After Shocks 唐山大地震 (2010)


Ninja Pig
Jan 15, 2009
In the aftermath of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, a rescue team informs a mother that her seven-year-old twins Da and Deng are trapped together under a slab of concrete. Lifting the slab in any way will kill one of her children - lifting it one way will save the daughter at the expense of her son; lifting it the other will save the son at the expense of her daughter. Heartbroken, she is forced to choose between her children, and finally decides to save the boy. Her decision, however, is overheard by her daughter, who whispers "Ma..." as the screen goes black. The mother clings to her daughter's body before being pulled away to take care of Da, "her one child who still lives." Later, in the midst of the rains following the earthquake, Deng wakes up in a sea of bodies, next to the body of her father. Reluctant to be returned to the woman who chose to abandon her, Deng is adopted, but remains emotionally scarred.

In 2008, she volunteers to join rescuers in the wake of the Sichuan earthquake and returns to China. Through the experience, she finds forgiveness for her family, and reunites with her mother and twin brother after 32 years.

Audio = Mandarin

Hard Sub = English & Chinese

It is a very touching story. Have tissues at all time
