Video game girls


New Member
Jun 27, 2008
Final Fantasy 7 girls. I remember ditching school for an entire week to play this game when I got it. Good times man.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
As a gesture of sincere, good will, here's some Zelda hentai. Mostly of Midna, but some of Zelda and one of Link. I wouldn't describe any of it as very good, but it's a popular game you hadn't touched on yet so I thought, "Why not?" And at only 3 megs, it's not too big, either.

Are there any particular games you would like to see hentai of? (Anybody?) I probably only have the common stuff (J-RPGs, fighter games, eroges) but you never know. I have a good Phoenix Wright doujin -- and those are pretty hard to find, seeing as they're normally absolute crap. -.- But if you want fanart and not doujinshi, then I probably won't be able to upload too much right now.

I have TONS of Dead or Alive stuff: doujinshi, HCG, random fanart, tons of stuff. I'll attach three random sample pictures.