Hentai Chat


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
We've been using the upcoming H-anime release threads of red's for some time to just hang out and catch up on what we've each been watching, reading, or otherwise doing -- so long as it's got to do with hentai. (Mostly.) But in case that's not what we should be doing, here's a thread for us to just chat.

Rules are pretty simple: no baseless requests (though requests based on active conversation are a-okay), and keep it mostly about hentai (otherwise this is not the right forum for this thread!). That's about it.

I'll get it started, then ...


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Hey, check it out: my first torrent ever.

I've read four really good stories in the last 36 hours.
  1. the orphanage one I mentioned in red's thread
  2. the precocious P.E. uniform-clad schoolgirl one that I also mentioned in red's thread
  3. a really good imouto story by one of my favorite artists, EBA
  4. and of course the excellent conclusion (Chapters 06 and 07) to inoino's IOV2 adaptation, which I only just read today courtesy of Mr. Gantz seeding me volumes 12-14 of Slave Heroines

I'd recommend you to check 'em out. You can do that ... like so. Scroll to the bottom of the page, looking for my July 2009 post. (I haven't provided the EBA details yet, though.)


Apr 2, 2007
I'm betting " Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2" is going to have a lot of unfamiliar terminology, is that the correct assumption? Just from experiences with h-manga, anime, and game that are associated with medieval and ancient times, they'll will generally use hardcore Japanese. :p


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Not at all. It's a really easy read. I think you'll do just fine. The anime, likewise, is pretty easy to understand. I've never played the game, but I can't imagine it'd be much different.


Apr 2, 2007
Just curious about which word you had look up first, lol. Finished d/led a minute ago and scan through it. Yeah, you're right isn't hard but I had to look up "蒼穹” already XD knew it had something to do with the color blue...lol


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Dude, you're okay. The first kanji I had to look up was 誇. It's the second friggin' word of the very first chapter. LOL That doesn't change the fact that this is still easy-to-read hentai. Maybe we just have different standards? My mentality is that if I can read over 80% of the words with no outside help, then it's "easy-to-read." But 80% proficiency is a far cry from good enough. Just like anybody else, I've got hentai which I can read 99.9% of the words in it, but then I've got hentai like this where I'm flipping through the dictionary every single cel.

You know what I do in those situations? Don't. :)

Read the story as best you can, unaided, the first time through and just enjoy it. If you like it enough, then it will be its own reward if you go back through a second, slower time (with your pants up this time! ;P) and translate the words you couldn't read before.

And don't do it rote from Page 001 to Page Last! No, no! Instead, translate the words just for those cels that directly contribute to your favorite scenes, and work your way backwards from there to the more distant cels.

But why am I even lecturing you on this? You're far more advanced in kanji than I am. lol


Apr 2, 2007
Sakun, what are you opinions on LINDA works? I don't think you've ever mention his/her works in any of your favorite h-manga artist thread, which is weird because I think LINDA stuff fit well into the type of artistic stuff that you like.

I love his style but I think the way he/her end most of h-scene in the manga is a bit weak. As a result, it kill the stimulation momentum...especially in his/her doujin stuff.


Waga Itoshii Enzeru~
Dec 6, 2007
We've been using the upcoming H-anime release threads of red's for some time to just hang out and catch up on what we've each been watching, reading, or otherwise doing -- so long as it's got to do with hentai. (Mostly.) But in case that's not what we should be doing, here's a thread for us to just chat.

Rules are pretty simple: no baseless requests (though requests based on active conversation are a-okay), and keep it mostly about hentai (otherwise this is not the right forum for this thread!). That's about it.

I'll get it started, then ...

Actually I once request him a kind of Hentai Lounge
Where we can talk everything,but not hentai related

So it's a good thing U started this thread:XD:
Can we talk our daily live here to?

So as a beginning..
rein I mean 10giolt,what share do you use?
I can't seem to find Wantan Works Tsukasa Limited:petrfied:


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
You can talk about anything as far as I'm concerned, but it's up to the mods and the other members of the community to decide whether that sort of loose leash is appropriate for Hentai Discussion or not.

