

I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
I think if someone comes to Japan with positive expectations, and a positive attitude living here will be much easier, and enjoyable.

Until a taxi driver will stop, look to see you're foreign, then drive off.
Until the sales-person sees you, and walks away.
Until you get to the entrance of a normal shot-bar, walk in, and are told "Japanese Only."
Until you are 'randomly' stopped by police every few outings, to be questioned 'thoroughly'.
Until Until Until


Active Member
Sep 4, 2009
Until a taxi driver will stop, look to see you're foreign, then drive off.
Until the sales-person sees you, and walks away.
Until you get to the entrance of a normal shot-bar, walk in, and are told "Japanese Only."
Until you are 'randomly' stopped by police every few outings, to be questioned 'thoroughly'.
Until Until Until

All those things comprise perhaps less than 1% of my experience. And, those things happen in other countries, including the US, Canada, etc.

You want to let a few assholes shape your view of an entire society, that's your choice.


New Member
Oct 16, 2007
Well thankfully I'll be staying with a teacher (White american) over there so I'll make sure he gives me some pointers on how to handle situations if/when they arise. I'll be in the Kobe area if that helps any with preparedness and any advice that can be given. Thank you all for the info so far (Even the flowery stuff)


New Member
Aug 18, 2011
Hello all! I was wondering how bad is it in Japan? Say if I plan to teach English there and had just graduated from university and want to live there for a long time for work and leisure through a work Visa and sponsorship if I can get one would that be possible? The reason I choose Japan is because Im fascinated by their culture and is very interested in it. (Im still a beginner in terms of their language though)

Im Hong Kong, but I have a permanent Canadian citizenship and have grown up in Canada for the majority of my life. I heard the racism in Japan for Chinese people is really bad. Is this true? For anybody that has lived or is born in Japan, can you guys give me some insight on this issue?

And also, how bad is it in terms of relationships? Do they care if Im Hong Kong? Would I be able to have one? Are they racists or only a small number of them are? Im asking because I prefer Japanese girls and I dont really know so much about the ones that live in Japan so I hope you guys will enlighten me, thanks!

First of all, I'm not a racist at all, I have racially diverse Friends, I'm purely Japanese, not mixed, but my cousins are half-white who live in America, and Ive lived in the US myself and also African Americans home as a homestay student. This is why, my ex-girlfriends are not only Japanese. Ive never slept with the white or african american though.[I love the Japanese the best coz I love my own roots the most.]

Note: In this post, I cant help but use the word, the foreigners, however this doesn't mean the word as we use it in the US, I just cant find the other word.

As a Japanese I must say in general no doubt we hate China, not the Chinese people maybe, and You must know the fact that the Chinese people hate us, so we cant help but have bad feelings about the Chinese people overall, this is not personal, strictly speaking, I think this is not a RACISM at all. This is an inevitable part of human nature, we are not Pokemon or something, we have feelings.

Firstly to understand this thing, You must know the fact that we have historically hated each other. And Why do you think China lost at the First Sino-Japanese War?

You know what 中国[China] means? It means the central of the world. China has been too proud to change their policy always. On the contrary, Japan has been always flexible, and emerged as the only one of great powers in Asia first. However this, the appearance of Japan as a country that had stood up to the then dominant powers in the Western world has made China mad even until today. This is the root of all evil of hundred of years, I believe.

Second, what the Chinese goverment's doing is completely crap "WE" strongly believe.

You know they sold us poisoned gyoza, This is a fact.

Chinese government does everything, like thought control, lying about everything and hiding everything they don’t like. Besides in China a public act of violence by an unruly mob happens frequency, but unfortunately their motto is not anti-governmental demonstration, but anti-Japanese because the Chinese government allows them to do it in case of anti-Japanese demonstration’s which is exactly an outlet for the Chinese energies for hundreds of years. Moreover, You know what the ratio of man and woman is in China? This kind of thing never happened to our human history. I think China will collapse soon like Soviet Union.

Plus, You know in China people can’t even care people die on the street because they are afraid of getting involved in trouble. They can’t help each other because they dread standing out so badly. This is not the people’s fault, but their government’s. In China Police and Government are everything. If they disobey their policy which is of course fascism, their future would be nothing but a catastrophe. So simply they can’t say anything, no choice but to just hide behind a delusion world, their control of free speech and disparity of wealth.

YES, I have some Chinese friends, but I hate China and the Chinese people overall, AGAIN this is because they hate us unfairly by using crappy policy, this is not racism at all imo, but maybe we can be friends oneday. Who knows.

As a caucasian it's very difficult for me to answer this but I've found differing opinions among Chinese people who live here. One Taiwanese lady I know loves living in Tokyo and takes any racism as a necessary part of being a foreigner. Others seems to not share this approach and thus close-knit Chinese communities have developed in many areas of Japan, where they look after their own and serve their own needs, I suppose just like they have always done in many countries for many years... nothing wrong with that. Unlike Muslims and other religious zealots, they tend not to annoy other members of the community.

