I've had enough...


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
For too long, this forum (and likely others here) have been flooded with nothing but spam and cash links. I used to stop by every day to look for new torrents; now it's once or twice a week at most to sift through the spam for anything worthwhile. Well, I'm putting my foot down. From now on, I will no longer download any torrent nor click on any thumbnail image that is not already attached to a post, and I urge everyone else to do the same. For the posters who attach torrent files and images or sift through the spam to attach the torrent files, I salute you all. Semper fi.


I don't see much difference between torrents and spam/cash links --- they're both unwelcome. The selective enforcement toward copyright law on this site raises major eyebrows.


Child of Godspeed
Apr 17, 2008
i though cash link was banned long ago and now they are no longer posted. Although still some old topic had them.


Master Cheef
Super Moderator
Nov 17, 2006
We do our best to filter out cash links and spam but inevitably some do get through. Reporting bad (cash link and spam) posts helps us out a lot and we thank those who take the time to do so.

Us mods are also tired of users not attaching posts and in the future that will be addressed. It just takes time so please bear with us. Some of us mods are starting to put the hammer down on those who don't attach torrents but there isn't a rule in place yet.

I don't see much difference between torrents and spam/cash links --- they're both unwelcome. The selective enforcement toward copyright law on this site raises major eyebrows.

The selective enforcement is due to the C&D (cease and desist) letters that we've received. We honor every C&D letter we get so that's what you're seeing.

i though cash link was banned long ago and now they are no longer posted. Although still some old topic had them.

Yea we do not enforce the cash link rule retroactively so that's why cash links posted prior to the rule are still here.


Sep 30, 2008
Its a long tough fight for the MODS cause the cash link guys wont quit.

Its our job to fix this as a community to attach files as soon as they post them not just clicking the Thanks button.

instead of having 1000+ hits they might only get 5-10

Thanks Mods for fighting the never ending fight.


I report all cash links I come across, and always attach the torrent in the link.

The mods should be more strict and ban the users continually ignoring the rules. If someone keeps posting cash links, please ban his IP. That would help a lot.



New Member
Aug 14, 2009
I Agree With Freeter,and Nobody Do Nothing About This Spam or Virus,Whatever,Its A Waste of Time to Protest...
See Many Opinions Before became a User Akibe,Sad Fact...


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
There's nothing the staff would like more than to add a rule to force torrent attachments. The problem is that it's very difficult to moderate.

I think the best solution would be a vBulletin mod that only allows new threads in certain subforums if they have a .torrent attached.

I don't think such a mod exists, at least on vBulletin.org. If anyone knows PHP and is willing to write this vBulletin mod for us, we'd love to hear from you.


If the same users keep ignoring the rules, I don't understand why they don't get a Kick+Ban?

The same users keep getting the same warnings, but there are no consequences, and they just keep on posting their cash links.

New users should be required to contribute to this forum and have written a number of reasonable posts, before they are allowed to create new torrents threads.

Using Picfoco, cash link and the like should be reason enough to give one warning and then Kick+Ban.

It is undermining this community, they are only interested in profit for linking to junk porn, it is annoying to the users, it exposes security threats to our PC's, it wastes our time, etc. etc.

Dear Mods - When will you finally start doing something serious against those cash link posters?


Former Staff
Apr 8, 2008
Heh? I've been using PicFoco in another forum.. Does it even pay? I just use it to host images. I don't think using it should warrant a warning, let alone a ban. Cash links? Sure. Ban them all you like.


One has to ask why some users bother using other sites to host their images, when they can just attach them to their posts here in the forum. Saving other users from annoying commercials and the inconvenience of having to check a different site just to see what a title is all about.

Still waiting for a reply from one of the mods - why are spammers, who never uses attachements - allowed to continue their abuse of AO?


Former Staff
Apr 8, 2008
I'm all for torrent attachments but not for covers. Other forums I've been to do not impose rules on how they host images. Torrents are a given, they're small and don't necessarily consume my attachment limits (in other forums just to be clear).

I have to ask why leechers impose their predefined rules on contributors? I mean you guys just leech right? To ask so much of people you don't actually pay is just being an asshole, IMO.

Here in AO. I upload covers and torrents in all my posts since we do not have attachment limits.. Maybe we should have a 'Torrent Poster' group for the torrent sub-forums? The last time I've been to the JAV torrents and download sections, I seen repetitive posts of the same content from different individuals. We don't even have formats on how one should post (title formats, post formats, torrent attachments, etc). I haven't been to most of the sub-forums here because of the chaotic number of topics everyone makes.


For my own part, I always attach both images and torrents to my contributions, and I don't think it is any trouble at all.

There will always be leechers, unfortunately, but to provide the torrent together with what you contribute to the community, is a way of showing care and interest for other members.

An anonymous spammer posting a lot of titles without torrent attachments, and who never takes part in any discussions here, should go elsewhere with his spam.

I find AO a friendly place, and I want it to stay like that.

That's just my opinion. But it is up to the mods.


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
The last time I've been to the JAV torrents and download sections, I seen repetitive posts of the same content from different individuals. We don't even have formats on how one should post (title formats, post formats, torrent attachments, etc). I haven't been to most of the sub-forums here because of the chaotic number of topics everyone makes.

I've made several posts (and sent a couple of PMs) regarding this, all of which seem to have fallen on deaf ears!


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
The question is what do we want? First of all be sure that all your reported posts were/are noticed, but we only can react when we see a rule violation.

We have lots of contributors, so there a is a mere lot of new and old titles available at A-O permanently, many of these contributors have problems reg. reading, understanding and writing English language, so they are not even able to take part in forums discussions. Shall we ban them all because of this lack and see all these threads go lost? We would lose the majority of new threads in the JAV torrents section on one single hit. Is it that what we / you want? I think nobody really wants a forum in too tight chains with 50% torrent threads less than before...

The consequence too will be that there will be a lot less new threads in the DDL section because no or hardly no new torrents means no or hardly no new material to re-upload to download sites then...

Please just try to show some more tolerance against those people I mentioned above...


Why not make post some stickies in Japanese and Chinese telling them to attach both images and torrent to their thread?

Most members do not understand Japanese or Chinese, and therefore a thread with no info and just a cash link to a torrent gives about zero value to our community.

I don't think that attaching an image and a torrent to the thread, in order for others to identify what is being contributed to the community, would be too much to ask.

And we don't need 50 new threads every day with almost similar content. If the spammers were banned, this forum would become more easy to navigate, and the overall quality would increase.


Former Staff
Apr 8, 2008
Suggestions suggestions.. My post was merely a suggestion. A bit of angst in between but you get the point. We gotta start somewhere you know.

Somehow I've lost track of the reality that this forum has members who don't speak English. Then there's spartacus' suggestion.. which opens up another problem: many of us don't bother to read stickies. I feel like were at a standstill.

BUT my support for this forum will not falter. I'll be contributing still, but I won't sorting out posts at the JAV Torrents Sub-forum.. Its just too much of hassle. lol.

I find it funny though.. you don't see the same mayhem occurring in the Junior Idol section.


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
If possible, when someone tries to make a NEW thread in the torrent sections, there should be a reminder on basic rules about "how to post", at least to attach files to the forum. And in the main languages that posters can understand (english, japanese, chinese).
Maybe it's not technically feasible, but I don't see a better "fair" solution.