Short answer: yes, talk away, but try to keep it on hentai more often than not. ;D

Sakun, what are you opinions on LINDA works? I don't think you've ever mention his/her works in any of your favorite h-manga artist thread, which is weird because I think LINDA stuff fit well into the type of artistic stuff that you like.
Heh. Remember this?

I have a love/hate relationship with Linda.

- the way he draws women
- the common theme of women who either (a) initially want it but claim they don't or (b) initially don't want it -- but who either way, A or B, always end up wanting it in the end

- the way he draws men. They're so serpentine! Every time I see Linda's dudes, it kills my boner. They're always CREEPY EVIL-looking. Even the ones who are supposed to be nice!
- the fact that Linda (the man, or team, or whatever the hell Linda is) is such a big douchebag towards his non-Japanese fans
- the fact that he's ruining his career through his own success, i.e. because everybody loves him, and because he agrees to publish in everyone's magazines, but because that's taxing on him, he only submits 4-page stories to most magazines, and since nobody (read: me :p) enjoys 4-page stories, it means nobody is going to purchase his tankoubons. Which means they'll pirate them. Which means he cries foul that people are pirating his work. Which means he relies more heavily on his contracts with the magazine companies to recoop financial losses, and relies less heavily on the fans and their input to him. Vicious cycle that benefits nobody except for the companies -- and even they will only benefit in the short run, because the longer Linda keeps this bullshit up, the sooner he'll find his fanbase withering away

Some of my favorite stories ever are Linda stories. These include:
- NaruRabu 4, which I loved so much I purchased. Hentai aside, it is arguably the best Naruto/Hinata omake I have ever seen. Factor in the sex. Factor in that Linda draws Hinata s-m-o-k-i-n-g hot. Factor in all that jazz and it's just YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH all the way to the back cover.

- this one story of his were several college students (boys and girls both) go camping in the woods, and one of them collects a bunch of mushrooms, and despite a few students' protestations, the rest of the group cooks them over the camp fire and eats 'em. And a sexual orgy ensues. Really hot one, not so much because of the mushrooms initially but because of seeing the main girl become seduced by the others, and in turn she seduces the guy who loves her by appealing to their mutual desire that he be the one to take her virginity. Nice.

- he did a DOA one once that I seem to recall liking

- the first story in W-Hip, while short (I HATE SHORT STORIES!), is drawn really hot. It's the one of the horny-as-fuck housewife in the green sweater.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
By the way: Linda's in my Gold category. :) Nowadays I'd throw that bastard into Silver without a second thought, but for many years he was one of my Dream Team artists, and for that I am grateful to him. Sort of like Hellabunna and Drill Murata: old timers whose modern works are too repetitive for me to get excited over but who are my hentai heroes for their amazing contributions to hentai in the past not to mention the many years of solid entertainment they afforded me.


Apr 2, 2007
Yeah, LINDA's 4 Naruto and 3 Bleach doujins were super hot. Unfortunately, I don't have the RAW version of those doujins. After reading h-manga in RAW form for past few years...reading them in English just feel weird now. To me the English version seem so much longer and sound effects text that got translated (like mmm~ ahh~ ohh~) is kind of icky to me. lol. I probably just end up buying those 7 doujins in the near future just because I want them read them in Japanese.

LINDA Mai <3 doujins look super awsome too. Got to love Mai. XD

I just wish LINDA would add a couple more pages at end to show the girl vigina with full of or dripping with cum after the guy ejaculated. Instead he/her just skip that part and on the next page the clothes are back on and the guy is having a smoke and the girl is all happy-go-lucky~ etc etc etc. The 4 Naruto and 3 Bleach doujins are the evidence to what I'm talking about. Lazy bastard~

I do agree with everything you stated about LINDA.

Gold and Silver category, hmm I don't anything like that. I should try it! The only artist I can think of at the moment that would definitely be in Gold is Shin-ichi Izawa. I love his super lewd stories and the obscene and indecent way of his artistic style. This is going to take a while to categorize. O:


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
did you ever try the Linda Gimmix:



New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Yeah, I did, but I was disappointed with 'em. They weren't as good as the original comic.

