Freedom of speech is fine, but...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
Okay here is the deal. I know one of the important things about AO is keeping freedom of speech etc. However I think there should be a limit. There was a sub-forum made to have discussions about this and that. But it seems that now this sub-forum turns into a forum for pedophiles. Is that really what you want? I doubt it. There are talks about when girls are "best for use" or at what age they fit best for fellatio. I doubt you can tolerate this. Of course this is your decision what you can tolerate or not but I'd definitely like to know the opinion of the staff about that topic. It seems like the amount of members with such orientation who can NOT control what they say (and this is the most important thing here) is increasing. I'm pretty sure there are enough places those people know of where they are among people of the same kind. So I don't think it's really necessary for them to spread such things here. I don't think I need to remind you of the case of someone spreading child pornography via PM.

To keep a long story short: There is a reason those images and videos are forbidden here. So why not the talk too? It truly is disturbing for most people for obvious reasons. You could possibly give them another sub-forum which would make it possible to still have normal conversations in the talk sub-forum and they could keep their very own topics out of here. However I doubt you want to openly have a forum that welcomes pedophile activities like that. I guess actually nobody would want that.
Anyways: Such talk makes most people feel uncomfortable. For those who need to spread such talk I think they can stick to their very own special forums in which such talk is the only real topic. But this is Akiba-Online after all, a forum for "Neo-Otaku" and not pedophile. Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with someone actually having this kind of orientation as long as they can behave normally and social and don't go all crazy about it. We already lost at least one good member I know of. Just because of this kind of disturbing conversations about young girls.

So this is basically an open letter to the staff of this forum. This is NOT meant to be another discussion about the topic whether it's good or bad. This is really just a question directed to the staff but I wanted to have it visible in public for every member of this forum as I think their opinion about that topic is quite important for all users of this forum and should be a guideline. I really beg everyone to keep a low profile. It's really just meant to be directed to the staff.

Thanks for your attention.


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
Yep. We try to keep it under control, but some members don't have enough self-control to hold back that kind of talk.

It's difficult to moderate every single post, which is why it's a really big help when members report posts they are concerned about.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Is there a button to report albums or is this unnecessary?


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
You do raise some really valid points. Though we already have Rule 5: "Do not discuss or allude to real-life illegal activities" which covers everything you've specifically complained about.

As for the "Moral Support and Debates" subforum, it was pretty much created so that the threads that - for want of a better term - shit up the Jr Idol Club forum could be moved there. That way people can avoid them if they want. Absolutely nothing of value goes on in those threads except circlejerking and arguing binary points.

It's incredibly difficult to draw a definitive line in the sand here. There's something oxymoronic about the term "freedom of speech, but..." though I do so tire of the same tedious arguments.

I'd love some actual suggestions for policy changes.

Edit: I like "No sexual discussions in the jr idol club"

See also, rule 7:


Jul 23, 2008
If this was meant to be directed at the staff and not every member at AO then you should have used the pm system BPX.

I personally want to take the oppurtunity to thank chompy for allowing the Jr Idol forum to exist in the first place and the moderators for spending their time in overseeing it.

I don't have as much interest in the u15 stuff anymore but I don't mind a little "circlejerking" in the discussion threads. I always thought sexually explicit comments were against the rules there, I remember getting a profile warning once for a bad joke about wanting to sneak a peek of a model change into her outfits,(or something along those lines), so I think the extreme examples presented are just oversights by moderators who have a lot of forum to cover. They should just have been reported to the mods, that is one of the reasons why the report button exists. Other than that if you don't like a discussion or don't find it interesting do what I do, ignore it and find one you do like.

People who find looking at U15 videos enjoyable and discussing them are likely to be attracted to underage girls, big surprise. I have no problem with the rules myself, explicit sexual comments really seem in bad taste to me, but I don't see why that particular forum has to be treated like people who view the material shared there don't have any sexual interest in young girls by nics who frequent the Jr Idol forum! There is a difference between decorum,(which I'm for), and hypocrisy.

