Awkward moments at Baltimore anime convention as art form comes of age

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Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
No, I don't agree with some of the simpleton sentiment in the article. I'm only posting it because (obviously) it might be of interest to those of you who don't read the daily Washington Post (this was in this morning's paper, but was apparently published on the website two days ago).

The entire article is pasted below, if you'd rather not go to their website; however, the article online (at also includes a couple of photos and a brief video. The actual convention was last week in Baltimore (for those not familiar with it, it's one of the largest cities on the Atlantic Coast of the United States; it's about 200 miles southwest of the city of New York).

The advanced smilies didn't come with the article.


Awkward moments at Baltimore anime convention as art form comes of age

[By J. Freedom du Lac, for The Washington Post]

BALTIMORE — “Madoka! Madoka!” a man shouted, and the 16-year-old dressed as a 14-year-old Japanese cartoon schoolgirl stopped in the middle of the Baltimore Convention Center. “Can I take a picture?”

She nodded, then struck a pose as Madoka Kaname, the “magical girl” character she was dressed as last weekend at Otakon, the annual festival of Japanese cartoons that once again turned the Inner Harbor into the epicenter of all things anime.

Her costume included a Day-Glo pink wig with pigtails, white knee-high stockings, a red choker and a short pink-and-white dress that Little Bo Peep might have worn on a day she wanted to alarm her parents.

The man, who appeared to be in his mid-30s, pointed his digital camera at the make-believe Madoka, snapped a photo . . . and then stared.

And stared.


“It can sometimes be very weird,” the teenager said of her convention encounters with overly interested older men. “But they really don’t mean any harm.”

This is a delicate time on the anime convention circuit, where a demographic shift has created an occasionally unseemly and sometimes dangerous dynamic.

Men have long been the foundation of the genre’s fan base, but they’ve been joined in increasing numbers by teen girls, whose embrace of the medium’s more fantastical side has helped launch anime to new levels of stateside popularity. Conventions that were once cult gatherings attended almost exclusively by VHS-trading college-age (and older) males are now overflowing with young females, many of them sporting various iterations of anime’s popular doe-eyed, scantily clad look.

The dark side of the new demographics has not gone unnoticed.

“The Con perverts,” read the title of a Web forum thread that catalogued alleged stalking of minors at anime conventions. “Ever happen to you?”

Last month, a 34-year-old Silver Spring man admitted in federal court that he had sex with a 13-year-old girl he met in February 2010 at Katsucon, an anime convention at the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor in Prince George’s County. Michael A. Alper, who had previously been convicted of raping a 13-year-old in Virginia, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt to coercing and enticing a minor to engage in criminal sexual activity.

The news spurred Katsucon organizers to announce that they might begin checking their convention pre-registration list against sex-offender registries before their next event. Under the proposed policy, anybody listed on a published sex-offender registry would be denied entrance to Katsucon, which returns to National Harbor in February.


“We want to make sure we stay within the ethical and legal guidelines afforded to us in Maryland, but at the same time do everything in our power to protect our most vulnerable attendees,” Katsucon spokesman Chad Diederichs said.

Jennifer Piro, a member of the board of directors for Otakorp, the nonprofit group that produces Otakon, said that “no decision has been made” to introduce a similar policy at their convention.

Otakon, she said, has taken precautions to protect minors. All attendees younger than 12, for instance, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, and adult-themed programming is presented late at night, for those with 18-and-over wristbands. But, Piro said, Otakon “is not a babysitting service.”

“We want to do everything we can to keep our attendees safe,” she said. “But there’s only so much you can do. . . . There are definitely sketchy people out there. They could be at the mall. They could be at McDonald’s. This is still the real world.”

Anime is a broad medium that ranges from the purely innocent to the pornographic. Some of it fetishizes young girls.

The Alper arrest and conviction became a hot topic among anime fans, some of whom fear being further stigmatized. (Many of them already think that other people consider them geeks who live in their parents’ basements.)


“Leave it to the sickos to make the rest of us older guys that go to cons feel like eyeballs will be watching us double now,” one poster wrote on the Anime News Network forum. “I already have issues with going to cons and being the odd man out, and this guy has to make it just that much harder.”

Said Katsucon’s Diederichs: “It does propagate a terrible stereotype that some people have about male fans that attend anime conventions.”

But an uncomfortable undercurrent is obvious. Just consider the visual snapshot of attendees at any anime convention now.

“You get hundreds and hundreds of young girls in skimpy costumes . . . and then you have older male anime fans,” Diederichs said. “The juxtaposition of the two may not look entirely wholesome.

