Awkward moments at Baltimore anime convention as art form comes of age

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People don't dance no mo'
Sep 27, 2008
Should we say that Germany is a fucked up country because 70 years ago nazis ran it and killed millions of people? Should we say Japan is a fucked up country because 70 years ago they bombed people harbor and were trying to take over China? I am sure that in almost every country we can find something messed up that occurred decades or hundreds of years ago. 70 years ago is not that long ago to many people.We could say that Japan is a country of pedophiles because a small portion of the population likes looking at U15 idol videos that feature pre-pubescent girls in it and read manga or watch cartoons depicted pre-pubescent girls in a sexual manner which people call lolis. Using a country's past or what a small portion of the population does to bash it is idiotic.

see post #13.

I do not think most of the world is brainwashed. I think most of the world just doesn't care what goes on, they are too busy with other things or they know but they what goes but just simply do not care.Basically most people are just apathetic.

just to split hairs, surely apathy is paramount when speaking of brainwashing, in its various forms. docile, apathetic masses has to be what any government needs to do what it does.

i just want to say that i will no longer participate in this conversation ,especially with you EzekialRage. i dont mean this in a personal way (a little self contradictory i know) but nothing in the first part of your reply to my post suggests that you have read and understand what i am trying to say and have some kind of intelligent response to it. you addressed none of my questions and instead made broad sweeping statements that were irrelevant to the topic (of my post) and it seems you will not take this anywhere meaningful.
Apr 11, 2007
Anti-war retards like your self are basically retarded who think have this idiotic idea that we can always just talk things out or that the absence of war is better than letting another country take over yours or to brutalize people.

I'm pretty sure the Vietnamese were happy to be slaughtered and r***ing, only so you could install your puppet Diem. Not to mention the poisoned generations to come from agent orange etc. Ever since WW2, the US have constantly installed and funded temporary solutions like dictators, only to "harvest" them later on, slaughtering hundreds of thousands during the course. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lybia, the African coast... all of this was to defend your freedom from the bad terrorists, right? Oil, irridium and opium had nothing to do with it, right? The US have never dealt with cartels and war lords, right?

It's basicall the same sceme of rinse and repeat... destabilize an area of interest, then send your army of welfare queens in to "secure freedom" and build mop bases.

And since you mentioned Pearl Harbour... I'm sure your necessary step of going nuclear on Hiroshima was perfectly normal as well, right?
It was necessary to end the war, right? And I'm sure if the Japanese nuked YOU and you surrendered, it would be fine too, right?

+ There still IS segregation in the US. Ever since the John Crow movement, the evolution of the modern hyper ghetto is simply a measure to confine and contain the black population, which today is seen as valuable recource since the carceral system has become widely privatized and the "security measures" inside housing projects and schools have reached a level that resembles prison, forming their own industrial branch. And you are aware that in a lot of these places kids receive education on the level of 3rd world countries, right?

+ the sheer fact you so desperately try to fish for my location showcases your poor mind state. I don't believe in nations, religions or any of those artificial borders. The nationalism you celebrate is nothing but a relic of tribes era and in general a sign of low self value, while being used to create the hivemind you're part of.

*Hurr... land of the free... hurr durr... support our troops... hurr... gawd bless 'Merrikkuh... hurr* :vomit:


Jul 23, 2008
i just want to say that i will no longer participate in this conversation ,especially with you EzekialRage. i dont mean this in a personal way (a little self contradictory i know) but nothing in the first part of your reply to my post suggests that you have read and understand what i am trying to say and have some kind of intelligent response to it. you addressed none of my questions and instead made broad sweeping statements that were irrelevant to the topic (of my post) and it seems you will not take this anywhere meaningful.

He seemed to make perfect sense to me.

As far as megatrolls historically inaccurately coloured remarks and other useless drivel they don't deserve a response, at least not from me.
Apr 11, 2007
Try reading a little world history, war has been around for thousands of years and America didnt invent it nor are the worst war atrocities attributed to it in anyones history book.
I actually happen to study American history, so I daresay I know a thing or two.

Americas' arguable response to the attacks on 9/11 have scared a lot of countries and the people that reside in them but they also sent an important message:
Dont fuck with us!.