Gimmix in general disappoints me: I love the woman's SFX and the colored pencil look of the colorization (NICE!), but I dislike the absence of male dialogue. I'm sure reingiolt strongly disagrees XD , but it's not like I'm a fan of obnoxious guys either! I just don't like it when 50% of the dialogue bubbles get voices and 50% don't. It feels really weird. It also makes me feel really rushed to read the men's dialogue, because the SFX usually have the woman going from one of her speech bubbles right on to the very next one in less than 2 seconds. :\ And it's like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, girl! You gotta give me time to read the guy's response!"

The one Gimmix I've really enjoyed though was also my first one: Hellabunna's Inu 01 - Murasaki. That was really well-done.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
...to think there's something wrong with my share.

There´s nothing wrong with your Share, some files take very long to bump. Today there were about 10 new ones in 3D, for ex 3 from WANTANWORKS (1.2 GB each), WENS by Proper and some by max1 (among others). Just relax and wait...

< 18禁アニメ同人3D >

Perhaps someone could start a new (sticky) thread about new DLsite 3D Doujin releases, although these titles may not be posted here we can discuss them though, I guess...

And DLsite could possibly get more downloaders.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I just finished 中出し孕ませ, an anthology of impregnation stories by different artists. I'd encourage fans of pregnancy to check it out because the anthology covers a rather wide range of storytelling styles, artstyles, and fetishes. Well, I'd say over 80% of the stories feature tentacles one way or another, so if you don't like tentacles, I guess you might as well steer clear of this. Otherwise? Give it a look. [アンソロジー] 中出し孕ませ is what you should search for.[/hide]
白風 - ママペット[hide]
This was pretty good. (Silver-caliber. Very nice art, but the stories are only strong enough to provide this one for a few months' longevity, tops.) I would recommend looking into it if you like stories where a younger man, frequently the woman's very own son, steals away a married woman and makes her his own.[/hide]
南雲遥 - どろっぷ×どろっぷ[hide]
The first four chapters of this book are highly-recommended for fans of stories where a teacher hooks up with a female student and it looks like they'll become husband and wife. The premise is as follows: a male teacher tries to discipline one of his students after school. He loses his patience with her and grabs her boobs. Realizing what he's done, he decides to go all the way and attempts to r*** her. When the two hear someone else out in the hallway, the teacher panics, stops what he's doing, and hopes the girl will let him go. What a coward! Well, the girl think he's a coward, too: and she tells him to his face that a real man should finish what he's started. So she helps him out and the two finish what he began. Insodoing, the girl has now earned herself a man on a leash: the teacher must do whatever she tells him to otherwise she'll tell everybody that he r***ing her. (Dun dun dun!) But as the story progresses, you find out that she's fallen in love with him and desperately wants him to have eyes for her and her alone. She also sees them as something of an already-married couple, lol, as evinced in Chapter 4 by the fact that she had a duplicate of Sensei's housekey made for her special use. XD

I don't much care for loli, and the start of the story the girl's character design is definitely pushing the limits for me (she has an adult face and boobs, but her hairstyle, stature, and dialogue all fit an 8th grader moreso than they fit a senior), but as the story progresses the girl really does evolve into a mature womanly wife-type of character. I've attached pictures to reflect this evolution. Just look at the third picture of her (in a dress, with her hair down, on top of Sensei's bed) to see what I mean. She'd totally pass for an adult woman in her mid-20s!

The second half of this book tells the story of a girl who is killed in a car accident witnessed by a particular boy. This boy then becomes haunted by the girl, who begs him to let her experience sex. I skimmed through it so I don't know too much more of the details, but if this interests you, be sure to check it out!

