TEPCO nuke disaster report 'sloppy' and 'false'


Mar 2, 2010
FUKUSHIMA -- Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)'s final report on the Fukushima nuclear disaster has triggered a major backlash from prefectural residents and authorities who call it weak and even laced with falsehoods, it has been learned.

"We still don't know what happened in the cores of the No. 1, 2 and 3 reactors..." said Yoshihiro Koyama, head of Fukushima Prefecture's nuclear safety measures division.


Meanwhile, Mayor Tamotsu Baba of the village of Namie points out a significant fabrication of data in TEPCO's report. While the document states that "TEPCO employees visited the village of Namie from March 13, 2011" to inform city authorities of details regarding the crisis, Baba says that they heard from TEPCO officials for the first time only in late March.

"This report is not just sloppy in content -- it includes falsified information," said Baba, who is expected to seek charges against the former TEPCO president and other officials for violating a liaison pact by not reporting to the Namie Municipal Government immediately after the outbreak of the disaster.