Ah... there we have it... the archetype ape man. You're nothing but brainwashed, hivemind violent animals.
"Don't fuck with us" ??? Really?

911 was predicted and done by your own CIA's "secret army" Al-Qaida as a decoy to pull all this ridiculous stuff like the "patriot act" and of course the invasion of the middle east. Of course anyone questioning your masters decisions is instantly declared a "conspiracy theorist", communist or nutcase of some sort. It has been this way under Hitler and Mao too, remember?

But I think I should better "not fuck with you", right?

He seemed to make perfect sense to me.
Probably because he preaches the same propaganda as you.

As far as megatrolls historically inaccurately coloured remarks and other useless drivel they don't deserve a response, at least not from me.
Yes, keep falling into denial. It's okay.
There's comforting lies and unpleasant truth. I think it's obvious which one you've chosen.

Dont fuck with us!.
Wow... just wow... animals.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
I'm pretty sure the Vietnamese were happy to be slaughtered and r***ing, only so you could install your puppet Diem. Not to mention the poisoned generations to come from agent orange etc.

Yeah I am so sure the Vietcong were just peace loving dirty hippies smoking pot minding their own business and singing Kumbaya my lord in a hippy circle not harming anyone.

Ever since WW2, the US have constantly installed and funded temporary solutions like dictators, only to "harvest" them later on, slaughtering hundreds of thousands during the course. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lybia, the African coast... all of this was to defend your freedom from the bad terrorists, right? Oil, irridium and opium had nothing to do with it, right? The US have never dealt with cartels and war lords, right?

It's basicall the same sceme of rinse and repeat... destabilize an area of interest, then send your army of welfare queens in to "secure freedom" and build mop bases.

You should buy a tin foil hat, it suits you.

And since you mentioned Pearl Harbour... I'm sure your necessary step of going nuclear on Hiroshima was perfectly normal as well, right?

it was necessary to prevent the deaths of many Americans.

It was necessary to end the war, right?

Yes it was.As far as I am concerned in a time of war American lives are worth more that the lives of those in the nations we are at war with. If Japan didn't want to get their asses handed to them then they should have not fucked with us. Perhaps you would have felt better if the US just dropped regular bombs all over Japan and made most of the major cities in Japan look like those in Europe instead of just dropping two atomic bombs on two different cities.

And I'm sure if the Japanese nuked YOU and you surrendered, it would be fine too, right?
The losing side will always be sore after losing a war.

+ There still IS segregation in the US. Ever since the John Crow movement, the evolution of the modern hyper ghetto is simply a measure to confine and contain the black population, which today is seen as valuable recource since the carceral system has become widely privatized and the "security measures" inside housing projects and schools have reached a level that resembles prison, forming their own industrial branch. And you are aware that in a lot of these places kids receive education on the level of 3rd world countries, right?

We do not have segregation in our country. You might want to check the date on the history book you are getting your info from and quit reading retarded leftest conspiracy blogs.

+ the sheer fact you so desperately try to fish for my location showcases your poor mind state. I don't believe in nations, religions or any of those artificial borders. The nationalism you celebrate is nothing but a relic of tribes era and in general a sign of low self value, while being used to create the hivemind you're part of.

*Hurr... land of the free... hurr durr... support our troops... hurr... gawd bless 'Merrikkuh... hurr* :vomit:
The sheer fact you refuse to reveal your location only proves that you are a worthless piece of shit who is ashamed of his country. I however am not a piece of shit nor am I ashamed of my country. I do not give a rats ass if some trash in some other country hates Americans. Nor will I apologize for the past deeds of my country or look back at them like they are something to be ashamed about. Our past is what made us what we are today. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
Thanks for posting this article. I approve!

"In his costume, Smith posed for photos and shook hands. People laughed. A young girl hugged Pedobear." :pandalaugh:



Jun 25, 2009
it was necessary to prevent the deaths of many Americans.

no. it wasn't.
from an objective point of view, it's been a mere exhibition of brute force (don't fuck with us!).

there are also other things that could be said about those episodes, but i'll just quote this
"Memory says, 'I did that.' Pride replies, 'I could not have done that.' Eventually, memory yields."

i'm having fun reading trolls and counter-trolls, tinfoil hats and conspiracy (always actual), but please don't try to justify an atrocity like that.

btw, Pearl Harbor was (is?) a military naval base, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian cities.


