ready for
Buy # 3 of
zool's very, very informal buying club? we are going to buy 8 videos of the sakura kikaku [sakura planning] / 露出調教さくら企画 brand.
if you aren't familiar with sakura kikaku / 露出調教さくら企画 videos - their subject matter consists of mostly of very good looking women and mostly public exposure, but also on occasion group sex and sometimes moderate torture and other subject-matter
for those interested in researching sakura kikaku / 露出調教さくら企画 the official website is here:
there is a very good blog analyzing many of the videos available: XXXXさくら企画.jp/index1.php and here's a link to javlibrary were there are loads of links to the movies available for free on torrent and direct download:
for whatever reason you will find that sakura kikaku / 露出調教さくら企画 video have rarely been posted on akiba-online - maybe they were on the banned list in one of akiba-online's several transmogrifications
what videos are we seeking to get? here is a preliminary list:
変態蔵出し白書 No.9 (H-009)
未公開ファイル04 (M-04)
調教ノート ポコ (SCN-060)
調教ノート キララ (SCN-065)
調教note Vol.66 ルイ[52歳]スナックママ (SCN-066)
調教note Vol.69 きらら[24歳]フリーター (SCN-069)
投稿日記 ENTRY NO.72 ルイ(52歳)スナックママ (SKND-072)
a right click on any of the thumbs takes you to the full cover
some others are attached below to give you a gist of the brand and subject-matter of the videos
you are invited to join in the
zool's buy # 3 - the source of the buy is not yet totally definite - nor is the price - nor is the when
regarding the latter reason i don't know
when i can start
zool's buy # 3 is because i can't tell if prior buyers have picked up their video. when i know that happened i have room on the small planetesimal i inhabit to make the next buy.
[for those interested in participating in zool's buy # 3 you can send me an email at or send me a private message (go to the "inbox" in the upper right hand corner of this page)]