The Decline of Akiba-Online


Active Member
Apr 2, 2011
I've been a user for a couple of years, but over the past few months Akiba has gone on a steep and steady decline. As far as I'm concerned this board is quickly becoming ancient history. Mainly for two or three reasons:

1. How many connections to you "enable" for places outside Japan? The reasons I ask is that I use Tab browsing, so if I'm going through a forum here and I see a post that I want to grab links for, I'll open it up in a new TAB.

But EVERY TIME I open in a new Tab, I get your two-bit "503 Service Unavailable" error page. EVERY SINGLE TIME!. You spent extra time developing this "special" page and you display it prominently, but you should be EMBARRASSED that it ever has to display. What do you offer, 5 or 6 connections? And it's not just during "evening time in Japan." It doesn't matter what time of day. The 503 Error Page ALWAYS happens. Even if I try to attach an image to a post, I get the 503 Error page. It's totally ridiculous. Like I said, it makes you look like a two-bit outfit; a joke. Do you know what that means? Are you in the process of folding up your tent?

2. The quality of the posts on Akiba has gone down dramatically. There's been a recent streak of watermarking files, and it has UTTERLY RUINED collecting. I don't know what it is, an asian thing? Why do those idiots watermark files? Mama didn't give them enough attention? Actually, I can't say it's only an asian thing, because there are some great asian JAV posters -- mottto, ichiban, japan-x, japgirlz, nukleotide, Conquistador and a few others -- that DON'T watermark files. They encode cleanly and will leave an .nfo file; that's it. But most of these guys, you don't find their excellent posts on Akiba. That should tell you something.

Incompetent fools like hotavxxx, avhio, javaddiction, avdvdshop,, and the list goes on, have completely CORRUPTED the whole idea of sharing. Everything they touch turns to sh!t, and they leave a trail of it all over the Internet. They didn't create a damn thing; they're not only pirates and infringers, they're scumbag pirates and infringers, trying to make money from something they stole.

And of course, many of your Akiba sheep posters simply repost the crap that has already been posted. It's a vicious, never-ending cycle; and it looks like it's too late to fix. Unless you decide to exert some quality control on your board and start deleting crap watermarked posts and banning those users who post and repost them.

3. Your forum software is extremely buggy. Pages and posts REPEAT and REPEAT themselves, whether I manually go page to page, or whether I use AutoPager to save me the hassle. With more than 50 pages of posts per day in just the JAV Downloads forum, I'd say that probably 20% are duplicate posts. It makes navigating your site a real pain in the a$$.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2009
I've been on here for a couple of years too and will say that there has been a slight decline with the board but nothing too bad. I've never had any problems getting onto the site except when it was shut down earlier this year after they were hacked.

The watermarking sucks, but I'm not going to complain about that. The site is free and these guys do a pretty damn good job considering that fact.


Sep 7, 2008
I've been a user for a couple of years, but over the past few months Akiba has gone on a steep and steady decline. As far as I'm concerned this board is quickly becoming ancient history. Mainly for two or three reasons:

1. How many connections to you "enable" for places outside Japan? The reasons I ask is that I use Tab browsing, so if I'm going through a forum here and I see a post that I want to grab links for, I'll open it up in a new TAB.

But EVERY TIME I open in a new Tab, I get your two-bit "503 Service Unavailable" error page. EVERY SINGLE TIME!. You spent extra time developing this "special" page and you display it prominently, but you should be EMBARRASSED that it ever has to display. What do you offer, 5 or 6 connections? And it's not just during "evening time in Japan." It doesn't matter what time of day. The 503 Error Page ALWAYS happens. Even if I try to attach an image to a post, I get the 503 Error page. It's totally ridiculous. Like I said, it makes you look like a two-bit outfit; a joke. Do you know what that means? Are you in the process of folding up your tent?

2. The quality of the posts on Akiba has gone down dramatically. There's been a recent streak of watermarking files, and it has UTTERLY RUINED collecting. I don't know what it is, an asian thing? Why do those idiots watermark files? Mama didn't give them enough attention? Actually, I can't say it's only an asian thing, because there are some great asian JAV posters -- mottto, ichiban, japan-x, japgirlz, nukleotide, Conquistador and a few others -- that DON'T watermark files. They encode cleanly and will leave an .nfo file; that's it. But most of these guys, you don't find their excellent posts on Akiba. That should tell you something.