“I myself feel a little uncomfortable sometimes [at Katsucon] when I have to say to the third girl in a weekend who is wearing something too revealing, ‘Go back to your room and get more dressed.’ ”

At Otakon, there were people “cosplaying” — or costume-playing — characters from their favorite anime series and video games and sci-fi films. There were pirates and vampires and superheroes, along with a Rubik’s Cube and a My Little Pony.

Everywhere you looked, there were older girls dressed as little girls and little girls dressed as littler girls — and grown men taking photos of all of them. Sometimes, the men asked for hugs, too.

“There’s a little bit of perviness,” said Jamie Blanco, who was cosplaying a teenager from the hit anime series “Bleach.” (In real life, she’s in her 20s and the morning-drive producer for Federal News Radio.) The majority of people who attend anime conventions, she said, are there “because of a pure love” of the art form, its characters and stories. “But there are definitely a small percentage who come here to hug up on some of the younger girls — and younger boys.”

At the trade bazaar in the bowels of the Convention Center, one could buy all the too-short schoolgirl outfits one would ever need. Also on offer: hentai, or pornographic comics, some of which leaned Lolita.

In 1994, before anime moved in from the outer edges of fringe culture in the United States, David Stoliker attended the first Otakon. He has turned out every year since. He is 43 now, a physical therapist from Long Island. His summary of the demographic shift at Otakon: “There are definitely people who can wear skimpier costumes a little better.”

But don’t take that the wrong way, he said. Most of what happens at Otakon “isn’t prurient. It’s certainly not criminal.” An encounter like the one between a registered sex offender and a 13-year-old at Katsucon, he said, “can happen anywhere. People tend to draw attention to it when it happens in an unusual environment.”

Outside the Convention Center, cosplayers in animal outfits and gas masks and wigs generated triple takes (and occasional heckles) from drivers on Pratt Street. For Otakon attendees, it was business as usual.

A man dressed in a “Pedobear” costume was there, portraying the creepy satirical mascot that first emerged on the Internet as a way to mock inappropriate behavior in anime Web forums. Pedobears are regulars at anime cons, where many attendees appear to be in on the joke.


“Everybody loves Pedobear,” Travon Smith, the 20-year-old Baltimore man inside the sweltering teddy-bear suit, said — while assuring anyone within earshot that he is not, in fact, a pedophile. He also is not endorsed by Otakon but came to the conference as a paid attendee. “It’s all a joke,” he said. “Just people having fun.”

In his costume, Smith posed for photos and shook hands. People laughed. A young girl hugged Pedobear.



New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Not to be racist here but.. Its pretty much the stereotyped white american view that article has.. They should be happy they have such large conventions, where I'm from, we got them too, but they aren't as recognized unless you're a hardcore fan..


New Member
Jun 6, 2010
I can already see the media, especially news sites who love the rush of the visitors to their pages, having a field day with this. They are going to paint this as a "beacon to all sex offenders" and to "have parents watch their children closely when attending these events". First of all, the world is not perfect as we all know it. Bad things don't just happen under the banner of an anime convention, they happen whenever. Beef up security at these events and all events for that matter and hope that nothing gets out of hand. For those people that do love to cosplay and might be of under age (that includes both sexes) they should be free to attend gatherings where they can be around people that enjoy the same things as them. I am not one of those people (although I might go to Comic-Con next year dressed as Captain America just to watch the premier of The Avengers), but I do sympathize with the mass media painting a gathering as a haven for freaks and losers.


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
Where I live, they think that anime and manga is for kids, while Harry Potter is a very serious work, and Star Wars and Star Trek are very realistic and scientific... go figure... and may the force be with you or something like that...:gayprance:

About those news, one day the locals will banish an anime conventions full of pedos to give space to host one of those contests of underage children in bathsuits they are so proud of, and the judges and attendance are only there to admire a cute one, I mean, event... a cute event...:joker:


Jul 23, 2008
Not to be racist here but.. Its pretty much the stereotyped white american view that article has..

Actually, that is racist because you specified color. America is a melting pot with a vast variety of all races. Not that you dont have a point to some degree but I think you are missing the point of the article. If you let your kids walk around, unsupervised, in skimpy and provactive clothing....they are likely to draw inappropriate attention. Add to that a place where clearly sexual magazines are sold and displayed and this becomes less of a family atmosphere. More so, children are more likely to be put in physical danger. The article was meant to be somewhat of a wakeup call to parents who read the paper not to the children themselves who do not.

A quote I liked from the article:
Otakon, she said, has taken precautions to protect minors. All attendees younger than 12, for instance, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, and adult-themed programming is presented late at night, for those with 18-and-over wristbands. But, Piro said, Otakon “is not a babysitting service.”


