My story aka finding online girls in japan

Aug 25, 2010
I thought I'd tell you guys some of my story with Japan. If you are interested in Japan and want to find girls, this is your post. This is long, so yeah.

I've been to japan 4 times now and am going there permanently soon to work. I went there on a big group the first time and was fortunate enough to make some friends. Since I'm still a student, I had enough time to realize that I wanted to live there, so I ended up getting into teaching before it was too late. Fortunately, I now have experience and the degrees necessary to make it happen.

I knew no Japanese the first time I went, but I didn't need it anyway as Japan is really english friendly. Since then, I've been studying it for 2 years and am probably somewhere around a conversational level. I don't bother much with Kanji yet due to time, but yeah, alot of work needs to be done there. I don't think that the japanese language is that challenging, as it tends to follow the same format, but Kanji honestly really sucks.

The rest of this is going to be about women, so scroll on if you don't want to read. This is not an attempt to brag, but just to kind of give my story on how picking up girls in japan works out. Yes, I was playing so to speak with more than one girl and I'm aware of that:

I've been fortunate enough to get with like 3 or 4 Japanese girls, which all of them I've met online. So yeah, IT CAN BE DONE. Really helps to be younger and somewhat good looking though, but most importantly, you have to be willing to be fail 80-90% of the time. I bet I have failed atleast 300 times or more in even getting girls to talk to me, but that's how it goes. It's really an endurance thing if anything else. You gotta put forth the effort to have even a chance at no gurantees. I really reccomend knowing some japanese and having a date in mind for when you will go to Japan if you want to get a japanese girl online. It's still no sure fire bet, but when you can tell a girl that you will come at this date, they are more likely to go for it then if you can't.

Every time I've been there, I've kind of upgraded women wise. On my third trip there there, I was with a 39 year old heavy set girl. She wasn't my top choice, but I wanted to get my first japanese girl, so I went with it. The main pro's were that she had huge boobs and her own apartment, which was really nice. Most younger japanese girls are going to live at home, and being able to spend a few nights with them is not that likely. Ended up not working, but not missing a ton there. I did get the free tour around Yokohoma and Tokyo, so overall it was good.

I also went out on a date with a filipino girl at that time. Total Disaster right there. I got nowhere with her AT ALL. She did buy me a gift since it was xmas time, but, she then invited her sister along with us for a date and tried to stick me with paying for her sister. Let me tell you now, it didn't happen. However, I was pretty pissed off that she would even try that. The day before I left, I saw her and tried to kiss her. She said something that I couldn't make out that ended with the phrase, "But that's adultery...". I didn't really know what she meant but I figured something was obviously up. Later on, I found out she's married, and that's been mostly the end of that.

My fourth and last trip there was quite the trip girl wise. But before I get into that, I thought I should mention that I had the insight to get a shinkansen pass beforehand. This was the best move I ever made, as I could travel anywhere in Japan to get with some girls for a little more than $300. For those who don't know, it's a 1 or 2 week pass and with it, you can ride the shinkansen anytime anyplace. Greatest deal ever.

I originally had some crazy plan that didn't work out for the 4th trip. I had set things up to go out with like 6 different girls, most of whom were from other countries. I had been working on this months, but most of it fell apart by the final 3 weeks before I got there. 1 moved back to her hometown and 2 flaked out on me which sucked. One of the two claimed to be "depressed" and the other one was just too "busy" and stopped chatting. I tried as hard as I could to get the depressed one to change her mind, but no luck. Found out she was engaged and didn't tell me about it, so I have a feeling that's where the depression came from.

Now, onto the successes of the fourth trip. While those 3 failed, I had two that worked out great.

Before I set sail at 6AM to go meet the first girl of the day, I met another okay looking girl on the shinkansen. Ended up getting her number and still chat with her to this day. I had plans to meet her but planned it after my train pass expired(D'oh). I didn't end up meeting her again though because I didn't want to drop the extra hundred.

First girl of the day: I had been talking to an older hot japanese woman for about a year on. I almost got her on the 3rd trip, but she got sick and it degenerated from there. However, after a year of working on her, we finally agreed to meet on the 4th trip. We set up a date with her picking me up at a station. Since she lived about 30 minutes out of Kobe, she had to drive into the city. She picked me up and was super nervous from the start. I can tell you, as my first experience driving with a japanese person, it was scary. Was totally holding on for dear life. Way different than a taxi ride. We then rode to a love hotel. Love Hotel's are as cheesy as could be, but this one was not too wild. Just kind of your basic hotel room with a huge bed by japanese standards.

