Gymnastics and Ballets


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
I wasn't sure to open a new thread or follow-up on an old related one. End up I think I need a clear thread topic: Gymnastics and Ballets.

By chance I watched the trailer of EYAN-078.
It's the kind of cover I skip based on habits: hot debutantes almost always leaving me disappointed in future months.

But often I miss out on something interesting, even great. So what got me so excited from a single trailer to make a thread?

It's sexy ballet, more precisely the high brow elegant ballet before the gonzo sex. What gets me (along with Gold Bird, All Nude Ballet etc, see the old thread for details) is the real skills and training that's obvious.
EBOD-545 trailers.avi_20161101_201800.975.jpg EBOD-545 trailers.avi_20161101_201815.691.jpg EBOD-545 trailers.avi_20161101_202014.995.jpg

OK actually I haven't seen the vid yet... and it looks like from the screen caps, the dance routine last not more than 10 mins and doesn't really show much skin. Anyway... I love these real talent moments, quite an antidote to the lame role playing AV that consists of: put on a costume, no effort acting, lay down get fucked in that costume.

Did you come across any more talent related AV, especially high class/elegant art like ballet, followed by sex (especially nasty sex).
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Akiba Citizen
Oct 23, 2012
Did you come across any more talent related AV, especially high class/elegant art like ballet, followed by sex (especially nasty sex).

usually think kind of porn came from Rocket studio

I have seen some dancers sex videos from SOD, I Energy, Shinoda and Deeps, the girls : Yoko and Aya Fukunaga, those girls really can shake their hips, great cock riding actions

and I think dancers are more hot than classic like ballet, but thats my personal preference