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
These people are an embarrassment to anime fans everywhere. There is a difference between liking anime and taking it too far. Going to a nerd convention dressed up as cartoon characters and thinking you are showing an appreciation for another culture is taking it too far. If I could I would release a gang of bullies on that place.
Apr 11, 2007
Not surprising at all.

As a wise man once said: "Fuck America"

Enjoy your corrupt hyper religious police state. :cool:


Jul 23, 2008
Not surprising at all.

As a wise man once said: "Fuck America"

Enjoy your corrupt hyper religious police state. :cool:


Well, for all its faults, (most of which are not indigenous to America alone), I love America and that which it stands for. You are of course entitled to your opinion.


Nov 18, 2008
Of course, this article generalizes and polemicizes. - On the other hand, if I had a minor daughter, I wouldn't want her to attend it by herself ...:puzzled:


Active Member
Jan 19, 2011
Not surprising at all.

As a wise man once said: "Fuck America"

Enjoy your corrupt hyper religious police state. :cool:

He was half wise.
Thats like saying, Fuck a continent as though it's one race all of the same opinion. It's almost as bad as when people say America is raciest. How can that be when America is made up of every race under the sun. A nation that gives every citizen the right to vote. The wise man was right in that there is corruption (like every state) and strong religious opinions, but not everyone feels the same about the laws and not everyone has as much control over the laws as they would like.

Sorry lactophilia, but for someone to say "Enjoy your corrupt hyper religious police state", it's like saying, F..U simply because someone lives in America. The statement sounded ignorant. I know you didn't say it...but. Then in another post someone said something about a white man's way of thinking What is a white man thinking? ...give me a break.

I would love to go to Japan someday and see the girls, the beautiful landscape, and art, but some of the stories I hear makes me wonder if I would be welcome because of my color and origin. It's really sad.
Apr 11, 2007
I love America and that which it stands for.

You mean fascism, brainwash, genocide, invasion and occupation, racism, segregation, oppression, megalomania, greed, and most of all war... ?

Yeah, keep defending your fascist military regime.
Gawd bless 'Merrikuh... support our troops... home of the brave...:vomit:
Fuckin tools...

I would love to go to Japan someday and see the girls, the beautiful landscape, and art, but some of the stories I hear makes me wonder if I would be welcome because of my color and origin. It's really sad.
Good luck finding a place anywhere on this planet where the majority of the population doesn't HATE Americans. I can tell you for a fact that at least on my side of the globe, you would be better off pretending to be Australian in order to avoid unpleasant situations. And I'm sure the 140000 people dying in Hiroshima + the contamination victims find it "sad" too. But don't worry, there's always hookers for you.


People don't dance no mo'
Sep 27, 2008
i know im stating the obvious here but...the world is fucked. some countries contribute to that less than others but in the end we are all a pack of retards. all governments do retarded things. the only thing that differs is publicity. North Korea is mad messed up compared to most of the world but we only get peeps of it. islam has some ideas that i find crazy wrong. i stereotype niggers and chinese and perverts.
at the end of the day, the only people that should be slagging off any minority is someone from that minority. if an american said "americans bite the fat one" then thats ok but if i say it, what do i know? only what ive seen on the news or whatever. (although pres bush didnt exactly inspire awe and confidence, redneck dickwad) but im getting waaaay off topic here.
durng the 2 weeks i spent on the west coast i didnt get any negative impressions from americans.....there are some almighty slappers in vancouver (canada) though.

as for me, im off to the pool again tomorrow.

Freedom Kira

Jun 19, 2009
Hm, I always assumed Ceewan was Australian for some reason.

Anyway, interesting article, even more interesting that you post it now, because there's a large convention going on in my city this weekend. And yes, them lolis.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
You mean fascism, brainwash, genocide, invasion and occupation, racism, segregation, oppression, megalomania, greed, and most of all war... ?

No offense but you sound a tin foil hat wearing pinko commie leftist conspiracy retard. Only a small insignificant portion of he population is racist. We are not brainwashed. There hasn't been any genocide for over a century. We haven't had segregation in 50 years. We are not oppressive, or any of that other shit and war is not evil.

Yeah, keep defending your fascist military regime.
Gawd bless 'Merrikuh... support our troops... home of the brave...:vomit:
Fuckin tools...
Since you turned this into a lets bash the US thread what country do you live in? Is it some piece of shit European country? Perhaps somewhere in Asia?Maybe a central or south America?
Apr 11, 2007
tin foil hat wearing pinko commie leftist conspiracy retard. Only a small insignificant portion of he population is racist. We are not brainwashed. There hasn't been any genocide for over a century. We haven't had segregation in 50 years. We are not oppressive, or any of that other shit and war is not evil.

some piece of shit European country? Perhaps somewhere in Asia?Maybe a central or south America?