I should mention at this time that she was my first, so I was quite jumpy that whole day. I had alot of offers before, but I always wanted to do it big whenever I did it, and I had to do it this time. What is more of a story than the first time with a hot MILF in a love hotel? It took about 30 minutes before we got started and it ended up being just okay. Unfortunately, she got her period a few days before so it wasn't the most ideal situation. Fortunately, there was no blood. She was thin and had really small tits, in fact, no tits at all and quite ugly nipples. However, she had that japanese mom ass which was pretty good. Due to her being on her period and her not being used to western sizes, I ended up outlasting her and didn't even get to finish. We ended up making plans for a second date, but someone in her family died and it didn't work out. While I thought it was just bs, it turns out, it really happened and things are still as they were with her to this day.

I got out of there and headed to my second journey of the day out to Kyoto. I should mention that I started the day after I got there at like 6 A.M. I went from Tokyo all the way to Kobe then back to Kyoto, so it was a long day. Anyway, my second date of the day was a whole different experience.

I had been working a korean/japanese girl for about 2-3 months straight. Everything went fantastic. She was really the hottest one I ever got so far. Perfect body with b-cup or low c-cup boobs. I didn't meet with her until about 6 at night and it took me about 30 minutes to even find her in the metropolis that is Kyoto station. Once we met we had some dinner, got our hotel and everything worked out okay. She was one of the most fun lays ever. Super wet all the time and a real trooper. She even tried anal, but too small for me to enter. I ended up spending most of my trip with her and in turn got the free tour around Kyoto and Osaka, which was super.

Things actually lasted almost one year with the korean/japanese girl, but like all things, it came to end. Fortunately, I got to see her again before the end, as she traveled all the way to usa to come see me, which was alot of fun. Let me tell you though, it's very rare to get a girl to travel across the world for you, no matter what the circumstances are. So if it happeneds, get the most out of it that you can.

Some other highlights on the 4th trip were finally checking out japanese AV stores, a maid cafe and an internet cafe:

- AV stores in Japan are amazing. They are everywhere and they are all 6-7 floors of goodness. They are super expensive, but it's an experience in it's own right. Nobody does AV like Japan. I dropped a good $300 getting Fumie Tokikoshi and Junne/Mayuka Okada videos. Money well spent. I don't reccomend going there though for specific titles. I did that and it took me 12 stores to find a few of them.

- Maid Cafe's in japan are not so amazing. I've been to two and it's overpriced small-portioned junk food with girls who could really care less. It can be a fun experience if you have a good hostess, but it's still not worth it. Maybe just do it if for nothing else other than to say, you did it.

- Internet Cafe's in japan are amazing. I should have taken pics, but the ones I went to had libraries of AV with as much as you can watch for ur stay there. Forget staying in hotels, stay in these. Yeah it's small, but it's going to get you a sweet tv and an internet connection which is good, along with all the av you need.

I'd also like to make some closing comments on girls and related subjects there in general:

- Japan and specifically Tokyo has the hottest girls in the world bar-none. I'll take them over anything. If you like the "black" gal type or the really trendy type, you need to hit up Tokyo asap. I gurantee you you will see atleast 10 girls you will want to nail within the first 10 minutes.

- Knowing Japanese really helps you with girls. While all the girls there do know some english, it's better to know Japanese. It's easy to learn and if you are really trying to make the commitment to get there, it's the way to go.

- You can find hot girls over the internet. I know the internet in usa has a bad reputation for girls and rightfully so, but there are a million hot girls in japan online who like foreigners. As you can see from my story, I've done it, so I can say it's so.

- In my opinion as a white man who's been in Japan, it's either like being a celebrity or an alien. The people stare at you, people talk to you and buy you things like they've known you forever(especially girls - tons of random girls have came up and talked to me for no apparent reason other than I'm foreign.), and there's certain perks and downfalls of being a gaijin. If you want attention, both good and bad, this is your place.

- I swear that all japanese girls have either gone to schools outside of Japan or have been to countries outside of japan more than any other girls. I don't know what the deal is exactly, but I've met countless girls who have done this.

- With girls online in particular, timing and quickness are the key. You gotta move fast and really work at it to get anything out of it. I just want to say right here, I do not reccomend searching the net for girls if you do not plan to go to japan within a couple of months timeframe. I still do it and it's almost guranteed to fail. However, finding your girl 2-3 months in advance is the best option IMO.

