Recent content by fareastm3

  1. F

    Links Killed GRRR

    links please
  2. F

    DDT267 Links Killed Grrr

    link please to full movie. torrent if possible. you the man, thanks again.
  3. F

    how much is too much masturbation

    something i've been wondering for a while. many people talk about the adverse effects of excessive masturbation. what is excessive? like 10 times a week? 3 times a day? is this even proven? I assume this also includes actual sex as I don't think there's any distinguishable differences...
  4. F

    Were you ever in a Porno?

    just about everyone's got their own porn movie nowadays. if you're able to respect your partner's privacy (assuming they care about other people seeing it), then more than likely they will be down with making a home made movie that you both can enjoy (mostly me). you'd be surprised with how...
  5. F

    ban on beastialty vids

    i know that ao has banned then allowed then banned again posts for beastiality. i couldn't really find a good thread that discussed why this category of fetish is deemed unsuitable for this forum. with the increasing popularity of jav's like gloryquest's mad series, hasn't this become almost a...
  6. F

    Links killed GRRR

    thanks for the link to DDT257, much appreciated. can you also send me links to DDT263 with Tsubomi? thanks!
  7. F

    Links killed Grrr

    requesting links. very much appreciated.
  8. F

    Links killed GRRR

    Can I please have the link to this great movie? thanks!