I really see no need to over react or add more rules, just encourage members to report infractions of the existing ones seems appropriate to me.


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
As for the "Moral Support and Debates" subforum, it was pretty much created so that the threads that - for want of a better term - shit up the Jr Idol Club forum could be moved there. That way people can avoid them if they want. Absolutely nothing of value goes on in those threads except circlejerking and arguing binary points.
Kind of like a MAA mosh pit or a Porta-potty! :goodboy:
So members can head bang and shit at the same time.

EDIT: I just posted this post a few minutes after Ceewan's and he is right on. There are enough rules.
As a MAA, I'm potty trained and know where to shit.
I say let it be. Get more and more rules and the Junior Idol forum will be an empty shell.


Jul 23, 2008
Investment Banker we are guests in this forum and expected to act like such. If you can't I would suggest you find somewhere else to frequent.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
User was suspended for breaking rules and being an obnoxious troll.


Oct 25, 2009
While I respect everyone's right to free speech to the extent the law requires, everyone should keep in mind that, compared to a LOT of other torrent/content posting sites, A-O is INCREDIBLY liberal as far as what is permitted to be said (and posted) here. There's plenty of torrent sites out there where you can see a user banned for the most trivial of reasons. Thankfully, that's not the case here.

Even if rules are tightened slightly to alleviate the concerns expressed here, this is still a very open forum with very few restrictions on conduct (the restrictions that exist are pretty much common sense). Its not draconian for the staff here to consider banning certain discussions if the intent is to keep the board and the community safe from unwanted attention and undue scrutiny.

Safety of the board above all else! There's too much stuff posted here that I cant get on other sites! :goodboy:


I'd love some actual suggestions for policy changes.

Edit: I like "No sexual discussions in the jr idol club"

See also, rule 7:

There may be some grumbling at the offset, but, personally, I think that's not a bad idea. Perhaps some "fancier" wording like "No Ribaldry". Though there would most likely be some arguments about what constitutes "sexual discussions". We could still say the girls are cute!


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
There may be some grumbling at the offset, but, personally, I think that's not a bad idea. Perhaps some "fancier" wording like "No Ribaldry". Though there would most likely be some arguments about what constitutes "sexual discussions". We could still say the girls are cute!

I don't knooow.... describing underage girls as "cute" could lead to sexual descriptions, Much like Marijuana use leads to Heroin usage. Maybe ban all adjectives.

I must have been sick the day my teacher told the class the meaning of "No Ribaldry". Does it mean, "No Bald members"? :puzzled:
Well, good bye Junior Idol section....


Active Member
Sep 22, 2009
I must have been sick the day my teacher told the class the meaning of "No Ribaldry". Does it mean, "No Bald members"? :puzzled:

ribald (adj) - referring to sexual matters in a rude but humorous way.
ribaldry (n) - ribald language or behaviour.


Jul 23, 2008

A male eyeball and a female eyeball were getting ready to have sex with each other.

The male eyeball asks"Do you want me to turn the lights out?"

The female eyeball replies: "It doesn't matter. I can't see anything when you are poking me anyway."


When the detective walked into the room with his rookie partner he noticed that a dozen women were standing around. All of the women wore shirts, socks, and shoes but no pants or underwear. He immediately took out his weapon and had the women line up against the wall.

Turning to the startled rookie the veteran said: "When you have been around as long as I have it doesn't take long to smell when something fishy is going on".


Oct 25, 2009
"When you have been around as long as I have it doesn't take long to smell when something fishy is going on".

