sw-245 lady


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
In time, the madmen who contribute to Sougouwiki will possibly add some or all of the cast members of SW-245; the problem is that SW-245 (which exploits the "prank" theme, where "little boys" target older women, a theme I enjoy - when done well; there are a few RCTs from ROCKET that are very good) is brand new, released this month. Not much time to get information on it.

So the only chance you have to get your question answered, Laser168, is to provide pictures of your lady in the hopes that your potential helper will recognize her. You not only didn't do that, you didn't add any helpful information, like what clothing she wears or other distinguishing physical characteristics to save your helper the time and trouble from figuring things out. (In this case it would have been important, because there's one clear view of her on the cover - but I needed to do some serious squinting, before realizing that.)


I guess you're assuming your helper already owns the movie, but that's a big assumption. Or maybe you're expecting your helper to download the movie. In this case, you didn't even suggest where to go.

You could have at least included thumbs in existence; I found these two from the archives:


That would have been better than nothing, but not too helpful in this case, because thumbs are prepared at random, and one can't count on thumbs providing clear views of a particular actress. No, what you really needed to do - and you can still do this - is grab frames of the lady from the movie (which you presumably have on hand), and then embed them in your post, nice and large, to save your helper from extra clicks.

Why do you expect your helper to do all the work when you're not willing yo do any?

Not only is such an outlook self-defeating, because you are reducing your chances of getting the answer, it's also not good manners.

Your moniker sounded familiar, and I looked at your posting history.

You tried to get the name of a video, maybe desperately, given how you kept bumping your thread sometimes within days of each other (which I'm glad you're not doing anymore, because that's not polite), and when fellow member Orewasukebei offered helpful advice - why, you didn't give him any acknowledgment!

I see you have given zero thanks via the Thanks button, which I can't fault you for, because you can see I've done the same. But the difference is, almost all of your posts, versus the majority of mine, have been about asking for help. The reason why I never got into using the Thanks button is that I felt there was something superficial about it (and I don't feel as strongly about it now - in fact I've come to appreciate it), and I preferred the sincerity of taking the trouble of expressing sentiments verbally, so that my helper could see my appreciation was heartfelt. I don't believe I have ever failed to do this.

Let's take a look at the rare time you extended a helping hand; see, Codegeek not only used the Thanks button, he also thanked you verbally! But that's Codegeek for you, this is why he has come to be known the world over as "Gentleman Codegeek."

You are obviously not the only one who makes a mockery of Emily Post, another rare time you helped was here, and Questioner Iyuuki didn't care. Naturally, the reason why we offer assistance is not to get accolades, but it's hard to maintain a good opinion about someone who can't offer the slightest token of gratitude.

The only other time you helped, I see Questioner Torenz made sure to politely acknowledge your answer, even though you got the answer wrong. Now look at this - one time Torenz served as your rescuer, with one of your many "Help Me" questions, and you didn't make one sound! (Good old Casshern2 not only thanked Torenz with the button, but with a compliment. That should have been you.)

Once you threw out a question that invited a flurry of responses, including from me, and you were content to watch from the sidelines. Another time I see I went to bat for you in a very involved way (so involved, I decided to make sure others could benefit as well), to be greeted by your customary silence. (This must have been the one from where your name sounded familiar to me.)

Then there was the time you asked for an actress ID, and answered your own question. At least you were thoughtful enough to go back and include a message that helpers should no longer bother. Yet you did so with the two simple words. "Found it." Didn't it occur to you that other members could also be curious at that point, as to what the actress' name may be?

It may not be a bad idea for you to put yourself in the seat of the other person, to treat people the way you would want to be treated.

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