★2011 HK|CN★☆★[Sleepwalker in 3D 梦游]★☆★[Cantonese]★DVD-MKV★567M★


Sep 11, 2009

Country: Hong Kong | China
Released Date: 2011
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: NA
Genre: Mystery | Thriller
Video Format | Size: DVD-MKV | 567M
Plot: Yee (Lee Sinje) is an ordinary woman living a mundane life. Over the years, she has been bothered by a repeated dream, in that dream she stands alone on wasteland with a doubt of the mystery being buried underneath. Yee's nightmares are getting more and more sophisticated. Sometimes she finds her bedside is stained with mud in the morning. She can't help thinking that she would really walk on that wasteland and kill someone there while sleepwalking... As Yee crosses path with Sergeant Au who is investigating the case of her missing ex-husband, Yee tells all the details and confesses that she would murder in her sleep. Following the clues hidden in Yee's dream, Sgt. Au leads her team to the crime scene, however, the body claimed to be buried underneath is no where to find....

紫怡(李心洁 饰)只不过是一个平凡不过的一位女子,紫怡经营在家帮人改衣服的生意 但是这几年来,她不断发着同一个恶梦。梦裡,她见到一个荒地,而她觉得泥土下总藏着一些东西。此梦令她受尽困扰。直至有一天,她认识了Eric (李宗翰 饰)。Eric是一位样貌十分俊秀的青年,经常到紫怡的工场找她帮忙改裤,藉机接近。紫怡渐渐向Eric透露自己的古怪梦境,从中亦得Eric开解,二人关係突飞勐进。另一方面,欧女沙展(霍思燕 饰)正极力追查一宗绑架杀人桉,而事件的苦主正正是自己的家姐碧淇(杨采妮 饰),碧淇的儿子得仔数月前遭人绑架,虽交付了赎金,但得仔至今仍下落不明,而且凶徒仍未落网,令欧女沙展十分气馁。而碧淇终日思念爱儿,精神变得恍惚起来,更责怪欧女沙展辨桉不力,两姊妹关係势成水火。欧女沙展不忍自己亲姐的情况每况愈下,遂决心将凶徒绳之以法。

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