- Meeting girls online and then coming to see them is a great way to not only get love and sex but also a great way to get a free tour guide. I didn't plan it this way, but it just naturally worked out this way. Of course, you being a foreigner are going to want to see the famous places, so it's natural that you end up going there with your girl.

- Alot of japanese girls do not come online as much as USA girls do. It really takes a concentrated effort to keep the relationship going and to keep you on their mind.

- Just as you probably got someone on the side, chances are she does too. I really thought I was gonna be with the korean/japanese girl for a long time, but she got anxious and before you know it, I'm yesterdays news. I should also point out that the japanese milf I did also had someone, but I knew that going in and she didn't care, so hey, I don't either.

- I'm not the hottest guy in the world or anything and honestly, I don't think I could catch any girl past a 5 here in the USA, but in Japan, I can get 7's or 8's no problem.

So yeah, I think it about wraps it up. I'm not an expert or anything but have been there and have had experiences. I've just failed about 100 times more than I planned to and had some success along the way. Again, this post isn't to brag, but more to give some information from what I've experienced. I don't think that I'm particularly special, just that I've been lucky enough to have the funds to get to japan and the foresight to plan some things out. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll be more than happy to help, especially with anyone who wants to make the trip to Japan.


New Member
May 12, 2009
I hardly make efforts in reading such long and tedious posts like these, but the more I read, the more interesting it got. Nonetheless, it was quite entertaining to say the least. :pandalaugh: As for the topic about these girl's "hottest", opinions could vary greatly...what I'm trying to get at is, a guy's opinion of an 8/10 girl could be a mere 5/10 to another. Just a little curious but are there any similar AV girls or pictures of girl(s) you got there to sort of reference them to?
Aug 25, 2010
Well the heavyset one looks alot like the mature av star aiju(Forget her first name) but not quite as good looking. Bigger boobs though.

The korean/japanese girl looks like a typical AKB type and not sure who to compare the milf to.
Aug 25, 2010

Yeah. In some of her videos(the women's mature bath house one with Miki Fujino and Takiko Yuzawa that someone needs to re-upload because I can only get Part A), she has brown hair and is a little more tan, and that's really the closest star I think of. Ex was not as good looking though by far and had some yaeba. Yeah the boobs were totally bigger. She really had big saggy boobs with a bird chest. She had boobs that pointed down as well. She told me the size of her's once and I'm pretty sure it was like an E cup in usa. Again, she was not a looker but it was better than nothing.


I am Ryo Saeba in MOKKORI mode
Oct 19, 2010
Could you just take me to Japan mister :please:
I want to feel the way you feel...:notagain:
have japanese hot as JAV stars is my dream...:grassdance:
Help me please:nosebleed:
Aug 25, 2010
Could you just take me to Japan mister :please:
I want to feel the way you feel...:notagain:
have japanese hot as JAV stars is my dream...:grassdance:
Help me please:nosebleed:
There's a million hot girls in japan, just have to be outgoing and go for it. There's also pornstars at all of the sex places.

To update this, last time I went on an extended trip to Japan, I set something up like 12 dates with 12 different girls(3 were models too, but two pulled out and one I couldn't meet up with because I was fucking the one girl). 4 pulled out and out of the 8 I went with, I only really got places with one of them. Part of it is that I go for older girls and the older/young thing is just something girls don't accept easily but I also just got unlucky. There were some other factors involved which hurt it and I'm not really sure if I'll try again. I think I'll just go to another asian country and have alot better luck without much of the hassle. I actually ended up losing even more then what I started with at the last trip, so I may not be returning again.

I do think that times have changed a little which really hurt my system. People don't talk to people they don't know online as much anymore and with people being really self-interested these days, this online stuff is hard to do. The patience also just isn't there while the flakiness is.

For anyone who wants to try something like this, just go to japan. People will talk to you just because you are foreign and that alone will introduce you to different girls. Get them drunk and your chances improve greatly. I really don't believe much in the online stuff anymore and I think if you can set up more than one or two, you will be okay.

To end this one on a good note, I did get to tap a 45-year old lady while I was there(she's the one I mentioned). Naturally though, she had her period which ruined it for me. We went to a love hotel and it was messy and a turn-off. She got rid of it the last day I was there but american sizes are just a little too big for her. She tried but it just wasn't that good. She had about shoulder length dark hair, was thin with a c-section and had a really great ass. Not much going on in the tits department and she was terrible at bj's/hj's, but that seems to be commonplace in Japan.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
This thead makes me giggle :)

"she was terrible at bj's/hj's, but that seems to be commonplace in Japan."
Seems it's any port in a storm with the OP is that's the case, hahaha!
Mar 28, 2008

Willing to bet OP's girls are like the ones u see in those 1 time amateur porns. Like to him they are an 8 but to us they are probably like 2's.

