exporting fruits to japan (bananas in egypt cost from 0.36 to 0.61$ per kilo)


Dec 13, 2015
hi anyone her like to working with me in this business ? im living out japan in egypt i noticed that in my country we have the cheapest prices for fruits in the world compared to countries like japan and usa and another 83 country in bananas prices for examples bananas in egypt cost from 0.36 to 0.61$ per kilo (the price now in the market are less than 0.40$ per kilo ) and in japan the cost are in this range 2.78$ per kilo that's mean it's expensive about 4 times more in japan then egypt so if we added the shipping prices to shipping 20 ton of bananas from egypt to japan in a 20ft container with Refrigerated option it will coast about
$1,803.44 - $1,993.28 per container i calculated this number using this site
maybe my calculate are wrong (i don't have any experience in shipping containers before so i waiting professionals opinions here to say im wrong or right) so the whole cost for the whole 20ton of bananas from egypt to japan will be about
1994$ shipping prices + the 20ton of bananas cost in egypt in the highest price 0.61$ * 20ton = 14194$

and in japan the value for the 20ton of bananas if you will sell the kilogram price for just 2$ "20 ton * 2$ = 40000$
i hope to tell me if i was wrong in anything of calculating

what i can do ? and what i look for ?

im just a simple person who have a simple job with a very bad sellary so i can't doing this job by myself i can be broker from inside egypt who will look for the best prices for you and take a fees per ton around 20$ per ton

so i hope to hears your opinions


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
lol, no idea of what to make of it, but I go along with it

forget all the shipping costs, that is the cheapest part, the biggest problem is the amount of people that will get involved in the cargo, and docking in Japan will be more expensive, real estate is more expensive, and travel costs from dock to shops is more expensive, and to top it off, you have to pay all the handlers, and they are more expensive

I hope it helps


Active Member
Aug 19, 2011
Basically I think everything CoolKevin is true. There are soooo many costs involved, the 1994$ shipping price would only be the tip of the iceberg concerning costs.

Plus, I don’t think wholesalers/ supermarkets would buy bananas for more than a $1 per kg, probably much less.

Unless you want to find someone to operate a banana shop with 20 ton of fresh produce on hand. Which is unlikely.