★2011 HK★☆★[Demon 2 毒禍2 ]★☆★[Cantonese w CHS Subs]★DVD-MKV★426M★


Sep 11, 2009

Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 2011
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese
Genre: Crime
Video Format | Size: MKV | 426M
Plot: Following the global recession, Hong Kong's economy has been continuously affected by China's accession to the WTO, the living standard of the Hong Kong community has been slowing down, with more and more social problems arise, young people as well as adults who have weak minds, find it hard to resist different type of pressure, so they choose to escape by means of taking drugs, some of them even take risk to become drugs traffickers. Not only harming themselves, they even bring tragedy to their whole family.

This story was written based on a real case; it brings stories from different classes and different age groups. The leads in the film failed to bear the pressure from their daily lives, thus the drugs dealers took the chance and tempted with money, the leads at last fell into their sugar traps, and thus had no return. This film hopes to expose the weakness of human beings, to alert people how terrible drugs are, and, to advise people never touch drugs when facing any threats and any blows in life.

全球經濟萎縮,中國加入世貿之後,不斷打擊香港經濟發展,就業機會減小,直接衝擊整個社會的生活水平,社會病態叢生,心理素質較薄弱之青少年,甚至成年人,受不住種種壓力,遂借助毒品逃避問題,有些人鋌而走險,成為毒販。不單只傷害自己,對家庭亦做成無可挽救的禍害。 故事根據真人真事改編,描述不同階層,不同年齡的人如何受不住生活壓力,被毒梟乘虛而入,威逼利誘,墮進糖衣陷阱,陷入萬劫不復的境地。電影冀望揭露人性的弱點,警醒世人毒品的可怕,無論遇到任何打擊,也不要跟毒品沾邊。

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