bad news for those "Pinoy" LOLI lovers


Mar 28, 2008
:XD: better change your fetish now :XD:

note: this bill is only for the Philippines

House wants to ban pornographic cartoon
12 April 2009 10:30:30 AM
Writer: J. Camero / I. Yambot Jr., MRS-PRIB

Hentai, the Japanese pornographic cartoon that depicts children in explicit sexual activity, is considered child pornography material and one may be severely penalized by just mere possession of it.

A bill banning this pornographic cartoon was approved recently by the Joint House Committees on Justice and Welfare of Children chaired by Rep. Matias Defensor (3rd District, Quezon City) and Rep. Monica Prieto-Teodoro (1st District, Tarlac), respectively.

Prieto-Teodoro, one of the authors of the measure, said the bill penalizes the offenders who sell, offer, advertise, and promote child pornography; and have been found to possess, download, purchase, reproduce, or make available child pornography materials with the intent of selling or distributing them.

Prieto-Teodoro said child pornography material refers to the means and methods in which a child carries out pornography.

"It can be in forms of visual depiction, audio representation and written text or materials that advocate explicit sexual activity with a child," Prieto-Teodoro said.

She explained that the said images of real and indistinguishable children in films, digital images or computer images, whether made or produced electronically or mechanically; drawings, cartoons, sculptures or paintings depicting children in an explicit sexual activity are just some of the visual depictions considered as child pornography materials.

Prieto-Teodoro said there is a need for a legislative measure to address this disturbing social phenomena considering that the provisions of RA7160 or the Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act are mainly related to child prostitution and do not provide adequate protection to victims of other forms of sexual exploitation particularly child pornography.

Rep. Darlene R. Antonino-Custodio (1st District, South Cotabato) another author of the bill to be known as the "Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009", said the Internet which is used for gaining knowledge is being used by some as a medium to gratify sexual desire.

"Once the picture of child victim is flashed either on the Internet or video clip, the picture is open for the entire world to see. The child loses his or her privacy and innocence which can never be restored," Antonino-Custodio said.

"Adults indulging in child pornography either by purchasing, viewing or producing them, should be subjected to the most severe punishments,"Antonino-Custodio said.

Under the bill, child pornography refers to any representation of a child below 18 years of age, engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child primarily for sexual purposes.

The bill provides that the mere possession of drawings, cartoons, digital images, computer-generated images -- even if it is indistinguishable from that of real children engaging in an explicit sexual activity – may be penalized with 6 to 12 years imprisonment and a fine of not more than P500,000.

The measure also imposes 12 to 20 years imprisonment and a fine of not more than P2 million to violators who have been found guilty of committing unlawful acts such as hiring, employing, using, persuading, inducing, or coercing a child to perform in the production of child pornography, including its production people.

Other authors of the bill are Reps. Rene M. Velarde (Party-List, BUHAY), Ignacio T. Arroyo (5th District, Negros Occidental), Rufus B. Rodriguez (2nd District, Cagayan de Oro), Narciso D. Santiago III (Party-List, Alliance for Rural Concerns), Matias V. Defensor (2nd District, Quezon City), Jr., Lorenzo Tanada III (4th District, Quezon), Edgardo M. Chatto (1st District, Bohol) and Luzviminda C. Ilagan (Party-List, Gabriela).

and for those who read and download a lot of loli manga like this better be careful from now on LOL

Kenpachi God

Cpt. Of the 11th Squad
Apr 23, 2009
wow that has to sux


Mar 22, 2008
:XD: better change your fetish now :XD:

LOL you don't change your fetish overnight :XD:
Luckily never a fan of loli but shota ???
What are the odds of police breaking into your house and ransacking your HDD while saying "you're under arrest for possesion of child pornography animes" :lols:


Mar 28, 2008
yeah but i think shota can also be included on that bill..

as long its look like a child :XD:


Feb 27, 2007
:sigh: this really doesn't bode well for Pinoy children. there's always the scary possibily that with the loss of this means to satisfy their desires in a rather safe for children way these people will eventually go after the real thing when they reach the breaking point...


