This is a dandy development, if it will help keep the forum kicking. Yet I couldn't resist responding to two entries in this thread, saying... here, I'll quote the second one, by Boyriot:
"100 % agree, ryushare is the best file sharing"
It turns out there is at least one person who disagrees, and you are somehow looking at him. (I suppose I would then fall into the category of 1%.... I never thought I'd be part of the 1%. I had better re-check my bank account.)
I bypass the omnipresent Ryushare, because its download speeds - at least in the USA - are awful. Those with premium accounts or super-fast Internet (how I am now envying Coolkevin for knocking out 20GB in only three hours; for me, 20GB would take closer to three days) needn't worry, but the speed I get from Ryushare is akin to what another member on this thread (Chrisfallout) mentioned:
"...In usa download speed like 49k for speed.."
With speeds like that, unless the file is an absolute must, one has to ask... Ryucrazy?
A pity a previous Akiba sponsor, Filerose, didn't step up to the plate with the same offer. It was not perfect (having only used them once or twice), but at least the speeds were acceptably fine.
Naturally, all of this is practically irrelevant as far as the welfare of Akiba-Online is concerned.