Would you watch a full season of Kiss x Sis?

Would you watch a full season of Kiss x Sis?

  • I would definitely watch it! All of it!

    Votes: 57 81.4%
  • I would definitely watch it at first, but can't promise I'd watch all of it.

    Votes: 10 14.3%
  • I don't think so, but I am not sure 100%. Maybe? Probably not.

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • No way! I don't like the thought of a full season of hentai!

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Suppose they made a 26-episode anime of Kiss x Sis, with the first two OAV episodes being Episodes 1 and 2, respectively. Suppose the pacing within the remaining 24 episodes was exactly the same as the pacing within the first two episodes. Suppose it stuck to the manga just as closely (or loosely) as the first two episodes have. Would you support it? Would you watch it? Would you purchase it on DVD if it was licensed for release in your country?

My testimony:
[hide]I loved the first episode of Kiss x Sis. It was the first I'd ever heard of the series. It wasn't great material for jerking off to, but it was excellent ecchi entertainment. It had heart, it had humor, it had cute ecchi sex appeal, it had it all. It was a really tasteful production, imo, and its two strongest features were its top-notch animation quality and its top-notch voice acting for Ako and Riko.

I didn't watch the second episode until a few days ago despite having had it for quite some time. But ever since I watched it, I have since re-watched it and the first episode at least three additional times all the way through.

When I got the Japanese manga thanks to elgringo, I quickly compared it with what I'd seen on TV. And what I discovered was:
(1) the anime portrayed the exact same scenes as the manga did but it lengthened them out
(2) each episode matched just one chapter

The second point was what really blew me away. I had expected Episode 1 of the anime to be two or three chapters from the manga. And I had had no doubts that Episode 2 must have come from more than one chapter. But no! I was wrong! Episode 1 was strictly based off of Chapter 1, and Episode 2 off of Chapter 2.

That's when I realized two additional things:
(1) if the 3rd episode of the anime (which comes out this winter) is going to be based off of Vol 1 Chapter 3, then that means the anime is going to end without covering any of the future chapters. And there are currently over 20 chapters!

(2) I was 100% not bored at all with the anime version, which means that if they were to adapt the other 18+ chapters, I have confidence that they would 100% be entertaining from start to finish and would not be boring or feel like they have filler that didn't exist in the manga. In other words, if 2 chapters made for 50 minutes of high-quality entertainment, why shouldn't the other 18+ chapters make for dozens of hours of entertainment?[/hide]

So when you consider all of this, you see why I feel very strongly that they should keep going with this project and, instead of stopping with OAV #3, they should aim for making an actual full-season-length anime.

How many full-season-length hentai animes are there? Very few! Maybe none? Sure, there are softcore ecchi ones like DearS or Mahoromatic but none of these had the sexual explicitness that Kiss x Sis does. And yet Kiss x Sis is not raunchy either! (So far) there hasn't even been any sex, and there's been very little full frontal nudity which viewers have gotten to see.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
AniDB does not even know the exact number of episodes?

I´ve got the first part but stopped watching it due to some reason I don´t even know anymore...

If someone´s gonna post it I think it should be posted in the anime section, it´s ecchi as hell but no hentai (not even a relationship to hentai like some older Pink Pineapple releases noone really would expect to see in the anime section).


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It depends on where you draw the line. Personally, I don't think there has to be penal-vaginal penetrative intercourse for it to count as "hentai." If two lesbians rub their vaginas against one another, it's hentai, right? So why isn't it hentai if a girl rubs up against a guy's dick, and the guy cums (outside -- he never even penetrated her!) and the girl also orgasms? To me, that would be hentai, too.

In episode 2 ... spoilers!
[hide]Keita accidentally performs cunnilingus on Ako-neechan through her swimsuit. At the same time, he slaps her butt repeatedly. Ako moans.

Seconds later, it's revealed that Keita's fingers on his right hand had been curled upward and into Riko-neechan's downstairs. (Either her butt or her vagina.) Regardless, after he uncurls his fingers -- which tickles Riko -- he tries to pull his arm out from under her, and in so doing rubs against her clitoris and makes her moan in pleasure.

Finally, at the end of the episode, Riko writes a letter to Keita in which she tells him that she washed his boxers and noticed he had cummed in them while he was sleeping. She attributes this to herself since she's the one who's been sleeping with Keita under the covers.[/hide]

And don't forget: in both episodes, we see the girls' fully-naked bodies full frontal. It's very brief and the camera angle never makes it possible to see the vagina itself, but all the same: full frontal nudity.

To me, that makes it hentai.

To me, an ecchi anime would be something more like Love Hina, where there is sexual humor left and right but they never show Naru's or the other girls' breasts, vaginas, or buttholes. Does Keitaro grab boobs? Yes. Are there erect-penis-rubbing-up-against-vagina jokes? You bet. Are the girls ever naked? Many times! But you never see them naked. You don't see anything the one time Keitaro accidentally strips Naru of her two-piece bikini's lower half. You just see her eyes and the bikini bottom fluttering in the wind. And then you see her clobber him. That's it.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
It depends on where you draw the line. Personally, I don't think there has to be penal-vaginal penetrative intercourse for it to count as "hentai." If two lesbians rub their vaginas against one another, it's hentai, right? So why isn't it hentai if a girl rubs up against a guy's dick, and the guy cums (outside -- he never even penetrated her!) and the girl also orgasms? To me, that would be hentai, too.