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009

This thread reminds me of a thread some time ago (on some image board) where an anonymous person posted a drawing of a circle, a rectangle, and a square, and then captioned it "you guys will argue about anything". A sarcastic argument ensued of course (humouring the OP), but then the thread did eventually devolve into a debate about atheism vs. Christianity.

For crying out loud, A LITTLE GIRL HUGGED PEDOBEAR. We're talking about something bigger than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor here.


Jul 23, 2008
no. it wasn't.
from an objective point of view, it's been a mere exhibition of brute force (don't fuck with us!).

there are also other things that could be said about those episodes, but i'll just quote this

i'm having fun reading trolls and counter-trolls, tinfoil hats and conspiracy (always actual), but please don't try to justify an atrocity like that.

btw, Pearl Harbor was (is?) a military naval base, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian cities.

An intelligent response but I believe misguided. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a sad thing indeed but unjustifiable? The Japanese were fierce opponents who not only kicked Americas ass but everyone elses. Eventually the tables turned and Americas resolve and superior production and technological advances proved too much for Japan. Yet Japan fought tooth and nail every step of the way. They were and are a proud people and I respect them.

America had been fighting a war on two fronts and we were tired and weary of war. Although clearly beaten Japan would not surrender. We blockaded their ports and bombed their cities and industries. We demanded an unconditional surrender. They ignored us and would not consider those as reasonable terms. To actually invade Japan itself would have made any previous casualities in battle pale in comparison. Every Japanese who could would likely have given their life to protect their country. An alternative was sought to outright invasion, it was such a terrible alternative it has not been used again.

Although the bombing of Hiroshima caused a reported 80,000 immediate deaths, (with the end causualties being between 90 to 140 thousand people), the Emperor Showa still refused to surrender. This was the mentality that we were faced with. The bombing of Nagasaki was three days later, one day after Russia entered the war against Japan.

Do I personally think using nuclear warheads on the Japanese people was the right call? No, I do not. I would have sought a diplomatic solution if possible and found a surrender that the Japanese people could live with. But the Japanese were unnecessarily cruel in that war and had made no friends. The decision was made to end the war with Japan at all costs. It was not just a show of force on Americas part but an act of desperation that will forever haunt us.

Yet Japan could have avoided the first bomb let alone the second bomb. Many deaths could have been avoided all around. It was Japan that sought conquest and Japan that started the war with America. War has consequences.
Apr 11, 2007
You should buy a tin foil hat, it suits you.

it was necessary to prevent the deaths of many Americans.

American lives are worth more that the lives of those in the nations we are at war with.

they should have not fucked with us.

We do not have segregation in our country.

Nor will I apologize for the past deeds of my country or look back at them like they are something to be ashamed about.

Thanks for proving my point (again).
Brainwash, militarism, nationalism, denial, silly accusations... it's all there.

You're nothing but a filthy uncivilized animal.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
, but please don't try to justify an atrocity like that.
It was justified it made the Japanese surrender and made them too scared to further retaliate. Which resulted in less American lives being lost while fighting the Japanese.

btw, Pearl Harbor was (is?) a military naval base, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian cities.

No citizen in a foreign country is worth more than the lives of my country's soldiers, marines and other military personnel.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
Thanks for proving my point (again).
Brainwash, militarism, nationalism, denial, silly accusations... it's all there.

You're nothing but a filthy uncivilized animal and I hope you die a slow and painful death.

I see that you are still too scared to say what country you are from.
Apr 11, 2007
It was justified it made the Japanese surrender and made them too scared to further retaliate. Which resulted in less American lives being lost while fighting the Japanese. No citizen in a foreign country is worth more than the lives of my country's soldiers, marines and other military personnel.

I see that you are still too scared to say what country you are from.

You know, I actually revised my prior post in which I wished death upon you, because I don't want to let myself down on your pathetic level.

