any ideas where to find good food in tokyo


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
i will be going to japan tokyo soon, and need some advice whereabout i can fnd a place for out door food, well a whole street full of them, or what they call underground food in chinese, i saw these on TV, but this was like a few years back, any help will be very much appreciated.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Care to explain a little more into just what you are looking for? Giving us one idea then adding some obscure and creepy sounding reference makes me think you are looking for somewhere to hold illegal gambling operations that revolve around food fights of which originated in China.


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
Food in Tokyo?

Tokyo is a huge city -

it would be most helpful if you would tell us what area or where you are staying -

If you can't tell us that - then just follow the crowds to the shopping areas - there are always plenty of food places.

Also my experiences in Tokyo - I know Shinjuku and Akhibara best, is that you will have no trouble finding places to eat. But you will not find that many street vendors selling food from pushcarts on the street if they exist at all. I saw plenty of that in Bangkok. In Singapore they have food hawker stalls. But Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka Nara etc have sit down restaurants with booths, table and chairs, or counter seats.

Most restaurants have two aides that will help you -
menus in the windows with prices and with pictures of the the dishes or plastic models in the windows, to illustrate the various dishes. These models look just as if they were the real foods.

So you don't even have to know what it is called - you can always point at it.

Besides that - you can always find spaghetti, McDonalds, Indian food or Chinese food.

One more thing - you can always find excellent restaurants in the big department store complexes.

Having been to Japan three times, and not having a very good command of the language I can still tell you that food will not be a problem.


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I'm going to tokyo, so anywhere in that area is OK, a few years back, on a local TV in hong kong, showing tourist all about japan tokyo, and i saw them showing a street where it has mostly all food, from sushi to noodles and, well most junk food like octopus balls, pancakes and skewers, bit like hawkers in korean or bangkok, but mostly just the shops having stalls in front of their shops, the nearest i've found is a street in ueno, but i'm sure thats not the one i'm looking for.

also does anyone know whereabout this restaurant is, link provided, it's somewhere in Jingu-Mae.

and it's nothing illegally, hope my info helps and sorry for all the request.


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
i will be going to japan tokyo soon, and need some advice whereabout i can fnd a place for out door food, well a whole street full of them, or what they call underground food in chinese, i saw these on TV, but this was like a few years back, any help will be very much appreciated.
Underground food? That sounds English to me!


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Well from what you described, the street in Ueno (Ameyoko which might I add is about 1/2 a block from my studio) has exactly what you described. Junk foods. However from the other perspective, you may have been watching something of a matsuri festival. At those, you will often find stalls that have various forms of food from massive fuck-off sized hamburgers to takoyaki to yakisoba to cotton candy and chocolate-dipped-bananas. About a month and a half ago I put up a few dozen photos in the photo thread of this type of festival.


Feb 11, 2007
Tokyo station, basement level. Entire row of restaurants underground.
Yuurakucho station, basement level. Entire row of restaurants underground.
Shinjuku station, basement level. Entire row of restaurants underground.

Seriously though, you can get "good" food (and bad food) almost anywhere underground in the metropolitan parts of Japan. You'll need to be a bit more specific to get any recommendations (price range, type of food, etc).

For everything else, get a guide book. Something like this might help:

Or if you can read Japanese, just come to Japan, stop by any bookstore, and pick up this month's latest gourmet guide magazines to find out all the latest good eateries.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Or just ask anyone. "Where is good food?" That would work too if a person knows even a sniff of Japanese.


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
@ aquamarine and other members

thanks, for all the advice i'll have a search around, since it's my first time in japan, i'm still looking through all the photo's you have posted, many of them are very interested.

Also have you any idea of the restaurant shown in post 4, and i'm still planning my 7 day, 6 night trip and hopefully i'll have enough money to buy stuff i like even with the bad exchange rate of the yen against the HKD.

BTW i'm staying in ueno, a cheap hotel, the hotel new touhoku and also 1 day in B & B Pension Hakone.


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
i'm still trying to find the restaurant posted in post 4, has anyone found any info on it, as to where about.

thanks in advance.
