3 Video Clips of Dubai, United Arab Emirates " Impossible City ".


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Incredibly well-paced and stunningly produced program that tracks the most amazing
projects being built or conceptualized for construction in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The video showcases historical data on the Emirate and near sci-fi explanations on new
building technologies, how Palm Island was built ,erection of the tallest tower in the world
and showcases via interviews the work of great world architects working in the Emirates
and whom were specially interviewed to be featured in this unique and highly educational

The growth and development of this spectacular small nation are being spear-headed by
HRH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, current Ruler of Dubai and Vice President
of the UAE.

Impossible City- Dubai- 2 of 4


Impossible City- Dubai- 3 of 4


Impossible City- Dubai- 4 of 4