Secondly, FYI I take my info from university in which my lecturer IS AMERICAN, and not some "leftist blog" as you claim.
(It's part of the military regimes brainwash agenda to disregard any opposition as some kind of conspiracy, leftist, communist, terrorist whatever...)

Lastly, I'll say that this will be my last response to you, simply because I feel you ridiculed yourself enough at this point and this "discussion" ends at your wall of ignorance.

To end this farce, I shall leave you primitive ape with the words of two men you should take as example.
And yes, one of them was American, who got murdered for his courage and wisdom, only to leave the country victim to fascist extremists like yourself.

"Patriotism ruins history" -Goethe

"Is our nation planning to build on political myth again and then shore it up with the power of new violence?" - Martin Luther King


Nov 18, 2008
Don't want to actually participate in this discussion (which has strayed too far from the original topic already), but there are some points on history, I think which are important. Problem is, that "official" history, which became a national myth, differs from the facts, but because it still plays a large political role, things can only be doubted in the academical discourse, which most people don't care for - they turn to Hollywood instead.

1. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were completely unnessesary atrocities. That's a common position, between historians of the world, including many American historians, as well as some of the military personel involved. The dropping of the A-bomb was aimed at Russia, to demonstrate. Originally it was planned to test them on Germany, "unfortunately" the surrendered too early. Japan was already about to surrender, the only point they were discussing was the future role of the emperor. The capitulation was postponed, because there was a wish to test the A-bomb "in the field".

2. Pearl Harbor was a sacrifice, which helped changing peoples opinion and America to enter officially the war. It's documented that there were warnings - not only from American intelligence, but f.e. from the Dutch too, who already noticed the Japanese fleet was on the way two days ago. They informed the US government immediately, but there wasn't done anything. Also - the aircraft carriers were removed from pearl Harbor before the attacks to nonsense missions, because they were important - not the soldier's lifes. Also, there are some documents of Americans involved, for example reporting how the president reacted, when he was warned (and it was still time!) - he did nothing and watched his stamp collection.

3. 9-11: While I see no reason to doubt it was Osama Bin Laden planning this terror-act, there have - besides all the strange conspiration theories - been made some smart remarks, noting the complete absence of the air defense on that day. 4 unidentified planes entering American air space, changing course, behaving strange, and during those hours NO interceptor plane starts? There is a military service with several aircraft bases just for that case, and none became active during that time? Something was very wrong there, but only time can tell. Maybe one day the historians can do unbiased research, and find out that for some this wasn't such a surprise at all. Of course, this would be the greatest scandal ever, so doing such research is not possible at the time.

Drawing a different conclusion from this than Megatroll - I think most people can distinguish between the actions of a government and the inhabitants of a country. Largely disagree with the US government's foreign policy and the way they cheated their own people, this doesn't mean to hate American people. Of course, there can be found bad things in every nations history - which doesn't give anyone the right to generalize. Except maybe a Mega-Troll ...


Nov 18, 2008
Hm, then I got the "the world hates America" rant wrong. Anyway, wrong topic - we'll need a controversial historic discussions thread ...


Jun 25, 2009
No citizen in a foreign country is worth more than the lives of my country's soldiers, marines and other military personnel.

a nice motto, but if it was enough to justify civilians exterminations WHY are we (half the civilized world) wasting our time, our money and our soldiers lives in countries like Afghanistan? Why don't we just fkn destroy the whole nation, and to hell the innocents, we're sparing our countrymen's lives after all?

the first and second points brought up by lactophilia are exactly what i meant by "other things" in my previous comment.

Anyway, wrong topic - we'll need a controversial historic discussions thread ...

i agree, but it's not so simple to open a "what do you think about WWII" thread, so i'm grateful to be able to argue on serious matters with some intelligent people, even if this discussion will be locked soon enough.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
a nice motto, but if it was enough to justify civilians exterminations

Do you think that that it made a bit of difference to the millions of other people who died during bomb raids that the enemy was using regular bombs instead of Atomic bombs? I do not think those people were going oh thank god they just used regular bombs. There is a reason they left those two cities alone before dropping the atomic bombs on them.It so the destructive force of the atomic bomb can accurately be shown on the cities instead of the Japanese or whoever claiming that some or most of the damage was the result of other bombings.

