Album comment approval


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
I have a picture album. I received a comment to one of the pictures in the album. I am trying to approve it, and allow it to be viewed.
I check the box at the right edge of the screen to select the comment. The field changes to pink, and the action button changes from "Go (0)" to "Go (1)". I move the field of the drop-down box to Approve. I click "Go (1)".
I get an error message that I have not selected a comment upon which to act. :nooo:
I am using Firefox v2. Scripting is enabled. This is the default blue layout.
Could somebody please advise?


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
vBulletin message

I'll try re-stating this.
I am trying to approve a picture comment on an album. I seemingly select the comment; the field comment area changes from blue to pink and the (Go!) on the button beneath increases from 0 to 1.
But when I hit the button, I get a vBulletin Message responding, "You did not select any valid messages."
I have checked my forum settings. They're ok. I am using the default Blue background. (I recall some forum snags were because another forum motif [e.g.: Spring] was selected.)
I run Windows 98 (maybe that's it - but would someone please tell me this?), I use Firefox v2. Scripting is allowed and cookies are accepted. :puzzled:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
Could you provide a screenshot?


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
how can i upload my collection to this site like the other guys please help me
It is obscured within your User CP section on the upper left after you logon. :cool:
It is under "Networking > Pictures & Albums". Give your album a unique name. You have to upload the images three at a time. Then you select one of them to be the 'Cover' image.