To each their own as I always say but I will make fun of u. :pandalaugh:
Aug 25, 2010
Don't believe me if you don't want. I'll live whether you do or don't. Don't bother replying, because I won't read it :)

Next topic.


I am Ryo Saeba in MOKKORI mode
Oct 19, 2010
There's a million hot girls in japan, just have to be outgoing and go for it. There's also pornstars at all of the sex places.

To update this, last time I went on an extended trip to Japan, I set something up like 12 dates with 12 different girls(3 were models too, but two pulled out and one I couldn't meet up with because I was fucking the one girl). 4 pulled out and out of the 8 I went with, I only really got places with one of them. Part of it is that I go for older girls and the older/young thing is just something girls don't accept easily but I also just got unlucky. There were some other factors involved which hurt it and I'm not really sure if I'll try again. I think I'll just go to another asian country and have alot better luck without much of the hassle. I actually ended up losing even more then what I started with at the last trip, so I may not be returning again.

I do think that times have changed a little which really hurt my system. People don't talk to people they don't know online as much anymore and with people being really self-interested these days, this online stuff is hard to do. The patience also just isn't there while the flakiness is.

For anyone who wants to try something like this, just go to japan. People will talk to you just because you are foreign and that alone will introduce you to different girls. Get them drunk and your chances improve greatly. I really don't believe much in the online stuff anymore and I think if you can set up more than one or two, you will be okay.

To end this one on a good note, I did get to tap a 45-year old lady while I was there(she's the one I mentioned). Naturally though, she had her period which ruined it for me. We went to a love hotel and it was messy and a turn-off. She got rid of it the last day I was there but american sizes are just a little too big for her. She tried but it just wasn't that good. She had about shoulder length dark hair, was thin with a c-section and had a really great ass. Not much going on in the tits department and she was terrible at bj's/hj's, but that seems to be commonplace in Japan.
wow...sounds nice to me...
I can substitute if I was in there...:harp:
How do you get to Japan? I did not read all your story...just scanning..
and bingo...hooraayyyy....girls and more girls....:please:
Aug 25, 2010
wow...sounds nice to me...
I can substitute if I was in there...:harp:
How do you get to Japan? I did not read all your story...just scanning..
and bingo...hooraayyyy....girls and more girls....:please:
Well, I just took trips there and did live there for a little bit, but I prefer visiting Japan instead of living there.

Just to show how easy this can be done, I have a friend who is pretty much the same and usually sets up 1-2 dates a trip. He had two set up last time and ended up getting a third out of luck. Sadly he did alot better than me the last time I was there, but I'm happy for him.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2009
nogimmickneeded4 , thanks for sharing your stories with us. I'm just wondering though, what sites did you use to meet these girls and how did you get confident in speaking japanese so fast?


Jul 8, 2008
Man you cant make this stuff up.

That or you are a good story maker :pandalaugh:

we have radio station in west palm vero beach area that say's this. you should never let a good story ruin a lie. so if looks to good to be true let story go on since might turn to be great read or hear even thou it was lie.
Oct 6, 2007
I'll read this entire post later've been with 3-4 Japanese girls in your life? I've dated around 5 and been with...I can't even count how many, it's not hard to meet Japanese girls. Plus you don't need to date a fatty to get big breasts, I dated a girl who was around 50-55kg and had 34D (Canadian size) breasts. Online is too bothersome, just go out and talk to them in real life.
Oct 6, 2007
Okay so I've finally had time to read this entire post and I'd like to point a few things...

"you have to be willing to be fail 80-90% of the time. I bet I have failed atleast 300 times or more in even getting girls to talk to me, but that's how it goes"

"but there are a million hot girls in japan online who like foreigners. As you can see from my story, I've done it, so I can say it's so."

Your story completely contradicts the fact there are millions of Japanese girls online who like foreigners, or you'd have a better success rate of 20%.

EDIT let's say hypothetically you message 400 girls, because you said OR MORE, and you've had sex with 4, that gives you a 1% success rate of sex. Lets say you meet 8, that gives you a 2% success rate to meet them and not get anything. /EDIT

I've been to Japan for a week and I had no problem meeting a girl on the street and taking her home. Is there a possibility I could have slept with more than one girl? Possibly, but I was there to meet my friends who I hadn't seen in 2 years and I'd rather spend time with her than have various one night stands.

"she was terrible at bj's/hj's, but that seems to be commonplace in Japan."

Are you basing this off all 4 girls you've had sex with (assuming they gave you a blow job)? Because in Korea, giving head is not as common so most of the girls have never done it, however from my experiences Japanese girls are rabid beasts when it comes to cock and are very good at it. Hell my room mate tells me she loves sucking dick.

Here is a real success story.

Without using online dating sites I met 4 Korean girls in the course of 24 hours (I say that because it started Saturday night and ended Sunday night) and had sex with each one, while living in Korea.

Sure speaking Korean gives me an advantage (I'm nowhere near fluent but I have average ability to communicate) but I'm sure my experience isn't too common and it goes to prove girls don't use foreigners to learn English, especially when they prefer you to speak their language rather than English.

Reading your story makes me laugh because you sound like a really desperate guy out to date Japanese girls because they are Japanese, hell you even mentioned something about wanting to have your first Japanese girl

"She wasn't my top choice, but I wanted to get my first japanese girl"

Let me tell you something, nationality does not affect the level of pleasure during sex.

I really hope you're a troll, if so then well done my friend.
Aug 25, 2010
I'm not going to respond to the troll stuff. If you don't believe me, then there's no point in discussing this with me any further. However, if you don't believe me, I have no reason to believe you either on your korea story. Touche.

We are on a japanese porn site and you are going to ask me why I wanted a japanese girl? lol

Of course it works better and has a higher success rate to meet Japanese girls in real life BUT, when you aren't in JAPAN and you don't know many JAPANESE GIRLS, it makes it hard to find a JAPANESE GIRL without using the internet. My city has a low japanese population especially compared with other cities. We have tons of chinese girls though. I can probably count the japanese people I met here on one hand. I prefer Japanese girls because I can speak enough Japanese to have conversations and because I used to live there and have more in common with them.

There are tons of girls in Japan who like foreigners. But, most people don't respond to people they don't know online these days. I can understand it because I get messages from people all the time that I don't know. I have alot more luck on japanese dating sites but, most of those sites are not free and there's alot less girls than on major social networking sites.

Yes, I'm basing it off the girls I got with. If I would happen to hit 4 more who were awesome I will change my stance.

As I've mentioned, if you read my story as "my dick is bigger than yours and I'm some super player" then you read it entirely wrong. If you instead read it as "hey, even if you never met a japanese person in your life but work hard and put time into it, you can get some japanese pussy" then you have read it correctly. For the record though, my friend tried my approach and is heading to Japan next month with 5 dates before he even steps foot on Japanese soil.
Aug 25, 2010
nogimmickneeded4 , thanks for sharing your stories with us. I'm just wondering though, what sites did you use to meet these girls and how did you get confident in speaking japanese so fast?

I used every major social networking site you can think of and I used yahoo chat before the service stopped.

I found a tutor and studied Japanese for 2 years. I think within the same time you could learn as much Japanese or more if you put your mind to it. I also had some help in meeting japanese people online to practice with. Just use craigslist to find a local tutor and get "Japanese for Busy People" and you should be fine. I also recommend skipping learning Kanji because I didn't learn it and did fine.
Oct 6, 2007
either way your story is absolutely pathetic and you are a loser for wanting to date any girl based of their nationality.

Am I to be impressed your friend has 5 dates? oh wow~ sugoi desu ne? that's sad too. The only people you are impressing are people who are even more desperate for pussy than yourself.

I don't care if you don't believe what happened to me in Korea, what I was stressing is your story is not a success story, it's laughable.

As I've mentioned, if you read my story as "my dick is bigger than yours and I'm some super player" then you read it entirely wrong. If you instead read it as "hey, even if you never met a japanese person in your life but work hard and put time into it, you can get some japanese pussy" then you have read it correctly. For the record though, my friend tried my approach and is heading to Japan next month with 5 dates before he even steps foot on Japanese soil.

With a 1%-2% success rate of getting laid right? What you want it to be read as rather than what you think people are perceiving it as is much worse. "Hey guys, if you message 400 girls maybe one will give you lousy head and let you put your dick inside her!" You know that Japanese people are humans too, and it seems like you are viewing them as fuck toys which is probably why you have such bad luck. Here is how you get a girl, TREAT THEM LIKE A HUMAN BEING INSTEAD OF WANTING TO FUCK THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE JAPANESE!