Ferrari driver reported to prosecutors for exceeding speed limit based on online vide


Jul 23, 2008
FUKUOKA -- A driver of a Ferrari has been reported to prosecutors on suspicion of driving over the speed limit based on an online video, law enforcers said.

The man, a 50-year-old doctor of Okawa, Fukuoka Prefecture, reportedly has told investigators, "I wanted to make a Ferrari promotional video."

The man is accused of driving at 124 kilometers per hour in a 40 kilometer per hour speed limit zone on a bridge in Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, on the morning of April 24, 2011.

Police say the man set up a camera behind the driver's seat and recorded the car cruising, then posted the video online. In May, police received a tip about the video and began investigating. They determined the speed of the Ferrari based on the distance covered and time elapsed. The video had been criticized on Internet message boards for showing dangerous driving.


I watched this 6 minute video, the guy chases what looks to be a porche for the first 4 minutes, (the porche totally smoked him), and while he was all over the road somewhat it is not really a very exciting or cinematic video. Arresting him was a bit much I think. For those interested here is the vid:



Oct 25, 2009
Arresting him was a bit much I think

From our vantage point across the pond, it does seem a little extreme.

But, then again, that's probably why Japan is safer than most countries. If you pull a stupid stunt, your ass gets arrested. :pandalaugh:

It's pretty jaw dropping to live in a country where driving drunk can be plead down to a fine and then read about a Japanese police investigation in into an incident of speeding. The Emperor runs a tight ship.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
Cunts like that need to go to jail. I hope he dies splattered across the asphalt.

Risking lives for the thrill of it == sociopathic.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
If you are dumb enough to record yourself doing something illegal and not only that but post it online for the whole entire world to see then you deserve to be arrested. This is like those stupid kids bullying others and then posting it online and then wonder how they got caught.

Evil Kitten

May 25, 2007
One of the nicest cars around recorded with one of the shittiest possible cameras. Arrest at eleven. No pity for this guy. He drove all over the road and showed he was unable to separate his fantasy from reality and now he's being punished. This is exactly how it's supposed to work. I'm guessing by this guy's driving that this was either a rental or the car of a friend. Or he's just a really sloppy driver with more money than sense.