Now that's ribald! :evillaugh:


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It is illegal to run a gay bar in Xanadu. There are ten bars in Xanadu and, because of the law, not one of them is a gay bar. In fact, nine of them outright prohibit gay men from entering the premises, prohibit gay discussion, prohibit gay behaviors, etc. One of Xanadu's ten bars is a little more lenient. While it isn't a gay bar, either, it does say that gays are welcome. The owner of the bar, Roger, is a strong believer in freedom of expression, civil liberties, etc. Roger believes that gay talk is protected talk (under free speech). He allows the men in his bar to talk about homosexuality. He reminds them that this is not a gay bar, but it is a bar which gays are welcome to frequent.

If you don't understand the comparison I'm drawing with Akiba-Online, quit reading right now. Otherwise, you see what I'm getting at, don't you?

Roger's bar is going to have more gays (by percent attending) than there are gays in town (by percent of the total population). Why? Think about it: if there are 10 bars to accomodate the townspeople and only one of them is lenient towards gays, it's going to be the bar which ~all the gays go to.

Whether that means that Roger's bar is a de facto gay bar or not is up for debate and depends on the answers to numerous questions.

And whether it's a legal problem or not if Roger's bar is indeed found to be a de facto gay bar (but not officially a gay bar) is also up for debate and depends upon unknown answers to many questions.

The one thing I will say, though, is that regardless of the fetish -- big breasts, flat chest, big ass, small ass, middle-aged, college-aged, underaged, grandma-aged, male, female, white, black, slender, fat, healthy, ill/disabled, sane, insane, intelligent, stupid -- any discussion on how to go about abducting or raping other people needs to not only be banned but the people who are guilty of such talk need to be reported to the legal authorities. I mean, seriously: it's morally imperative that you do so, otherwise some innocent person could become that guy's next victim.

So long as that's not taking place? And people are just fantasizing about their ideal partner in life? I'd say "live and let live."


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
A male eyeball and a female eyeball were getting ready to have sex with each other.

The male eyeball asks"Do you want me to turn the lights out?"

The female eyeball replies: "It doesn't matter. I can't see anything when you are poking me anyway."
Now, if you want to post that rebaldry in the Junior Idol section the He/She eyeballs should be a safe age range of say...20/20.


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
I know you're posting to the staff but,the internet is for that,free expresion and you can't do a thing about it.I think most ppl who visit here aren't all that inapropiate like u said; but by the other way "other" people who used to live in a cave can't assimilate the new ideas not from today,but centuries ago maybe more,internet or a specific sites is just a massive media of human behaviour. Because they used to live in a cave called "in my house(state country,whatever) we didn't do this and that".The word is ephebophile by the way.By the way don't get me wrong ,Im just expresing my
thouths like you did.
BUT, the most important thing,is, for example in my case; I dislike real violence in real life so I don't visit life reality violence,snuff or whatever it have to do with that kind of stuff I just don't visit or see that kind of stuff.
But I never contact administrators saying,What the heck?Are you insane or what? taking in consideration that internet is for free expresion. If you don't like here,or the ppl who visit here, just leave , nobody is pointhing a gun at you to visit determinated site, you are only degrading yourself questioning a group of ppl you can't and don't want to understand.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Regrettably, even a term like "ephebophilia," though, can be warped and twisted to mean radically different things. On the one end of the spectrum, you have men who are enamored with physiologic women who are legal minors. In the middle of the spectrum, you have men who are enamored with girls in the throes of puberty. And at the opposite end of the spectrum, you've got your borderline pedophiles who plea that they're not pedophiles but ephebophiles because they like physiologic small children who are legal adolescents.

- Ephebophile #1 likes a girl who looks 19 but is legally 16
- Ephebophile #2 likes a girl who looks 13 and who is legally 13
- Ephebophile #3 likes a girl who looks 7 but is legally 13

Like someone said earlier, it's important for people in discussions like these to simply call spades spades and not try to get bogged down in ill-defined, misunderstood, or ambiguous technical terms. You'd do better to explicitly say, "I am an ephebophile because..." and then list some concrete examples or reasons instead of just saying "I am an ephebophile" and leaving your true colors completely up to each reader's imagination.
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