Nothing to add here. You've only proven my point as best as you could.
I especially liked:
war is not evil
It's obvious the brainwash sits deep and I pity you. Nevertheless, please consider suicide ASAP.


People don't dance no mo'
Sep 27, 2008
We haven't had segregation in 50 years.

i was done with my bit but i just have to ask, is this something that sits with you as a point of achievement? it sgreat that segregation has been abolished in the US of A but i just dont feel that 50 years is that long when discussing something as wrong as segregation. i realize that in australia, segregation continued in some parts until more recently than that but still...the glass is half empty argument surely says "until as little as 50 years ago segregation was still being practiced in america".
maybe its just me.
ditto genocide.

We are not brainwashed.

maybe you are not but i think it is a fair statement that up to 90% of the world is, has been, or is being brainwashed in some some extent. i think you would be naive not to think so......(then again, if you really were being brainwashed then you wouldnt know the difference so i guess it becomes a moot point...) anyway, i had a great time at the pool today!


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
Nothing to add here. You've only proven my point as best as you could.

You must really live in a fucked up country if you are too chicken to say where you live.

I especially liked:
It's obvious the brainwash sits deep and I pity you. Nevertheless, please consider suicide ASAP.

Are you saying that it was evil for the US and other allies to get involved in WWII? Are you saying war is evil when one country defends itself against another? Anti-war retards like your self are basically retarded who think have this idiotic idea that we can always just talk things out or that the absence of war is better than letting another country take over yours or to brutalize people.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
i was done with my bit but i just have to ask, is this something that sits with you as a point of achievement? it sgreat that segregation has been abolished in the US of A but i just dont feel that 50 years is that long when discussing something as wrong as segregation. i realize that in australia, segregation continued in some parts until more recently than that but still...the glass is half empty argument surely says "until as little as 50 years ago segregation was still being practiced in america".
maybe its just me.
ditto genocide.

Should we say that Germany is a fucked up country because 70 years ago nazis ran it and killed millions of people? Should we say Japan is a fucked up country because 70 years ago they bombed people harbor and were trying to take over China? I am sure that in almost every country we can find something messed up that occurred decades or hundreds of years ago. 70 years ago is not that long ago to many people.We could say that Japan is a country of pedophiles because a small portion of the population likes looking at U15 idol videos that feature pre-pubescent girls in it and read manga or watch cartoons depicted pre-pubescent girls in a sexual manner which people call lolis. Using a country's past or what a small portion of the population does to bash it is idiotic.

maybe you are not but i think it is a fair statement that up to 90% of the world is, has been, or is being brainwashed in some some extent. i think you would be naive not to think so......(then again, if you really were being brainwashed then you wouldnt know the difference so i guess it becomes a moot point...) anyway, i had a great time at the pool today!

I do not think most of the world is brainwashed. I think most of the world just doesn't care what goes on, they are too busy with other things or they know but they what goes but just simply do not care.Basically most people are just apathetic.


Jul 23, 2008
It's obvious the brainwash sits deep and I pity you. Nevertheless, please consider suicide ASAP.

So no cause is worth fighting for? Sounds like you talk tough but when push comes to shove you got no balls and think no one else should either. You are the one who sounds brainwashed. Try reading a little world history, war has been around for thousands of years and America didnt invent it nor are the worst war atrocities attributed to it in anyones history book.

Americas' arguable response to the attacks on 9/11 have scared a lot of countries and the people that reside in them but they also sent an important message:
Dont fuck with us!
Any other response would have just invited disaster and shown weakness but that is just my personal opinion. Treating the PLO with respect and civility only encouraged and embrazened them to further acts of terrorism. The idea of America becoming another Israel where it is not safe to take a bus or go to the mall for fear of some idiot blowing himself up and taking you with him is abhorrent. (Do you actually have any idea what kind of societies are prevalent in that area of the world?)

There are always injustices in any war. Death and destruction are certainly to be avoided. There are many Americans who were against the war from the start and many more Americans regret our response today. Freedom of Speech reigns and that bell rings loudly here. So if you or anyone else is against Americas recent actions in the last few years try not to be such an ignorant bigot that you automatically include every American as making the decisions that their government decides on. We are just people doing their best to get by just like in any other country.

Asking EzikialRage to commit suicide because he disagrees with you and supports the country he was born in was just juvenile and pathetic.
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