Why is there less clitoral stimulation in Jav compared to American porn


Active Member
Aug 24, 2009
I'm not talking about with vibrators of course because there is plenty of that (actually way more now that I think about it. Vibrators are only typically used in lesbian scenes in America but in Jav its used in b/g scenes which is another weird difference). Anyway during intercourse in American porn the girls usually reach down and rub their clits while being penetrated. The only time I see this in Jav is when a man commands them to do so I hardly recall any instances when a Jav star chooses to stimulate her clit. Anyone know why this is?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
I'd like to hear some female voice on this. But here is my very male-centric theorys:

1. clitoral stimulation and orgasm is a Western (esp. American?) quirk. Just like non-penetrating vibrator is a Japanese quirk. For whatever reason, Western women believe in the clitoris (see any fashion mags). And then porn exaggerates it 10x (I don't for one second believe that more than 50% Western women rub her own clits during copulation). But equally silly is non-penetrating vibrator.

2. female pleasure is looked down upon in Japan. More than half the time a stud use vibrator on a woman isn't to give her pleasure and orgasm. More often it's a torture or humiliation or control. Even in those scenes the woman squirts, it feels like dissociated from her sexual pleasure. Just the stud taking control of her biological response rather than giving her a sexual service with the squirting being visible result of her orgasm.

3. combination of religion and feminism impose the weird censorship standard that coercion on women and objectification of women is a no no. So every single porn production has to get into your face that every woman is engaging in the sex entirely for her own pleasure. Especially when the stud is pounding her in the pussy or asshole, she can't be passive and enjoy it quietly. She has to clearly scream "Yes yes yes" and rubbing her clits is part of the acts to pass censorship.

4. mosaic


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
I'd like to hear some female voice on this. But here is my very male-centric theorys:

1. clitoral stimulation and orgasm is a Western (esp. American?) quirk. Just like non-penetrating vibrator is a Japanese quirk. For whatever reason, Western women believe in the clitoris (see any fashion mags). And then porn exaggerates it 10x (I don't for one second believe that more than 50% Western women rub her own clits during copulation). But equally silly is non-penetrating vibrator.

2. female pleasure is looked down upon in Japan. More than half the time a stud use vibrator on a woman isn't to give her pleasure and orgasm. More often it's a torture or humiliation or control. Even in those scenes the woman squirts, it feels like dissociated from her sexual pleasure. Just the stud taking control of her biological response rather than giving her a sexual service with the squirting being visible result of her orgasm.

3. combination of religion and feminism impose the weird censorship standard that coercion on women and objectification of women is a no no. So every single porn production has to get into your face that every woman is engaging in the sex entirely for her own pleasure. Especially when the stud is pounding her in the pussy or asshole, she can't be passive and enjoy it quietly. She has to clearly scream "Yes yes yes" and rubbing her clits is part of the acts to pass censorship.

4. mosaic
Sounds about right.


Dec 16, 2017
Don't have much to add after what ding said.

I do notice a huge difference between Japanese lesbian and straight porn when it comes to clitoral stimulation. Male sexuality and pleasure aren't the main focus of the movie so it's more focus on what the women like. In Japanese porn it's usually male sexuality that comes first, hence why the focus on the clitoris is little to none.

Also, there is reason why there is a lot of r*** porn in Japan or why the women always say thing such as "Its embarrasing" or "no" or "stop". Thats because there is a huge shame culture when it comes to female sexuality. The women aren't supposed to want it. Also one of the reasons why you see more female pubic hair in JAV. There used to be a notion that women who shave are promiscuous sluts.
It's all a bit fucked up but the mindsets are slowely changing.

Only thing I hope is that they do not take porn sex too serious over there because then I do feel sorry for Japanese women. Straight women in the West have the least orgasms during intercourse because a lot women can't orgasm from PiV sex only. Makes you wonder if it's worse in countries such as Japan.


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Once again, I wrote too too much and decided to erase it. Just a few ideas:

1. Lesbian porn (both West and JAV) has been and probably always will be made for straight male slightly homophobic fans.
2. more women are buying porn now, which is definitely affecting how porn is made, but I'm not sure exactly how and how much.
3. data from the DMM survey actually said that one of the top search term by women customer is for r*** and molestation porn, I still have difficulty wrapping my head around it.
4. Japanese population (including the non-porn-buying) are dating less, marrying less, divorcing more, fucking less, having fewer babies. Actually Americans and most so-called advanced economies are about the same. (See this vid: Why young people are having less sex? )

Altogether porn sex will be less and less realistic because more and more customers have never seen nor touched a fully naked person of opposite sex. They hardly even know how opposite sex talk and think in real world because they only know them in anime, manga, games and TV drama.

As for female orgasm (in the real world) my current theory is that, except for young boy-men, orgasm is hugely subjective. If someone wants it and believe s/he will or must have it, s/he will have it. So men can (almost) always get orgasm because he wants it and won't quit until he gets it. Many women don't have orgasm because she doesn't believe she will get it or give up and blame it on the dude.

Take a slightly weird example: sometimes I am fucking a particularly tight asshole that I can't ejaculate. So I might have this "broken-up" orgasm that psychologically I might had an orgasm but physically I still have a sack full of semen. So after the sex is "done", (maybe after a short nap) I sneak off to masturbate until I get that delayed satisfaction. My cock might get very sore when I make myself erect again, but here's the psych part, I am determined to unload my semen no matter how tired I might be or how sore my dick feels. If I can't get my satisfaction or not a full one, I take matter into my own hand. A woman tend to relish in her dissatisfaction.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2015
As for female orgasm (in the real world) my current theory is that, except for young boy-men, orgasm is hugely subjective. If someone wants it and believe s/he will or must have it, s/he will have it. So men can (almost) always get orgasm because he wants it and won't quit until he gets it. Many women don't have orgasm because she doesn't believe she will get it or give up and blame it on the dude.

I think that male orgasm is clearly visible through ejaculation, but, how does a female orgasm look like?