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  • Hi MelonBuns,
    I very much agreed with what you said about Maya Koyama. Quite the girl! I too do not know much about her. Such a beauty I am also surprised she is not more well known. Do you know anything about her? Birthdate? How long she modeled for etc? Thank you! Would enjoy getting a dialogue going with you about Maya. Sincerely, Roger
    Greetings Mr Melon. I saw your post regarding the changes in content, specifically Prml-017. Were you ever able to procure a copy? Thanks
    have you found a link of cmg-312 nagomi? i tried to go to the jap site but i cant read japanese
    No I wish I did. Their website has also stopped accepting non-Japanese customers
    For me, the answer would be, "Can you use an image from a Chakuero video as a forum avatar?"
    I believe the answer is "Yes", because it is non-nude. Therefore, why are you not using one of those images as your avatar here on Akiba-Online? ;)
    I have thought about it. Just have not gone about choosing one. There are so many potential good images to choose from.
    I struggle trying to browse the Chakuero thread. It is very difficult to do so because you're posting the full-size images of the idols in the thread.
    Could you please upload the images to a separate image host and then show their thumbnails on this thread? If you need some potential image hosts, I can give you a couple.
    I found your thread on Chakuero. do you have your own list you could pass along with the titles you're come across that pertain to that genre? Feel free to PM me :)
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