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  • Yeah it sucks. I'm thinking i should go hard core searching, like look all over the Japanese sites with a translator on all the time.
    Oh crap ... wow, that sucks ... I'm so sorry. That might explain why we can't find it anywhere else, now that I think about it. If it that site had a legit copy, we'd probably see it on other sites as well from people who got a copy and shared it. Bummer.
    Thanks for the heads-up about my link! It's too bad filejoker is brutally slow for non-members since I can't purchase premium. If you do manage to get this vid, because Yurika is such a smoke show, I would love to get a copy if you get a chance and if it's not too much trouble. A torrent would really be sweet but, whatever.
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    It was a scam. I lost a little over $26 for 1 month membership access to GBs of corrupt data. Thanks for the tip off though. Ijust have to keep hoping someone will auction one off and hopefully I will happen to catch it.
    Let me know what you find out. I'm always interested in any new information about Yurika.
    In case you didn't already know, BKDV-00230 is available here:

    The catch is that it's only downloadable for "" members. I would join except that I can only use pre-paid cards. But my pre-paid card only works within the U.S. so my card got rejected. I can't use a regular credit card or paypal for this because my wife would ask questions I'd rather not answer, lol.
    OMG!!!!! Thank you. I'm going to get that ASAP. just a heads up you may want to delete that link before a jealous admin sees it. They don't like links to anything that is not filejoker. They consider this filejoker territory only.
    Hi! Can you tell me who the hottie in your Avatar is? And/or what vid that cover is from? She's gorgeous. Thanks!!!
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    Hey gingergauge. Her name was Yurika, the DVD code is BKDV-00230. It was done by Garo Aida, a legend in JI photography and video. I don't have this vid, it's one of three of hers that I don't have. but an Admin here offered to sell me a digital copy for over $200. I declined.
    Thanks for the info Smoothly! Time to put my internet search abilities to work, lol.
    It looks like the money comes directly from my credit/debit card, not a third party. I'm not comfortable with that.
    Hi smoothly i don't know if you saw my messages, are you still interested in helping us fund the rare Nozomi DVDs?
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