Incompetent fools like hotavxxx, avhio, javaddiction, avdvdshop,, and the list goes on, have completely CORRUPTED the whole idea of sharing. Everything they touch turns to sh!t, and they leave a trail of it all over the Internet. They didn't create a damn thing; they're not only pirates and infringers, they're scumbag pirates and infringers, trying to make money from something they stole.

And of course, many of your Akiba sheep posters simply repost the crap that has already been posted. It's a vicious, never-ending cycle; and it looks like it's too late to fix. Unless you decide to exert some quality control on your board and start deleting crap watermarked posts and banning those users who post and repost them.

3. Your forum software is extremely buggy. Pages and posts REPEAT and REPEAT themselves, whether I manually go page to page, or whether I use AutoPager to save me the hassle. With more than 50 pages of posts per day in just the JAV Downloads forum, I'd say that probably 20% are duplicate posts. It makes navigating your site a real pain in the a$$
If you really believe in that, why you're still here?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2011
If you really believe in that, why you're still here?

Simple. If you looked on the Forum Title, you'd understand why. It's called "Feedback and Suggestions." That's exactly what I provided.

No way a board is going to know what its users might be experiencing if no one tells the Admins what's going on. "Gee thanks for all the free stuff" is a nice pat on the back, but how do you think bugs and other problems ever get recognized and, presumably, fixed without someone (hopefully more than one person) calling them out?

Make sense?


Jul 23, 2008
Simple. If you looked on the Forum Title, you'd understand why. It's called "Feedback and Suggestions." That's exactly what I provided.

No way a board is going to know what its users might be experiencing if no one tells the Admins what's going on. "Gee thanks for all the free stuff" is a nice pat on the back, but how do you think bugs and other problems ever get recognized and, presumably, fixed without someone (hopefully more than one person) calling them out?

Make sense?

no...... but I give you credit for the balls to make this post.

How about a reality check though? Do you think anything you have shared has gone unnoticed by the hardworking staff who actually has invested their free time and effort into trying to give you a better forum? Do you honestly think that your whining about how busy this site is, is going to improve anything? Because that is why the 503s' occur, because there are just too many requests for the server to handle. That is why you are a registered user now, after a couple of years of leeching and not contributing, because registered users are given a priorty and nonregistered users will just have to endure more 503s'.

As far as the water marking goes you have a point but if you want the moderators and admins to take your complaints more seriously a degree of humilty would not be out of place. You are merely a guest here after all, try acting like one.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
Your forum software is extremely buggy. Pages and posts REPEAT and REPEAT themselves
I have the ability to look into this for you, but can you please give me a specific search term or link that will show this problem? I have never noticed this issue, myself.


Sep 7, 2008
There's been a recent streak of watermarking files ... Why do those idiots watermark files?
Here's the answer (by an anonymous poster)
... I have told him not to post my files through PM but that just made him post even more. My proof that they're my files is within the files themselves. I put a small watermark on every video file to show that I uploaded it first.


Jul 23, 2008
I have the ability to look into this for you, but can you please give me a specific search term or link that will show this problem? I have never noticed this issue, myself.

I think this is due to timeouts, (and caching perhaps?), due to iConsume browsing the forum as an unregistered user, (this is based on his previous comments and post count). My bet is he only logs in to post a comment but I am only guessing.


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
I think this is due to timeouts, (and caching perhaps?), due to iConsume browsing the forum as an unregistered user, (this is based on his previous comments and post count). My bet is he only logs in to post a comment but I am only guessing.

I was wondering that as well, long before I scrolled further down the page, but there a couple of points of interest though,

watermarks on posts, I agree is a big problem and on covers as well, and it is only done for profit, which sharing was not signed up for and we do not need it,

as for double posting, if you see them report them, we cannot do anything if you just say there are 20 double posts on 50 pages, I am not going to go through 50 pages, so you report the double post , and send us the original, then we can do something about it,

There are many good posters, if you just like there posts you can always use there name and click on it and find all posts by that member, and then search his/her posts,

I hope this helps you as well, and it has been suggested that you sign in as well, which will speed things up, and also follow Rollyco's advice and send him what you mean

I hope you will enjoy our service


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
Maybe this thread should have been titled "the decline of AO's JAV forum". Because Akiba-Online is actually more than JUST the free downloads and torrents in the JAV section. And the 503 thing isn't a "bug" per se; registered users get preferential treatment with respect to bandwidth, and as a registered user, I prefer it that way.


