Recent content by Tamichi

  1. T

    Leaked MediaDefender Emails A bit of news today from Torrent Freak. A ginormous amount of emails from MediaDefender leaked recently. (MediaDefender = Anti-piracy assholes.) There are some pretty recent ones here too, the most recent being sent on 9/10/2007 at...
  2. T

    How'd you find out that Akiba-online was back?

    I have a folder of book marks that I visit daily, when Akiba went down I was simply too lazy to remove the book mark. :P Then one day it actually loaded and I knew it was back, though time away from Akiba kinda got me out of the habit of posting here, this is actually my first post since Akiba...
  3. T

    Which country are you from?

    Had to check my map for that one, It takes a large map to even have the country show up fortunetly the map in my room covers an entire wall, but even then because of space the name was shortened to Lux.
  4. T

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Depends, are you a guy or a girl? :bingo: > Bah! It doesn't matter, I can go both ways. :beautiful: v Spare some change? :payup:
  5. T

    Hello! Jiraiya sanjou!!!

    Somehow from that introduction I get the sense that you've had too much sugar. Anyway welcome to the forums and please calm down a little.:exhausted:
  6. T

    So I really want an anime with a great story...

    I second Noir. And if you think it might intrest you try tracking down a copy of the Battle Angel Alita OVA, there were only two episodes made, supposedly to promote the manga, but back when it came out it was considered one of the best animes to come to the US. My first years of anime were...
  7. T

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Umm can't say I have, I'm a very mellow person, except for when some one really pisses me off. I have fought a few people and bloodied them up but they all took it with out any tears. > :punch: v Wanna fight?
  8. T

    English Hentai Doujin thread

    I forget where I got this but damn was it good. (In five parts.)
  9. T

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Interesting, while I feel that everything said is pretty much true, that dude was one crappy writer. That whole article sounded like a lamely written (as I like to call them) "Is Someone You Know?" phamplet, the most common being the "Is Someone You Know A Drug Addict?" things you can find...
  10. T

    'Subscriptions' feature not working???

    (>.>) (<.<) (>.>) (<.<) ... ... ... ... I think it's just you. (v.v) My thread subscriptions are working just fine.
  11. T

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Go to work, I work at a small, 1 screen movie theatre, and the weekends are the most insane. When I come home, I'm usually drained from either a ten, eleven, or even twleve hour shift so I crash and sleep till it's time for the Saturday movie rush. > :dozingoff: v Where is the worst place...
  12. T

    English Hentai Doujin thread

    I will! Err... a bit later. I'm kinda pirateing movies for some family right now. But soon! I swear. :...:
  13. T

    What's ur greatest fear?

    Hmm, I fear World War III as well, but probably not for the same reasons as you. All the nationalisim that would rise. :dies2: Suddenly any person who isn't a white conservative christian who votes republican will be hated by the masses. Note that while that started to happen with this war we...
  14. T

    Bad Headlines

    Didn't know where to put this but I had to share this since it was just so... yeah. This was written and posted in all seriousness by an online news site. Please feel free to post other unintentionally inappropriate headlines.
  15. T

    *Pokes Stuff

    :oy: Waah?