[IDed] INMU 1st Night

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New Member
May 1, 2009
Hey guys, can you help me ID this hentai OVA? I want to d/l, but forgot the name.

The general premise was there was this weird magic shop that should weird artifacts that kind of granted your wish, but in a warped, perverse way. Lots of tentacle sexing.

One episode had a girl who thought everyone was watching her, and she ended up having sex with tentacle monster with eyes on its tentacle. One was a girl who was in love with her swimteam junior, and then tentacles came out of her when they were having sex in the pool. And uh. I think one involved some doll that this girl kept masturbating with, and she ended up turning into a doll?

Here's a clip: http://www.redtube.com/15858


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
you ask silly questions, the title is mentioned in the vdeo! Its INMU 1st Night = ep. 1 [1st INMU release but not INMU II]

But that´s U.S. licensed material so it may not be posted on Akiba-Online.


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
you ask silly questions, the title is mentioned in the vdeo! Its INMU 1st Night = ep. 1 [1st INMU release but not INMU II]

People don't watch the video title screens, they fast-forward directly to the sex scenes :chinesenewyearm:
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