Hi all.
First thread, and first post for that matter. Bear with me if I break any forum posting rules as I'm a new member. I plan on posting some DVDs I've come across over the years but please PM requests rather than posting them in the thread. Hopefully a mix of boxing, wrestling, and fighting posts are on the way.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. And of course I welcome any contributions that are related to the title of the thread. lease:
Super Sonic Satellites SFB-01 First Person Boxing Vol-1
Thought I'd get started with a boxing post because you don't see many of these around. I separated the DVD into separate matches based on the opponent the P.O.V. is facing off against. The first person perspective even manages to fight back a little too. I like the concept but the camera work could use a little fine-tuning. Anyway, if you like the idea of a boxing match with a woman wearing a swimsuit then this is for you. All matches are Female vs Male.
On a technical note, I re-encoded these with Xvid. Not ecstatic about the clip quality. I'd give the encode a C+. I'll probably try a different codec next time. Still watchable though.
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Super Sonic Satellites SFP-01 First Person Wrestling Vol-1
Another first person title. I really like the first person concept. SSS does a decent job with them. Staying with the same theme of separating the downloads by match. Creating the separate clips can be a bit of a hassle but I think its worth it. These are both Female vs Male.
Match 1
367 MB, Xvid codec, avi container
Match 2
522 MB, Xvid codec, avi container
Super Sonic Satellites Ultimate Grapple Club Vol-2
As requested: This is a fem vs fem fight. My favorite genre, Female Mixed Martial Arts. There is just something about those fingerless gloves...
This is not a first person fight this time, just a normal one-on-one. There is some topless content but not until the end of the fight. The fighters seem to have some kind of oil on them too, which is not my cup of tea. To each his own.
Since the matchup is the same two girls throughout, I broke up the downloads arbitrarily in three parts. I tried the h264 codec this time. The smaller file size is nice and the quality is comparable with my Xvid posts.
Part 1
182 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Part 2
184 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Part 3
148 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Mediafire Links
First thread, and first post for that matter. Bear with me if I break any forum posting rules as I'm a new member. I plan on posting some DVDs I've come across over the years but please PM requests rather than posting them in the thread. Hopefully a mix of boxing, wrestling, and fighting posts are on the way.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. And of course I welcome any contributions that are related to the title of the thread. lease:
Super Sonic Satellites SFB-01 First Person Boxing Vol-1
Thought I'd get started with a boxing post because you don't see many of these around. I separated the DVD into separate matches based on the opponent the P.O.V. is facing off against. The first person perspective even manages to fight back a little too. I like the concept but the camera work could use a little fine-tuning. Anyway, if you like the idea of a boxing match with a woman wearing a swimsuit then this is for you. All matches are Female vs Male.
On a technical note, I re-encoded these with Xvid. Not ecstatic about the clip quality. I'd give the encode a C+. I'll probably try a different codec next time. Still watchable though.
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Super Sonic Satellites SFP-01 First Person Wrestling Vol-1
Another first person title. I really like the first person concept. SSS does a decent job with them. Staying with the same theme of separating the downloads by match. Creating the separate clips can be a bit of a hassle but I think its worth it. These are both Female vs Male.
Match 1
367 MB, Xvid codec, avi container
Match 2
522 MB, Xvid codec, avi container
Super Sonic Satellites Ultimate Grapple Club Vol-2
As requested: This is a fem vs fem fight. My favorite genre, Female Mixed Martial Arts. There is just something about those fingerless gloves...
This is not a first person fight this time, just a normal one-on-one. There is some topless content but not until the end of the fight. The fighters seem to have some kind of oil on them too, which is not my cup of tea. To each his own.
Since the matchup is the same two girls throughout, I broke up the downloads arbitrarily in three parts. I tried the h264 codec this time. The smaller file size is nice and the quality is comparable with my Xvid posts.
Part 1
182 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Part 2
184 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Part 3
148 MB, H264 codec, avi container
Mediafire Links
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