An Evil Genie


New Member
Feb 11, 2010
An evil genie has decided to transport you to an alternate dimension, where the Earth is exactly the same as it is in this one except for a complete lack of human beings. All of the artifacts of human habitation are there, such as houses, roads, supermarkets, and profound ecological destruction, but it is as if all the people suddenly disappeared. The genie permits you to select ten women to be sent to the alternate dimension with you, that you may repopulate the world with them, and hopefully learn techniques of modern medicine that will enable your descendants to survive in spite of the deleterious effects of massive inbreeding. The genie further stipulates that all of the women you select must be current or former JAV idols. Being a time-traveling genie, he will whisk each one away into the alternate dimension on her twentieth birthday, be it in the past or the future. Finally, lest any ethical concerns prevent you from making the selection, know that if you do not choose the ten women, or if you fail to respond to this thread, the genie, being angered, will kill you as well as ten random Japanese twenty-year-olds.

With whom will you live out your life in the deserted world?