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  • Hey man, you seem to be very knowledgeable about U15 , and Idols in general. :)

    Especially after checking out your post history , I realized this is exactly the kind of content we post on our server, you'd definitely be worthy of an invite to our Idol Discord Server , especially since we're in the middle of building an idol DOB database with other trusted akiba members
    We'd love to have you join our community ^^
    hi, do you still have the video PETI-001 プチ★レモン 18歳の奇跡 諏訪野しのぶ? are you able to upload on torrent? Many thanks!
    hi, i found a very old post of yours from years ago of you posting a whole collection of kingdoms videos. i tried clicking on links and get 404s :(. do you really no longer have this collection?
    • Like
    Reactions: winodano
    Sorry yes, I don't have most of them
    I have a few still, which KIDM's are you looking for?
    I am only interested in the ones with miyu hoshino, natsuki, and nozomi takada :)
    Hello. Is it possible for you to briefly reseed kidm-473 again? There are about 15 people in swarm stuck at 74.9% complete. Thank you for your time.
    Shouko Miura Fairydoll vol46
    hey man any chance u still have this and can reupload?
    Sorry, I don't have the Fairy Doll series any longer!
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