Chinese/Japanese interracial marriage is increasing, so that's an encouraging sign. There is a lot of jealousy among the old guard concerning the emergence of China as an economic force and eclipsing Japan as no. 2 economy in the world. That can't be helped but is counter-balanced by facts like Japan being the largest foreign investor in China.

First of all, we consider that Taiwan and China are different, you know Taiwan was the best donator after the Japans disastrous earthquake 311. Personally I love Taiwan, becasue they love us.

As for the second part, that's true, but I don't know why.

Oh, so youre saying its not that bad right? The discrimination only applies to the majority of the old population? Im just guessing that the young people in Japan my age, dont really care?

Ive had varying responses for the Japanese people Ive met, most say they dont care however, there are a few say some Japanese think Chinese people are lame.

No matter what they say, in truth we do care about that, I think everyone in the world cares about nationalities, we are not that blind, everybody reads the newspaper, however, I think if you are a good person, in Japan nobodys gonna be mean to you and of course you can make a Japanese girlfriend, you must know wherever you go, this thing depends on the person, I think everybody hates the people who can't observe the their proprieties. I personally hate some foreigners here because they always break our traditions, rules and peace even if there is the fact they are the foreigners here. If you think this is a racism, say it.

Yes, young people are not racist at all in my experience.

Chinese lame? I think the Japanese that express that opinion are simply jealous of the current strength of China.

Jesus, Darn, not true. Who would be jealous about China as the Japanese?
You must consider the fact that China freely and constantly ignores our "Intellectual Property Right" first. As a person who works for Japanese company this thing always annoys me lately, they don't listen to me, darn. They are breaking our rules. Why would we like them? [imo piracy about "culture", I mean JAV or something is not that bad]

i don't know why my last msg has been deleted, anyway:
although many locals really look down gaijin, but as you're Chinese, there shouldn't be any racist problems.

In the past YES, we had hated all the foreigners, and this is also not a racism, Japan had been afraid of being colonized by the western countries.

Today, I say NO, in general, the Japanese are just shy and afraid of the foreigners especially in locals because weve never experienced this diversity thing and generally the foreigners. I think you can't understand this, if you are not Japanese.

Regarding racism and those who ARE racist in this country, Chinese would be ranked #1 in the 'dislike' category, quite possibly next to those from the United States. As with your last post, you don't seem to know what you are talking about, hence a probably reason for it's deletion.

According to poll 読売新聞, China or Korea, not America, I think in general we love America, I personally love America not just because I have American relatives, but also the freedom and everything.


Feb 11, 2007
Not all Chinese people hate Japan. To assume someone hates Japan just because they're ethnically (or nationally) Chinese would, in fact, be racist.

Also, 中国 means "middle country", as in the land that is geographically located in the middle. If it meant "center of the world", it would be written 中世界. Of course, there are still plenty of people in China who really do believe that China is the center of the world.


New Member
Aug 18, 2011
Not all Chinese people hate Japan. To assume someone hates Japan just because they're ethnically (or nationally) Chinese would, in fact, be racist.

Also, 中国 means "middle country", as in the land that is geographically located in the middle. If it meant "center of the world", it would be written 中世界. Of course, there are still plenty of people in China who really do believe that China is the center of the world.

First of all, if you are not anti japanese and you like Japan, I consider you as a friend, however, I must say what I can say here. And I don't know how old you are. As for myself, I was born in 1985, 26yrz old, male.

Of course, As for the first part, I believe so, because when Ive lived in the US, Often many Chinese guys had said to me like "Please introduce me to Japanese girls", but I'm not always sure they really consider the Japanese as human beings? In my head I can't forget that I happened to hear that on university campus, one of the Chinese said, "after having sex with them, we can dump JAP shites as crap." After that, I began to think that the Chinese guys generally consider that all the Japanese girs are whores as sex machines.

As for myself, one of my ex-girlfriend is Chinese who hates China very much herself and eventually she got married to the Japanese, and she decided to live in here for the rest of her life to run away from China. Personally as her ex, I know that she suffers from her identity. When Im with her she had barely said that she is actually Chinese.

And right now I have a neighbour who is obviously Chinese, however, he never tried to take part in our community. I don't know why.

If there is someone really wanna live in Japan as a Chinese or naturalized Chinese, I think you have to face the reality here, I cant lie about that.

"they're ethnically (or nationally) Chinese would, in fact, be racist."
What do you mean by that? Can you elaborate on this?

"Also, 中国 means "middle country"
OK, Let me correct this, offically 中華人民共和国 is called 中国 for short, Right?

What about 中華思想 then? Can you deny this one as well?

No offense, but I say you don't know about our history well. Yeah of course, part of "中国" means "middle country", however, in Japan weve already had "中国"<地方>, you know like 広島 is part of that.

Then Why the hell should we call China 中国? We have two 中国"s"?

