The working life of AV actresses


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008

The author of the article is a famed JAV commenter from Taiwan. The link above is in Chinese, but I'll summarize the important parts.

Anri Okita, nicknamed "The Strongest Body", shoots about 5-6 films per month, each taking 2-3 days to complete, and would work up to 10-12 hours per day on average. That means roughly 13 days per month is spent shooting. She gets 5-6 off days during her period. On "off days", she has to shoot covers and autograph polaroid photos (which comes as a gift for her works). It may sound easy, but it's a daunting task when the photos number between 400-500.

So about 20 days per month is spent working. Some of the younger AV stars, yearning to earn more, even sacrifice the little time left they have to rest, and their body and health take a beating as a result, damaging their livers especially. Okita herself claimed she once spent a whole week unable to get off bed, and couldn't even do something as simple as updating her blog.

JAV is a highly competitive industry, and the stars are under constant pressure to achieve good sale numbers. They don't get paid time off, and stop getting paid the moment they stop working.

The working hours has come as a bit of a shock to me. I know they shag a lot, but I was not expecting so many hours, every other day of the month. And to hear them having liver damage is painful. Coupled with having to face their parents, sale numbers, and making love with ugly dudes, the stress to both body and mind is tremendous. I've grown some new found respect for them, and hope the public becomes more aware of stuff like this, because when people say doing porn is taking the easy way out, for these girls, it really isn't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
I wasn't too sure at first too so I googled a bit, and apparently in Chinese medicine working late nights too much can cause harm to your liver. But then I found out the term is usually used as a metaphor to describe I'm not quite sure now.
Aug 25, 2010
I dunno, but they probably don't work as hard as most japanese have to on a daily basis with their 6 day work weeks and long shifts.


New Member
Mar 19, 2011
Anybody knows how much they get paid in a per AV movie?And I wonder do they take any stimulation drugs to get themselves numb or high when shooting an AV movies such as in the gangbang or r*** scene. I've seen some really in a very high mood.