Too Much Info, Girl!


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Someone I know on Facebook updated her status to say (and I quote):
just ate a can of baked beans for dinner and debating whether to finish it off with some mac 'n cheese. Really feel like I'm back in college again

Okay, now before you jump to any hasty conclusions, let me keep filling you in with some very important details about this girl.

First of all, she had a bad reputation (spread by the other girls in our class) for having really, REALLY foul-smelling poop.

Second of all, she has gall stones which impede her biliary functions. (Translation: she can't handle greasy, fatty foods well. They make her poop stinkier, sloppier, and yellower than normal people's.)

Third, she is overweight. She's not obese, but she has the so-called "muffin top." (For the record, I hate that term.)

So, here is a girl with already abnormally stinky shit who decides to tell the whole world that she ate an entire fucking can of baked beans for dinner and is further considering topping it off with fucking macaroni and cheese.



赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
HEINZ baked beans, hmmmmmmmmmm...

No problem to eat a full tin of these on one hit...


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I love baked beans, too, but:

(a) I'm not telling the whole world when it is that I just ate a whole can of them,
(b) I'm not telling the opposite sex,
(c) I'm not telling the opposite sex as an unattractive member of my own sex, and
(d) I'm not telling them something whose unpleasantness is only amplified by my well-known physiological abnormalities.

Mostly because I just don't go around telling people. XD

But still, you get my point. Even if she were hot and didn't have bowel problems, this would still be a sort of gross status update. But given her appearance and given her bowel problems, it's like "WTF were you THINKING when you told us this!?"


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
at least I don´t have a weight problem, 1.97 meters of height to 92 kilograms of weight, rather normal proportions.

But indeed it would be one of the last thing to tell anyone that I like to eat a full can of that stuff, independent from the gender. Indeed I eat chocolate like bread too, another fact nobody else needs to know...


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
So, here is a girl with already abnormally stinky shit who decides to tell the whole world that she ate an entire fucking can of baked beans for dinner and is further considering topping it off with fucking macaroni and cheese.

Sooo, to make sure this news gets to every nook and cranny of the world you help out by bringing this wonderful news to Akiba.

Thanks for thinking about us who might have missed out on this legume legacy.

I feel sorry for her internal problems and her external ones like her friends who will help spread the word.
You wouldn't announce these conditions if YOU had them, but it's ok to help broadcast her past and her present condition.

just ate a can of baked beans for dinner and debating whether to finish it off with some mac 'n cheese. Really feel like I'm back in college again
That's all she said. What's so bad about that? It's the stuff here that you added about her that makes this so wrong.
Your probably some skinny bad boy who looks like a zipper from a side view who feels better about himself by picking on overweight people behind their backs.:furious:

I've assumed you were a male, but maybe your a female cause some will trash other females like gossiping little girls.


Oct 25, 2009
she had a bad reputation...she has gall stones which impede her biliary functions...she is overweight

Normally I am ardently opposed to any "white-knightery" regardless of the circumstance, but this just seems downright malicious. The girl's statement itself is pretty benign, honestly. And using a school rumor, a medical issue, and her weight to turn it into an unpleasant joke seems a tad unnecessary.

I've cleared more than a few public restrooms with the aftermath of a bad Thai meal, but I'm not gonna stop eating Thai food. Should that make me some kind of pariah?

In all honesty, I don't think that you're trying to be as mean spirited as it seems, but the joke went a little over the top.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
She should not fast or eat a low fat diet as this causes gall stones to form and grow. Pectin, found in apples and carrots, can dissolve gallstones, however though they can form in just a few weeks, it takes longer for them to dissolve. She should follow the dr. Oz diet and also eat more unheated extra virgin olive oil with tumeric, make rice a staple food and eat apples and/or carrots daily. She should not overeat to avoid gallstone attacks and fast if she has/had a gallstone attack because gallstones can block gallbladder, pancreas and liver and cause inflammation and death.

When using the toilet she should just flush twice, once immediately after defecating to minimize other people talking shit.


New Member
Sep 19, 2009

But if you don't know any of her medical background or the school rumors her statement wouldn't have really meant anything... but still eeeeeeewwwwwww.


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
So she likes beans and mac and cheese, it just seems like the same type of irrelevant status update everyone else posts on Facebook. Don't particularly see any medical problems, or her weight, playing any importance here really.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
Someone I know on Facebook updated her status to say (and I quote):

Okay, now before you jump to any hasty conclusions, let me keep filling you in with some very important details about this girl.

First of all, she had a bad reputation (spread by the other girls in our class) for having really, REALLY foul-smelling poop.

Second of all, she has gall stones which impede her biliary functions. (Translation: she can't handle greasy, fatty foods well. They make her poop stinkier, sloppier, and yellower than normal people's.)

Third, she is overweight. She's not obese, but she has the so-called "muffin top." (For the record, I hate that term.)

So, here is a girl with already abnormally stinky shit who decides to tell the whole world that she ate an entire fucking can of baked beans for dinner and is further considering topping it off with fucking macaroni and cheese.


The stinky shit and the gall stones could be nothing more than malicious rumors spread by people who dislike her and you are just further helping to spread malicious rumors.Its all hearsay unless she herself openly admitted to you or the world on her myspace or twitter page of having stinky shit and gall stones.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
She has. It's not a malicious rumor. I was telling you guys this so that you knew that her secret was not only common knowledge to me but common knowledge to all of her classmates, all of whom are friends with her on Facebook. We all know (from her own two lips) about her biliary insufficiency.

Please, folks: spend less time trying to pwn me in the ways of nobility and more time calling spades spades, okay?


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Let's all imagine in vivid detail the humongous, slippery, mushy turd, sickly yellowy-green in colour, with chunks and a most foul, putrid stench, which she will violently splatter into the toilet after eating the baked beans and mac 'n cheese.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Green? She's not making enough bile. It'd be yellow yellow-brown ... like this. Hmm, you can't really see that. Hold on ... here you go. Steatorrhea.

And the point wasn't "oh ha ha, let us all imagine it and laugh about how gross it is." The point was, "oh wow, bro, you are right! Sometimes people share waaaaaaaaaay too much information with the world!"

I expected you guys to start posting things like this, and not what you actually posted:
  • I hate it when people update their Twitter account to let me know they're going to the bathroom / picking their nose / gassy.
  • I hate it when somebody you're talking to says, "Excuse me, I've got REAAAAALLY bad diarrhea, be right back" instead of saying, "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom."
  • I hate it when somebody tells everybody on Facebook that something frothy is coming out of their dick.
  • I hate it when people share too much info with us!

That sort of thing. But you guys opted instead to troll. So whatever.


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
Well if I wouldn't have known about the smelly, discolored, sloppy, chuncky poo the first thing I would have gotten out of her message would have been: "man that's alot of farting she has in store." But yeah I hate it when people post updates that have to much info... I mean if your post something make it meaningful or funny.


Oct 25, 2009
And the point wasn't "oh ha ha, let us all imagine it and laugh about how gross it is." The point was, "oh wow, bro, you are right! Sometimes people share waaaaaaaaaay too much information with the world!"

I can appreciate the point you wanted to make, and the fact that you had a particular direction you wanted the thread to go in. But the comment you used to try and make this point didn't rise to the level of too much info until you elaborated on it. If she had posted something like "just had a gyno exam" or "Hai guyz, banging a manatee right now, ROFL" or "cottage cheese enema. that is all.", that would definitely be too much info, girl!

And, come on, now
you guys opted instead to troll. So whatever

Trolling? That ain't trolling, this would be trolling

Begin Troll - "Since the statement on its own wasn't "too much info" without the info you provided, aren't you the one giving out too much info? Did the initial post demonstrate the same behavior you're condemning? Was the post a preemptive troll strike?" - End Troll

Just kidding, by the way. No need to get upset, nobody likes the "I'm not getting enough fiber, guess how I know" kind of excess info!


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Green? She's not making enough bile.
A stool deficient in bile has a (pale) yellow or even pale gray color and can easily take on a green hue due to the presence of iron in food, malabsorption, leafy green vegetables or some other reason. And while I chose this color more for its flowery properties, sickly yellowy-green definitely falls within the realm of possible colors.

I also do not recall visiting either facebook or twitter as I imagine these sites to be filled with dullness and the mundane. I do not hate what is posted on these sites though. Live and let live; they can post whatever they want and I don't read it.

And 'too much info' can fall well within my sense of humor.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
She has. It's not a malicious rumor. I was telling you guys this so that you knew that her secret was not only common knowledge to me but common knowledge to all of her classmates, all of whom are friends with her on Facebook. We all know (from her own two lips) about her biliary insufficiency.

Please, folks: spend less time trying to pwn me in the ways of nobility and more time calling spades spades, okay?

Then you should have said in your first post that she goes around telling people that she has stinky shit and gall stones.You implied in your post that it was a rumor "First of all, she had a bad reputation (spread by the other girls in our class) for having really, REALLY foul-smelling poop.".

Yes it is retarded disgusting when people decide to reveal little details about themselves that should remain private, regardless if it is in a class room, on the internet, in a dining facility or some other place. You should tell your face book friend that it uncool to talk about such things.You should inform your friend that she would not hear about you going to the the restroom and giving birth to a brown baby(A really big shit).


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
A stool deficient in bile has a (pale) yellow or even pale gray color.
A stool deficient in bile [...] can easily take on a green.

What you've listed is a theoretical means to that ends, but it is by no means easy. You should cite your medical source for this purported "green steatorrhea." Because I am prepared to list off numerous websites and medical textbooks which discuss the color spectra of fatty stools and which fail to mention any of them becoming green.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Do any of these texts mention black steatorrhea? Or purple/red steatorrhea? Or orange/red steatorrhea? If they fail to do so then according to this reasoning if your stool is deficient in bile and you have eaten licorice containing generous amounts of carbon, beets, tomato juice or spinach your stool would still be (pale) yellow or pale gray.