Mar 22, 2008
after those discussion with you about Hentai and Ecchi, I finally found my answer !

what I considered Hentai is there has to be some explicit (viewable) 2 people doing an intercourse(normal,gay,lesbo) and showing some of genital / some kind of genital under mosaic, lightsaber shaft or any other censoring method in use of an intercourse, so in this case I'm considering Virgin na kankei is a hentai manga.

how about ecchi ? well I consider an anime/manga is Ecchi when there is no explicit intercourse and no genital shown in use of an intercourse, other acts like teasing,sexual act with clothes on,naked boobs or whatever still doesn't count.

but wait there's a third unofficial category which really hangs in the balance between Hentai and Ecchi, I call this Hardcore Ecchi :XD: this kind of anime/manga might shown a intercourse or extremely erotic sexual act but without showing genitals in use, this category seems on fire lately with so many animes/manga fits this category (kanokon,kissxsis,my balls and yes TENKOUSEI is in it even if it has a label of something "18") all of it nonetheless still called Ecchi for me and this gives ease to my mindstate as I don't have confusion again :lols:


The Nesta
May 13, 2007
I haven't even fully watched the first two OVAs so I'm not sure how I'd feel about watching a whole series. Maybe I'll get back to you on that once I actually watch them, but so far I haven't been compelled to watch them with all the other stuff I have to watch sitting around.

[hide] I was really surprised during the scene you were explaining above where his fingers go into one of the girls and he pulls them out we see some juices flying out. At least it was some kind of liquid. That does make it seem more hentai-ish than it would've been otherwise.[/hide]

Than again, we see peeing in Queen's Blade and Juuden-chan, so I don't really know where bodily fluids stand when it comes to anime/hentai anymore.

PS: Yeah I couldn't figure out how to do spoilers tag.

to use the spoiler function:
[/hide][/hide] - take out the '/' in the first set of brackets


Feb 27, 2008
Well if the anime would take the same path as the manga it should be considered a hentai,the characters havent done any intercourse yet but they did quite some nasty stuff,like a female teacher masturbated in Keita's P.E. jersey,or Keita masturbating his sisters,he also sucked one of his sisters breasts when he was drunk,so i would say its a hentai,and these were spoilers btw lol.Nevertheless the first 2 episodes were entertaining so i probably could watch a whole season.


Feb 27, 2007
lol i just logged in to tell u about it but you've already beaten me to it. sure hope it doesn't get toned down like the tv series of Kyou no Go no Ni.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I've only ever seen the original 今日の5-2, not the remake, but I wasn't aware that either of them was toned down from the manga. I own Minami-ke manga volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4, and comparing them with all three seasons of the anime has yielded fairly 1:1 results. The anime's pretty much spot on. So I figured it'd be the same for 5-2, since it's the same author and all. Hmm.

I don't expect it will be toned down given Queen's Blade's airing on cable TV this year. Episode 1 (all I saw, and all a lot of folks saw, lol) had a woman shooting acidic milk out of her very-much-exposed-and-animated nipples. If that can air on Japanese TV without any censor bars, then I'm very confident that Kiss x Sis can air, too. Maaaaaaaaaaaybe there might be some pixelation around the genitals but I doubt it since those same laws apply to OAVs, too, and so far the OAVs haven't had a single speck of pixel-censorship. (They do their own internal censorship with mist, fog, rainbows, clothes, etc.)

Of course, if this anime is toned down, then it won't hold a candle to the original. That's what makes the original so awesome: it's the most tasteful hentai anime I've ever seen, it has zero sex in it, and it's hilarious and fun and just makes you feel good to watch it. :) It's a great, warm, happy show. I can only hope that next spring's tv version will be the same.

Personally? I'd LOVE it if the TV anime's first three episodes were the OAV eps re-aired. Why?
#1. It'd mean the same studio is animating Episodes 4+, and that'd be sweet. The studio animating Kiss x Sis has done a better job than many "real" anime studios. It's clear that they have a high budget but that they also really care about their finished products.

#2. It'd mean that future episodes would be just as cram-packed with information from the manga as the OAV episodes have been.

#3. It'd also mean that each chapter of the manga would be translated into one TV episode. Which is fantastic -- 'cause there's going to be five books by the time this airs, or around 30 chapters. :D~~ (Meaning a 26-episode anime isn't out of the question! :D)

So ......... I'm crossing my fingers that the OAV studio is also going to be the studio in charge of the TV anime. ^^;


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
I just enjoy incest stories (even if the characters of this one are not related by blood) and they are depicted way too kawaii to miss out on them:) i just hope that it will air more often then now (1 ep/ 2-3 months = omg,wtf? ) :)