It interests me too, btw, but I've read stories like this one recently. ^_^;[/hide]
浦瀬しおじ - 年上主義[hide]
Toshiue Izumu is a nice tankoubon indeed for anyone who likes to see mature women who lean slightly towards tsundere ending up making love to important men in their lives -- students, brothers, disciples, you name it you got it. :) I love the first story in particular (see attached image) because it involves an aphrodisiac which compels the guy to attempt to r*** the girl, and then he calms down, but the combination of the physical experience of attempted r*** plus the aroma from the oil lamp aphrodisiac makes the woman want to finish the job. And all's well that end's well, as the final page shows us, w007 w007. :)[/hide]


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I'm giving Inyouchuu Shoku (the PC game) a whirl right now. Have been all evening. Have already beat the game once, and am playing through it a second time to try and unlock the other videos. I'm currently at the part where, on the second playthrough, you have the options of attempting to save just Takeru, just Sui, or both girls -- whereas before you try to save both girls by default -- when you first confront the "little boy."

Anyway, it's been more or less a big disappointment. But it's funny because everything I want to bitch about is stuff that normally you could say is a strength for an eroge. lol
  • I'm upset that there are only three girls. But isn't this a good thing? Don't eroges which have multiple girls find themselves having to spread the wealth more thinly?
  • I'm upset that the game ended so quickly. But isn't that nice, seeing as you got frustrated with how long Infection 3 lasted?
  • I'm upset with how linear the game is. (You almost always have 2 choices, and 99% of the time the bottom choice is the "bad end" and the top choice helps keep you on the path for the main story + Good End.) But then again, isn't the opposite something you hated in Infection 3? How preposterous its number of plot branches were?
  • I'm upset with the art style during sex scenes. But I like the art style during all other portions of the game. lol (I don't like how they draw eyes, nipples, or milk.)
  • I don't like the pregnancy scenes in this game. But hey: at least there are pregnancy scenes for you to enjoy, Mr. I Love Pregnancy! :p
  • I don't like the breast enlargement scene with Sui. Again: at least there is a breast enlargement scene!
  • I don't like how they draw the milk. (I mentioned this already.) But hey, bozo: at least there are tons of lactation scenes for you! :p

On and on it goes. It's frustrating and funny to me at the same time. I really don't like this game ... and yet it did so many things which ought to make me like it. XD

Maybe it's the lack of female external dialogue? The women have TONS of internal monologues. The dudes also talk quite a bit. But the women seem to only moan and whimper and make other non-verbal noises. :\ When they do talk, they're saying how much they don't want it. And they're saying it in what sounds like a sincerely-upset voice. But then the pictures show, and the girls' internal monologues reveal, that they become sex-hungry sluts. Except ... the pictures don't really do a good job of showing it (they just show normal orgasming. They don't show smiling faces or eyes rolled up or anything to specifically suggest that the girl's quite liking this). And the monologues don't either. There's not much in the way of 雌豚 talk. The closest I've gotten, and probably the best line I've seen in the game so far (simple though it may be), has been this one: 「もう、完全に肉欲に溺れた淫乱女だな。。。」 It's the closest thing to corruption the game's given me. And yet the rest of the scene just felt so unfulfilling. :\

Oh yeah! I almost forgot!

If you're a vore fan, you should play this game. No offense, but I think the vore fetish is bizarre and fucked-up. Sorry. ^^; BUT! I respect that you might be reading this post and like vore. And I'm here to tell you that Inyouchuu Shoku is the game for you.
- several of the endings end with the girls getting partially or wholly devoured (and I mean devoured, as in, bones crunching, life extinguishing, they get fucking eaten X_x)
- at least one ending had Sui feeding a bunch of men at the beach (after she'd exhausted them of all their cum) to the tentacle monster in the cove


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
IMO, not that many. There are only 10, maybe fewer, that you can see the first time you beat the game.

What happens is this: you're presented with two choices. The second choice will always give you a sex scene, and then a Game Over. The first choice will always give you no sex scene, and the game's main story continues. After about 10 or so of these "choices," you witness the Good End ending of the game. It involves the three girls defeating the fugly demon-dude with the help of loli spirits from the past. According to the good end, Mikoto is never molested (let alone r***ing) and the worst that happens to Sui and Takeru is that they may or may not have been r***ing but, if they were, there were no noticeable physical effects on their bodies.

The second time you play the game, several things happen.
  1. There are more times when the game asks you to make a choice than there was before.
  2. Some of the choices now have three options, where before they had only two.
  3. Some of the choices may look the same as before, but when you pick them, you trigger an extended scene.