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
X-Death said:
The bill provides that the mere possession of drawings, cartoons, digital images, computer-generated images -- even if it is indistinguishable from that of real children engaging in an explicit sexual activity – may be penalized with 6 to 12 years imprisonment and a fine of not more than P500,000.

Did the writer mean 'distinguishable' instead? Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

X-Death said:
She explained that the said images of real and indistinguishable children in films, digital images or computer images, whether made or produced electronically or mechanically; drawings, cartoons, sculptures or paintings depicting children in an explicit sexual activity are just some of the visual depictions considered as child pornography materials.

Does the use of indistinguishable here again refer to tif we cannot tell that the person portrayed is over 18 years of age? The 'even if' in the earlier section still makes no sense though.

X-Death said:
Hentai, the Japanese pornographic cartoon that depicts children in explicit sexual activity, is considered child pornography material and one may be severely penalized by just mere possession of it.

I find it queer also that here, hentai is generalized to be nothing but child pornography. Is other hentai legal then?

X-Death said:
The measure also imposes 12 to 20 years imprisonment and a fine of not more than P2 million to violators who have been found guilty of committing unlawful acts such as hiring, employing, using, persuading, inducing, or coercing a child to perform in the production of child pornography, including its production people.

This section makes sense since it refers to abuse of real children. But I highly doubt people who make lolicon hentai actually hire real life lolis to model for them. Moral judgment aside, there's no reason to incur such an unnecessary cost.

Overall, it doesn't sound good that it appears they can prosecute as long as the material depicts someone who looks under 18, or cannot be proven to be over 18. How they are going to be able to determine that strictly is going to be an interesting problem unless you're into granny porn.


New Member
Oct 18, 2007
BY LAW: High-explosive firecrackers are banned from being sold during New Year's Eve
FACT: On the countdown to 12, the whole country is engulfed in an explosive revelry that rivals the ordnance of Operation Desert Storm :XD:

BY LAW: pirated goods are punishable by law
FACT: You can get pirated goods from music, movies to enterprise softwares from your friendly neighborhood pirates and they're gracious enough to let you test the product on their units :XD:

The thing is, this country is saddled with incompentent and idiot politicians burdening already the underpaid and overworked police force who would rather just concentrate on high profile cases like homicide and murder. Porn is supposed to be also illegal but is sold openly by sidewalk vendors who disappear like the wind the the police decides to do a "show raid" to appease certain politicians.


Mar 28, 2008
@soleta yeah that bill is quite stupid if they think that hentai is look like a child then be ready to be punished severely hahaha..

here's another one quoted from here
read it if you're interested on this
She said even adults who portray children in a sexually explicit act are liable to be charged with child pornography.

i think they made that bill for the sole reason of stopping the child prostitution and protecting the children in the philippines, since there are too many women that are underage who engage on Live Sex Web Cam (CYBERSEX) and PIRATED CHILD PORN DVD... i think that hentai is an added bonus there when they made that bill.... not sure though LOL

here watch this for some incredible truth. 8Years Old & 4 Years Old??? wth :XD:
Note: the vids is safe so dont worry about it @_@

Yeah Pornography (hentai included) and obscenity are illegal in the philippines if your selling or exposing them in the public but i think possessing them is not i guess... but law regarding internet is not i think they are still lack of provisions on how to deal with it... :dunno:

here some thing for those r**ist who love r*** fetish, seen it somewhere,
incredible that 60percent of men are r**ist LOL, men are really a beast after all hahah

Studies have shown that exposure to pornography leads to the acceptance of the so-called "r*** MYTH".. That is, that women actually enjoy being sexually assaulted. One study revealed that nearly 60 percent of the men surveyed showed indications that they would r*** a woman if they knew they could get away with it.


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
If all pornography is illegal in the Philippines, they could still charge people who possess or distribute child pornography under regular anti-pornography laws couldn't they? Unless they are seeking some sort of more severe punishment or think they will need special measure in dealing with child pornographers.

here's another one quoted from here
read it if you're interested on this

The aim of trying to fight child pornography is more clear in the second article you linked.

