Some old DVDs for sale (Anna Ohura, Nao Oikawa)


New Member
Jan 5, 2007
Hello all, I have some old JAV dvds and a few US dvds for sale.

7MIBD-117 Hyper Digital Mosaic Nao Oikawa 4 Hours Moody's - $10
RMID-123 Dream Woman 5 (Nao Oikawa) - $10
SDDM-748 Drunk Gals !! Runaway! Evil Nori First Aid Corps! - $5
DOKS-064 Big tits Boobs facial pressure - $10

TWD-035 Anna Ohura Fetish Angle (original release) - $10
SO-110 Super Big tits Angle - Anna Ohura (original release) - $10

US dvds - $7 each
Busty pom pom girls
Virtual sex with Jill Kelly
The Watcher
Babewatch the new wave

I'm in Japan so shipping will vary depending on your location, but I always send with a tracking number (an extra $4 on top of postage). If you want a few titles, let me know and we can work out a decent discount.

Thanks for looking

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