Number 3 is the most common. For a specific example, click the tag.
[hide]The very first possible sex scene in the game is when you're at the beach and Sui says she has to go pee. The game asks you, can she hold it or can't she? If you pick the option that she can't hold it (我慢出来ない), she goes to this cove that one of the other girls told her about earlier. There, she plans to go pee, but before she can, a tentacle monster rises up out of the water and begins to r*** her. Some sea slugs join in, and after much sex, they help her pee. The scene ends like this the first time you play through the game. Rather disappointing, especially since I have no love for urination. Definitely a forgettable scene. But on the second playthrough? Totally different story!

The second time you play the game, if you pick 我慢出来ない, you'll see everything I told you just now, but after that, Sui returns to the beach and is a changed woman. She's now starved for semen (and I mean fuckin' starved), so she solicits the help of a 50-year-old man. She lies to him and says that she needs his help to rescue an injured dog at the cove. She promises to reward him, and deliberately keeps drawing his attention towards her big boobs. He gulps, and agrees to help her out. As they head off, some other boys on the beach (who had sized up Sui's smoking hot body) force their way into the rescue team, too. But Sui doesn't mind, lol. The more, the merrier! So they head off to the cove. When they get there, the guys say, "Hey! Where's the dog?" And she admits she lied. There is no injured dog. The guys get upset. And that's when Sui makes her move. And so do the guys. LOL Much mutual fucking begins. The guys are amazed at what a sexy slut this girl is. Her lust knows no bounds. She hungers for cum. More and more and more. More in her stomach, more in her uterus, more more more! Eventually, the boys begin to tire. They tell her they don't want to fuck anymore. But she won't listen: and she makes them keep having sex with her. Then, when she finally feels that she's had enough, she notices that the men are devoid of energy. (IIRC they're collapsed on the ground. Like you see sometimes in the end of hentai manga, comically so.) So what does she do? She summons the tentacle monster from the cove and feeds the men to it. They begin to scream and protest, but to no avail, and every last one of them is gobbled up by the tentacle monster. Then the scene ends, and the Game Over screen shows up.

Way, way better the second time through. Hell yeah for 溺れた少女 themes. Hell yeah for sexy Sui. And while I don't find femme fatale women any more or less erotic than I do other girls, it's an improvement to the story at the very least! Last time the story just ended with Sui embarrassed that she got r***ing by a monster when she went to go pee. This time it ended with her becoming something of a co-conspirator with the tentacle monster![/hide]

As for the vore thing? It's always shown via text and sound effects. As far as you can tell from pictures, there's just a tentacle inside her boob or inside her vagina. You wouldn't know the difference between it eating her vagina and it simply tickling her vagina unless you listened to the sounds and read the text. Similarly, for full-body vore, it's never shown. The screen goes black and you hear bones crunching and people screaming. Before the screen goes black, the monster eats other parts of the body, but it's just like before, then: you wouldn't know that this is what it's doing unless you listened closely and read the text.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I just beat the game for a second time, and ...

Dammit. >_<

You have to play through it again to get all the movies, apparently. I unlocked a heck of a lot more this time than I did the first time, but I still have only 95% of Mikoto's, 85% of Sui's, and 65% of Takeru's. I also have 0% of the lolis. I don't like lolis, sure, but I haven't even been presented with the option to explore their paths yet.

Also, there was a good scene with Mikoto with breast enlargement, but it ended up going nowhere. It was just a bunch of nipple fucking (meh, not my thing), followed by breast-fisting (really not my thing), and they teased you with Mikoto possibly becoming corrupted, but never really delivered on it. All the way up to the very end, she was still saying things like "No!" even though it was obvious she liked it. She never caved in. Suck. :|


Waga Itoshii Enzeru~
Dec 6, 2007
Been frustated for days...
Looking 4 a website that give away DL Site material
Finaly I found it,Its on Russian site(I Guess?). But....,they split the video on several parts
And the most ANNOYING thing is.. The last part is on paysite!!
Some in filemonster,some in another paysite:defeat: