A Qnde? Wha?


Feb 4, 2008
Since everyone just LOVES to read introduction post I thought I'd make one too.

"I am 14 and i just watched my first 3 Naruto episodes. OMG!! They were like supre awsom eSPECIALLY teh DuBZ. Havnt heard better english dubd since DB. nOW tHAT i hav seen good aniem i think im liek an otaku. LOLOL i'M suhc A weird0!!!11":coldsweat:

Well, maybe not.

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Nationality: Finnish
Military service: Completed(still alive)
Hobbies: Well, writing this post near midnight pretty much summarizes it. Also ranting in a blog no-one probably reads.
What i hate most in the world: People who misjudge others(As a habit).
Things that i dislike: Most things until new evidence arises.
Things that i like: There are such...

Others I wont bother mentioning. If you really insist to know, PM is invented. I'd be charmed to tell.

What does my username mean anyway?