"images that encourage or suggest "unlawful sexual activity" with children"

I guess this quote from the second article helps explain why lolicon hentai ended up being classified as child pornography.

i think they made that bill for the sole reason of stopping the child prostitution and protecting the children in the philippines, since there are too many women that are underage who engage on Live Sex Web Cam (CYBERSEX) and PIRATED CHILD PORN DVD... i think that hentai is an added bonus there when they made that bill.... not sure though LOL

An interesting related problem that the US is facing is that underage teens who send pictures of themselves or their underage partners to friends via email or on their handphones have to be registered as sex offenders because they are distributing underage porn. They're not selling the pictures or anything, but they still get charged.

Studies have shown that exposure to pornography leads to the acceptance of the so-called "r*** MYTH".. That is, that women actually enjoy being sexually assaulted. One study revealed that nearly 60 percent of the men surveyed showed indications that they would r*** a woman if they knew they could get away with it.

To be fair, I can't believe such statistics without knowing the source. 60 percent is a hefty number. Although I personally tend to agree that fear of punishment in some form helps keep human behavior in check, there are probably more complex reasons why men might not r***.


Mar 28, 2008
If all pornography is illegal in the Philippines, they could still charge people who
possess or distribute child pornography under regular anti-pornography laws couldn't they? Unless they are seeking some sort of more severe punishment or think they will need special measure in dealing with child pornographers.

Yeah that's how they do.... but i guess they want that bill separate from the anti-porn bill, added some provision, harsh punishment and maybe a wake up call for those offenders that there's a law regarding anti child porn.. who knows :dunno:

i guess possessing porn isn't illegal if its private but possessing loli hentai is not, its a child porn....

too bad for those who lives @ Philippines :XD:


Jul 24, 2008
The thing is, this country is saddled with incompentent and idiot politicians burdening already the underpaid and overworked police force who would rather just concentrate on high profile cases like homicide and murder. Porn is supposed to be also illegal but is sold openly by sidewalk vendors who disappear like the wind the the police decides to do a "show raid" to appease certain politicians.

eeeh? You mean... "EVERY" country, not only one...
The people who come up with all these new terminologies and sometimes dumbfounded notions of knowing how to solve a problem by creating ten new ones, never set foot in the real world to begin with.

One simple example, and (for once) nothing against Norwegians, here is a true story for you....

Lady goes to the doctor for blisters in her mouth.
The doctor is completely baffled how she managed to get genital herpes in
her mouth.

The doctor talks about this for a good hour with his daughter who happens to be a qualified MD herself.

Imagine the doctors distress when his daughter explained the basic principles of a "blowjob" to her father.

Now this happend in 1980's, and imagine today, a doctor not knowning anything about the to date most basic human behavioral patterns during intimacy.

So how can we expect politicians to know, or want to display the fact they remotely understand something about anything without themselves being judged by the same lack of knowledge or rudimentary awareness.

Then again, others may contest this and say that only for the fact we have been exposed to the nature of these things for so long we have become de-sensitized and find some things less disturbing that many others would.

As with much of the US legislation, it is a matter of subjective definitions what is to be determined obscene, whereas war and maiming masses of people on a midnight TV series is fine, blowing up buildings and beating the living daylight out of "friends" (See WWF) it is wrong when two people jump in the sack (in ref. to adult consenting parties now).

Of course CP is wrong and ugly and many fall victim to this unheard of.
Sri Lanka currently is being "lectured" by the West for bombing civilian hospitals, but no one talks about their CP and child prostitution problem which is today greater than the problem ever was in Thailand for instance.

Yet if you travel from Sweden, Germany and other nations to Thailand, they log you in a national database.

When you go to Sri Lanka they simply wave you off with a smile saying "have a nice trip".

I think, before politicians make an attempt to solve a problem, they should learn to recognize the problems and find the real source of it. Not just toss out loosely formulated "undestingushable" definitions which could be loosely implied for anything they see.

Such definitions are the foundation for fascist regimes to do as they please, or dictatorship by abusing popular beliefs for the benefit of some hidden agendas to find more ways to indirectly control and manipulate individual freedoms.

Then again that's my personal opinion. :hero: