More astounding is what I've found at TSUTAYA video rental shops. Go into one. Go up to the 2nd floor. Find the occluded Adult section. Enter it. This being Japan, nobody will be alarmed that you're going in it. Then discover the lower rack with ex-rental JAVs, mostly from KM Produce (Million, Bazooka), and spot the ones being sold off for ¥500 - but, with a typical deal in which if you buy in multiples of three, each JAV is only ¥300 each. These JAVs are from no earlier than 2012. At the TSUTAYA in Kichijoji, two of them featured Yuri Shinomiya. All the JAVs are in a slim plastic sleeve with only the disc and its box cover. Very handy for stashing in your carry-on baggage. If you have some comprehension in Japanese, you could even put these DVDs on your credit card.
Finally, in Ota Ward, west of the Keikyu Kamata train station, there is a shopping street with at least three shops selling a variety of DVDs, including JAVs, for as little as ¥100! You do need cash here. The discs are in the same slim packaging.
Go there. Go there now. You'll get ¥119 for $1. You can clean them out. The shops' owners will love you for this.
Bring them back and let us know what you obtained.
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Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
vincent is right. While there are no shops in particular I can recommend it's honestly really easy to find shops that sell AV but as you're specifically interested in older stuff it's gonna be a bit more difficult. Not impossible or course. Akihabara is your best bet. Just look for the DVD logo or a DVD shop.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
May I chip in?
Vintage AV on DVD may or may not be "Upscaled" to DVD quality. Many "DVD" disks in a sleeve are "Copies" of older VHS type tapes, spun off to a DVD. Quality often suffers. Searching for AV from years past has been successful using "Bing" as they have pretty much everything ever made in AV, streaming in real time, and for the most part, FREE!
An example is here:

Turn off the "Safe Search" filter, and it's all there.

For black and white vintage, specify the year: japanese porn&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=

Using a download add on in Firefox, these can be saved to your local disk.

Most or the real old stuff will be low res.. butt so what.. It's great stuff.

The worst case, you can use this to preview potential purchases. (Actresses, titles, etc.)
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Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
I got what I needed in the end thanks to a helpful mod. My problem was I wanted an actual DVD, not some download from the web. I already had that. There aren't many sites that ship JAV DVDs around the world for some reason.