Death Emperor
Feb 12, 2009
the thread starter joined in apr 2011 contradicting one of his statement, has only thanked 2 times and has gotten more thanks here than in any other thread.

i only see criticism, not suggestions. i wouldn't even call it feedback considering he could have at least thanked the people who uploaded stuff here for everyone for the years he has been but then again, he actually had to register recently because AO is now prioritizing registered users.

alas, the thread starter did have some good points but people would have ignored it completely because of the holier-than-thou speech


New Member
Apr 6, 2007
Because that is why the 503s' occur, because there are just too many requests for the server to handle. That is why you are a registered user now, after a couple of years of leeching and not contributing, because registered users are given a priorty and nonregistered users will just have to endure more 503s'.

That's exactly the point I would make too. All non-registered users need to make multiple requests (hammer) to get a page to load. How is the server handling this? And does responding with the 503 reply add load to the server each time? Before the downtime in 2011 there never was this issue.


New Member
Feb 2, 2009
Is it possible to remove/decrease the priority check for the main and login pages (just to allow people getting the "503 Service Unavailable" error to connect)?

Thank you!


Jul 23, 2008
That's exactly the point I would make too. All non-registered users need to make multiple requests (hammer) to get a page to load. How is the server handling this? And does responding with the 503 reply add load to the server each time? Before the downtime in 2011 there never was this issue.

??????? I appreciate you agreeing with me and all but to be quite frank there have been server overload problems ever since I got here. 502 and 503 errors have never been rare here, although I admit they have never ever been this bad.

Is it possible to remove/decrease the priority check for the main and login pages (just to allow people getting the "503 Service Unavailable" error to connect)?

Thank you!

Of course they could remove that, the question is:
would it improve performance for everyone at the cost of lessening the performance for members once they login?

or would it actually solve the problem completely?

or would it make the whole situation drastically worse?

It is concievable that "spooling" access requests in this manner is having more of a negative impact on performance than was anticipated but I think the original idea was sound. Theory and practice however, do not always go hand in hand.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2011
Take Two

Well, I re-read my diatribe above, and if I had to re-do it, I would have toned it down. And retitled it. Sorry, Admins and volunteers, it was overly harsh and I do appreciate your time and efforts, BUT buried in the harshness were the reasons I wrote it in the first place.

I don't regret anything I had to say about the watermarkers corrupting the practice of sharing and bringing down the overall quality of the board -- at least the JAV sections that I frequent. Those who want to consider that whining, so be it. But if nothing's done about it, it will result in several GOOD, QUALITY posters retiring from posting altogether. More than one has told me that personally. And that will ultimately hurt the board. Alright, enough of that...

I appreciate the replies from the Admins & Section Ops who expressed interest in the 503 Error and Double-posting issues I raised. Thank you, gentlemen for not returning fire with fire.

Regarding logging in, I do log in when I browse, not only when I post -- and yes, I still get the 503 error.

As far as the repeating posts, that may be a challenge to detail to you. I generally use AutoPager to browse the forums. But on this site specifically, I can't tell which page I'm on because the page number bar at the top does not repeat when AutoPager loads a new page, or a series of new pages. I don't have that problem on other sites. BTW, I've tried a few different AutoPager rules for this site; one even written by the author of AutoPager. But none of them has helped solve the "no-page-number" issue, or the repeating-posts issue.

Anyway, long story short, next time I encounter double- and triple-posts I'll attempt to identify where they are, and give you a heads-up, Rollyco and/or coolkevin, since you both offered to look into it. Thanks for the offer.

Finally, no need to question my veracity about my tenure on a computer bulletin board. Cripes! Yes, I have been a regular user for the past two years; is it verboten to close an old user account and create a new one? If so, my error, I don't recall reading that in the FAQs...


Jul 23, 2008
is it verboten to close an old user account and create a new one? If so, my error, I don't recall reading that in the FAQs...

You should have contacted the admins.
4. No multiple accounts. We will check your IP if we suspect anything and it will usually lead to a permanent ban on an IP or ISP level.

As far as I know there is no way to "close" an account here, except with help from the administration of this board. The Multiple Account rule is a big deal actually because of consistent abuse of it. Now if you were banned, suspended or just wanted to be someone else here for shits and giggles you could technically be in violation of this rule. This doesn't mean you will get banned for this violation automatically as the moderators are basically a good bunch and generally only ban those they feel are harmful to the board.

Other than that, nice post.