Technical question: Remote computer usage


Robin Hood of U15 Torrent
Jan 6, 2009

I was reading some where how it is possible to network with a computer in another country, for example Japan, and entirely use all the system resources from that computer, program applications, internet connection, etc. So, in other words, you could access the internet through the computer in Japan, download and save content, and even view that content with applications on that remote computer. Your own computer would not contain any content, except in cache.

At least that is my understanding and my understanding is admittedly limited. Does anyone know anything about this? Would it be possible to find a service on the internet that would allow you to do this? What would it be called?



Feb 11, 2007
There are many variations of that kind of system, each with different features and limitations. What you describe sounds most like VNC (or Virtual Network Computing), but I am not aware of any company that specifically "leases" VNC servers. Keep in mind that depending on what implementation of VNC is being used, the login may be secure but the actual screen data being transmitted may not be encrypted.

There are many other services (or ways of setting up services) similar to VNC, but they are almost all very complicated or expensive (or both) -- typically reserved for enterprise customers.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
You don't need to be an enterprise customer or look for a specialized service.

All you need to do is lease a server (or a virtual private server) with an operating system you're comfortable with (like Windows). Then you can VNC or RDP into the server and do whatever.

But forget about bandwidth intensive tasks like playing videos remotely; you need a LAN connection for that to work. If you have a video stored on your remote server, you'll have to download it to your computer and play it there.


New Member
Dec 8, 2008

There are many variations of that kind of system, each with different features and limitations. What you describe sounds most like VNC (or Virtual Network Computing), but I am not aware of any company that specifically "leases" VNC servers. Keep in mind that depending on what implementation of VNC is being used, the login may be secure but the actual screen data being transmitted may not be encrypted.

There are many other services (or ways of setting up services) similar to VNC, but they are almost all very complicated or expensive (or both) -- typically reserved for enterprise customers.

You could use gbridge that has the same function and does not require configuration. The software automaitcally creates the VPN between your computer and other computer using the e-mail address.
I have not read the whole thread so forgive my next quesion.
Who will provide the computer in Japan for someone to use it in US?


No more JI - Retired from AO
Apr 2, 2008
and this has to do with JIs how ?

'nuff said.


Robin Hood of U15 Torrent
Jan 6, 2009
It would allow access to JI material outside of Japan, where the legality of said material is questionable. I would have thought that was obvious.

I recently returned home and I won't download anything here, since the legality of many Junior Idol videos and pictures is questionable.


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
But where you stated

Your own computer would not contain any content, except in cache

sort of defeats the purpose in the first place. (Emphasis mine.) Illegal content on your computer in any form is illegal, whether it's in the cache, recycle bin, documents folder, or even deleted (if it can be recovered).

I sure would hate to be proven wrong, but JI material ALONE won't get you put away (unless it's blatantly sexual in nature). What will get you in trouble is (by way of illustration) if you commit some other crime (e.g. kidnapping), and during the course of the investigation, some JI material is discovered on your computer; at that point, a crafty prosecutor will realise that such material can be used to make your original crime seem that much more "horrific", thus swaying a typical jury's opinion even more.

Sorry for veering a bit off-topic, but my point was that it (the thread topic) would seem to be too much effort in order to still not guarantee any real security.


Robin Hood of U15 Torrent
Jan 6, 2009
I suppose that it would only exist in RAM, and RAM memory is volatile. At least that is my understanding.

Some countries now have ruled that possession of child pornography requires an act of saving to disk, and that files in cache or memory retrieved from RAM are not sufficient evidence.


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
I suppose that it would only exist in RAM, and RAM memory is volatile. At least that is my understanding.

You're right; when you said "cache" I was thinking in terms of browser caches, which are generally written to disk.


Dec 15, 2006
You can use Remote Desktop which already comes with all "professional" versions of Windows (e.g. winxp pro). That's for the "server" portion of Remote Desktop. For the "client" portion of Remote Desktop, any Windows version will do.

But if I'm understanding you correctly, that you want to play the videos on the computer in Japan and view them through your remote client in your country, then you'd better hope your computer in Japan is connected to a really fat and uncapped pipe. ;)


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Some countries now have ruled that possession of child pornography requires an act of saving to disk, and that files in cache or memory retrieved from RAM are not sufficient evidence.

And some countries (e.g. Australia) ruled that just visiting some sites is illegal, whether you download or not.