Who is this and what JAV is this from


ガンダムSEED Destiny
Jan 7, 2013
I found the answer to your second gif :study:
It's part of a multi-actress movie

JAV Title: Dandy-079
Actress: Uehara Mina [上原美菜]

Sure took me a while to find :tea:


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I just added to your reputation, ShinnAsuka; I have been noticing how you have been giving unselfishly of yourself, to attend to people's befuddlements. We all know that nagging feeling when we would like so much to identify an actress or film, and find ourselves against a brick wall. Enlightenment can be such a godsend.

I am nowhere near your expertise, but I've been known to give a hand now and then myself. People don't realize how time-consuming research can be. (I believe you when you wrote this one took you a long time.) People sometimes uncaringly throw out a question that takes them a few seconds to compose, and some don't return in the next few days to see if they received an answer. Makes one think, if they don't care, why should the problem-solver?

People also lazily throw out links as reference. Not that the original film source is unimportant (it's actually valuable, of course), but why should they expect the problem-solver to spend even more time sitting through a film? (You have been nice enough to; I rarely have had the patience to do so.) Not many exercise the thoughtful alternative of downloading the movie, and performing nice and clear frame grabs, or screen shots/thumbnails. How difficult is that? (Bitch... moan... grumble. Bah, humbug.)

So hats off to you for your kindness, and for having the ability to unlock the tough problems.


ガンダムSEED Destiny
Jan 7, 2013
Wow Jugulear, thank you for the compliment!

I simply like helping people out, being somewhat knowledgeable in this area.
I also like to challenge myself sometimes, to see if I'm able to solve people's questions. Perhaps you could say that's the motive behind my good deeds :cheer: