A long dissertation.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
When I registered here, I had a limited amount of time in which to post the responses which caused me to register here.
I have more time now.
I am an aficionado of erotica. I am quite tolerant and egalitarian (or at least I strive mightily to be) of nearly every genré of it. My core beliefs are:
  1. Orgasms are the greatest thing on the planet.
  2. Whatever lets you orgasm lets you orgasm.
I am not going to judge you if what lets you orgasm seems squicky to someone else.
{OMG, you fap to... :petrfied:}
Being succinct, sometimes this degree of tolerance raises the hackles of persons who do not appreciate erotica in the slightest. This past May, it reached the stage of hysteria when Six Apart / Live Journal "permanently suspended" my long-established (since November 2004) weblog due to the convenient whim of an anti-erotica vigilanté gang.
Yes, the vigilanté gang played the pedophilia card against me. It typed keywords into the LJ interests search engine, looked at the output, and called for the termination of all users and communities which listed any of those interests. The vigilanté gang did not bother to take the time to actually read my User Info page. More astoundingly, LJ acceeded to its fascistic demand. Why? Because users and communities with controversial interests are potential deal-breakers to advertisers, and investors who might be interested in buying out Six Apart.
LJ decided it would be easier to get rid of the users who expressed controversial interests rather than risk the fallout when it placed an advertisement on one of the pages maintained by that user. Six Apart has every intention to place banner ads on each and every page of its site, whether its users want them or not.
Six Apart then compounded its error by stating that it was only removing the content from its servers which was "illegal" under U.S. laws. This was a brazen lie. Many weblogs and communities in which a user had expressed an interest in an "illegal" activity (e.g.: advocating marijuana use, identifying where law enforcement personnel were keenly enforcing traffic speed limits, and wagering on amateur athletic sporting events) were not terminated. It also scythed away scores of weblogs with "fan fiction", including slash stories, fearing the wrath of copyright holders. (These users you have probably heard about.)
LJ's servers are in San Francisco, CA., one of the most liberal areas of the U.S.A., and where much content would survive an initial constitutional challenge.
One of the terminated communities was _loli_lovin, which was a hentai anime community orbiting around lolicon imagery. The vigilanté gang saw “child molestation” in drawings. Somehow, I get the impression this vigilanté gang could look at a picture of the Eiffel Tower, and see “porn”.
Fortunately for me, LJ / Six Apart did not have my real name and address to provide to the vigilanté gang. I wonder how many users were outed to it. :furious2:
This is the reason I am still using a pseudonym here on Akiba-online. I applaud and salute the initiative here to provide information about junior idols. But I must add that when and if a vigilanté gang feels it has substantially 'won the war' at Live Journal, an English-language forum which reports on both lolicon anime and junior idols could very well be its next target. (Or maybe it will go after Greatest Journal or Insane Journal. After all, it is fighting a war against a thought. It might not be able to win this war if the opposition is allowed to speak out in favor of it.)
If I may be immodest for a moment here, I have studied erotica, both on the internet and in the real world. I think I have become knowledgeable about it on several levels: Including both its history, and its ability to arouse. (If the purpose of a horror movie is to shock you, the purpose of an erotic movie is to arouse you. If you are incapable of being shocked, a horror movie will have no effect on you. If you are incapable of being aroused, you will find nothing of value in an erotic movie.)
In the 1970s, when the barrier to depicting erotic acts on camera finally fell, and the average adult could view this in a public setting [i.e.: a movie theatre - not the back room at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall late one night]; the persons making those movies included a vast spectrum of imagery. They tried anything and everything. Sadly, some of what they depicted back then cannot be attempted anymore - in North America.
But they can still depict these story lines and content in Japanese Adult Video. The trade-off is having to put up with the "mosaic" obscuring everybody's genitalia. :donotwant:
To me then, Japan is one of the last frontiers of erotica. (Brazil is probably the other country still out there as far as story lines and content goes.)
As many of you here have deduced, Japan is an insular country. Its inscrutability has served it well in masking {whoops ;)} its erotica from outside forces (such as a vigilanté gang) which would try to close it down.
But it also makes it exasperating for devotees like you and I, who enjoy its productions, to discover. The language barrier is much more strident. We're not merely dealing with the differences between English and German (e.g.); we have to deal with a written language whose symbols look like birds' nests.
I have not even mentioned an equally important aspect of JAV.
Japanese teenage girls look the same at 18 as they were at 13. They are all kawai'i. :inlove2:
Japanese females in their twenties still appear fresh, buoyant, and natural. The general U.S.A. or European actress in erotic videos in this age group is likely to have undergone breast augmentation surgery. It might increase their paychecks on the nudie bar circuit, but it looks grotesque on video. [Her breasts do not move, no matter how hard she is banged.] It broadcasts to the viewer, "I am a sex worker." There is nothing wrong with being a sex worker. I submit though, this shreds the fantasy that you would have of having sex with her. {Could you have sex with the girl on the screen? Well - yes, if you pay her enough. Sex workers have sex with you because they want your money. They do not care for, or want any meaningful intellectual or emotional contact with you.}
Jump ahead to the newer genré of older ladies (in their forties) making returns to JAV, and they still have that essence of desire which permeates their scenes.
I will halt here. I'm probably running up against the limit for characters in a post.
I appreciate panty peeps (especially white or anime character panties). I prefer hardcore. I like nakadashi. {Yes; I wish more of them were real.} I am sometimes aroused by r*** scenes (if the female stays in character). Ask me later about urabon photobooks.
Finally: About my pseudonym. This actually was my old pornstar pseudonym 25 years ago. Back then, I wrote some short erotic stories, and some of them made the transition to the silver screen. Mostly in loops. Loops seldom had any credits; much less the one for 'Story'.
I use this pseudonym on other forums (including Insane Journal). A handful of people on some other forums know my real name and location. But I cannot, and shall not acknowledge it on-line. The anti-erotica vigilanté gang shot me once. It might try again to see if it can succeed at killing me off. :secret:


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
Let's all hope that these anti-erotica vigilante gang don't try to target this place!! I'm sure chompy is aware of the risk of hosting this community, who knows what might happen with these sort of laws get passed....

Anyway, welcome. I hope you can find refuge here..