WHY are we (half the civilized world) wasting our time, our money and our soldiers lives in countries like Afghanistan?
When another country attacks yours then you attack back.

Why don't we just fkn destroy the whole nation, and to hell the innocents, we're sparing our countrymen's lives after all?

Because we let anti-war faggots write the modern rules of combat. This why we do not bomb the fuck out of cities like we did in WWI and WWII before sending in troops for mop up duty.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008


You know, I actually revised my prior post in which I wished death upon you, because I don't want to let myself down on your pathetic level.

Oh yeah thats so much better than your other post wishing that I commit suicide.(sarcasm)

Secondly, FYI I take my info from university in which my lecturer IS AMERICAN, and not some "leftist blog" as you claim.
(It's part of the military regimes brainwash agenda to disregard any opposition as some kind of conspiracy, leftist, communist, terrorist whatever...)

Lastly, I'll say that this will be my last response to you, simply because I feel you ridiculed yourself enough at this point and this "discussion" ends at your wall of ignorance.

To end this farce, I shall leave you primitive ape with the words of two men you should take as example.
And yes, one of them was American, who got murdered for his courage and wisdom, only to leave the country victim to fascist extremists like yourself.

"Patriotism ruins history" -Goethe

"Is our nation planning to build on political myth again and then shore it up with the power of new violence?" - Martin Luther King
So in otherwords you used two self hating Americans for your source of tin foil hate revisionist history. I still see that you are still too chicken to say what country you are from. You shouldn't dish it out if you can't take it.


Jul 23, 2008
1. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were completely unnessesary atrocities. That's a common position, between historians of the world, including many American historians, as well as some of the military personel involved. The dropping of the A-bomb was aimed at Russia, to demonstrate. Originally it was planned to test them on Germany, "unfortunately" the surrendered too early. Japan was already about to surrender, the only point they were discussing was the future role of the emperor. The capitulation was postponed, because there was a wish to test the A-bomb "in the field".

I already made a comment on this and see no need to rehash it. I will say that generally revisionist historians are full of crap and this is not, nor has it ever been, considered fact by anybody.

2. Pearl Harbor was a sacrifice, which helped changing peoples opinion and America to enter officially the war. It's documented that there were warnings - not only from American intelligence, but f.e. from the Dutch too, who already noticed the Japanese fleet was on the way two days ago. They informed the US government immediately, but there wasn't done anything. Also - the aircraft carriers were removed from pearl Harbor before the attacks to nonsense missions, because they were important - not the soldier's lifes. Also, there are some documents of Americans involved, for example reporting how the president reacted, when he was warned (and it was still time!) - he did nothing and watched his stamp collection.

The truth is nobody gave the reports any credibility. America was in negotiations with Japan, led by President Roosevelt himself, at the time of the attack. Japan was under no military threat from the USA at the time. As far as the aircraft carriers go you really should brush up on your history because aircraft carriers were totally undervalued by the US military at that point and thought to be only a support ship for the battleships and cruisers. That is until Japan showed us just how powerful aircraft carriers could be.

a nice motto, but if it was enough to justify civilians exterminations WHY are we (half the civilized world) wasting our time, our money and our soldiers lives in countries like Afghanistan? Why don't we just fkn destroy the whole nation, and to hell the innocents, we're sparing our countrymen's lives after all?

We never officially went to war with the people of Afganistan, we went to war against the Taliban and Al Queda who are in Afganistan. Afganistan is not a unified country under a strong government. (It could be and it would behoove the USA and the rest of the world if they would get their act together and unify under one banner as a country and not as a bunch of idiots intent on killing each other.) We also want their support in our endeavors there, so going around killing them indiscriminately just is not going to accomplish that. We have met with mixed success which is a hell of a lot better than the USSR achieved, whose sole intent was to grind the Afghans into dust, (the cruelty of their campaign is what got us logistically involved in that war at the time).

This may all be somewhat offtopic but for the most part I enjoyed the discourse.
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