Before we discuss this thing, you have to know why China has been called as "China". Do you really know the origins of this? This comes from "秦" which is the first dynasty of Imperial China. I don't know how to pronounce in Chinese, Qin or something I assume. In Japanese we pronounce "秦" "Chin", So historically we call 中国 支那[China], every country calls 中国 China after Indian pronounciation or something. If I remeber correctly in French China is also pronounced as Chin and in German as hina or something. I think almost all countries call 中国 "China" or something like that after "秦".


Again Then Why the hell should we call China 中国? We have two 中国"s"? Why do we have to call 支那 中国 out of the blue even if Japan has already had it.

Because China claims that "支那" is a slur, so we cant help but use the word 中国 for China, then what happened to "中国地方" in Japan? After that they cant sell their goods well, because in general Japan can't trust the Chinese goods. In 中国地方 many companies have gone bankrupt thanks to the name of 中国, And this is a well-known fact in Japan.

I forgot to mention, not only Gyoza, but poisoned spinaches, vegetables and eels etc..., China sold us. Who trusts China as the Japanese after like this, and China never stop anti-japanese propaganda as they do constantly. How many times do we have to say "please do NOT discriminate against Japan?"

You know I can say more about this thing, but I think you don't wanna hear anymore, so I stop writing for now, however, if you want more, I can keep writing that for you. ODA、環境問題、水問題、売春問題、etc........Do you really wanna continue this thing?


Feb 11, 2007
中華人民共和国 is called 中国 for short, Right?
No. 中国 refers to the geo-political nation boundary (geography), whereas 中華人民共和国 refers to the residing governmental body which administers the nation.

I began to think that the Chinese guys generally consider that all the Japanese girs are whores as sex machines.
But you use personal anecdotal evidence as empirical proof that all Chinese guys behave that way.

I'm not here to defend China and say it's the best country on earth (far from it). It has many problems for sure, and there are many Chinese people that are a far cry from model human beings. But so does every other country, even Japan. You cannot sleight an entire nationality or ethnicity based on preconceived notions, no matter how strongly you feel your personal experience.

Think of the scientific method. You have a theory (China, or Chinese people, are bad). The burden is on you to prove that every person in China, or every Chinese person, or Chinese product, or anything to do with China, in history, present day, or future, is bad in order to prove scientifically that your theory is unbiased and correct. And yet all it takes is one instance of something-Chinese being good to prove your theory incorrect.

If you choose to ignore any evidence that disproves your theory (because of personal prejudice), then that my friend is nothing short of racism. No matter how you justify it to yourself, it's racism. And it's an insult to any decent, well-mannered Chinese person whom you have never met, and to the rest of humanity for having a brain and not using it rationally.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
For once, it's not me :D


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
It's kinda hilarious to read some one trying to rationalize their hate by attacking semantics.

中華 is the polity term used by Ancient Chinese for their nation and people. 中国 is the the shorten form used for the modern nation that exists on the Asian mainland TODAY. This term has being in use since the birth of Modern China.

The character 中 (originally at least) did not mean the middle in middle Kingdom, in fact the name comes from the fact that the ancestral land of Han people resided in the central Mainland plains. Granted, Chinese do some times have irrational pride about their origin but which nation with 5000 years of histories doesn't :/

I really don't understand your complaint about Chinese usage of this term considering the script itself is written in Chinese. 支那 is a sensitive word because it was used by the invading Japanese armies and does provoke a lot of historical negativities. Japan moved on from the term because it is politically incorrect.

Lastly, the reason Chinese hates Japan is NOT because Japan stood up to West first. In fact, the earlier KMT revolutionaries modelled their work around the Japanese model and studied in Japan. The earlier feelings was of admiration and kinship but Japanese imperialism put a stop to that. If you dislike the current government then you should also know that Japan played a big role on the ascend of the Chinese communists. If Japan didn't invade then the communists would have never got off the ground and we might even have a Chinese democracy today.

Today Japan and China have a adversary relationship which is very sad because the two countries would both benefit if they work together.


New Member
Oct 16, 2007
I should probably update this with my experience on the subject from my brief visitation, now that I've had a year to think about what I observed and such.

One thing I've noticed in this thread is we all forgot to mention area's that we're visiting. Such as for intance I was in Kobe, (Near Port Terminal). Where there seemed to be a large influx of Foreign teachers there. Just like in America (Where I'm from) certain cities are more accustom to visitors of other countries than others. Though I experienced some negative vibes in places it wasn't so bad to bring down my experience. I was able to catch a cab and order food and visiting the Gaijin club (Curve in Sannomiya) netted me some interesting experiences (And new friends).

Visiting Tokyo, Akihabara, and museums was about the same, little instances here and there but nothing so bad. Some shops wouldn't want to talk to you at all (but were still willing to sell you stuff) While others were happy to try and start a conversation with you (Some to practice english, others just to talk).

I'm sure there's more I can say (Since I haven't seemed to say very much), so if you have questions I guess feel free to ask.

Yes, I really want to go back.